Aethusa cynapium Repertorium


Quelle: ABC Homeopathy [T.F. Allen/Boericke/Boger/Clarke]

Bubbling at navel

Can't fix attention

Can't stand or hold head up

Cool, clammy skin

Deathly aspect; blue white palor about lips


Digestion ceases from brain exhaustion

Distress in occiput and nape

Dizzy and drowsy (Gel


Eruptions that itch from heat

Eyes turn down

Face sunken

Heat without thirst


Lymphatics swelled, like a string of beads

Nibbling appetite

Parts feel screwed together

Regurgitates food long after eating (


Squeezing headache, better passing flatus

Stomach seems turned upside down

Sweat (cold) with aversion to uncovering

Tongue feels too long

Violent convulsions

Violent onset, profound exhaustion and lack of reaction, even speechless; as in cholera infantum, convulsions, etc                        !

Violent sudden vomiting of milk


Watery menses

Weak, nervous and prostrated; from over-work

Weepy; worse as disease progresses                                    !

White linea nasalis

Yellow-green, slimy diarrhoea


The brain and nervous system, connected with gastro-intestinal disturbance. Anguish, crying, and expression of uneasiness and discontent, lead to this remedy

most frequently in disease in children, during dentition, summer complaint, when, with the diarrhoea, there is Marked inability to digest milk, and poor circulation.

Symptoms set in with Violence.

<: 3 - 4 h. and evening/warmth/summer;                                    !

>: in open air/company;                                                            !

Morning: Agglutination of lids; coryza; febrile symptoms; fatiguing dreams/after rising pain in navel/after waking stoppage of nose; flat taste.

Forenoon: Vertigo.                                    !

Afternoon: Sad and anxious; cross and fretful; crack in temple; pain on vertex; pain from both sides of head, etc.; crack in occiput; pain in occiput; feeling as if could not swallow, etc.;

empty eructations; stitch in rib region, etc.; heat down back; tension in hip, etc.; shivering; sleepy, etc.

Evening: Want of appetite;                                     ! hic nausea; sticking in knee; itching of eruption; *all symptoms < towards evening and during night till about 3 to 4 h.,

At night: Stool, etc.; urging to urinate.                                    !

Before midnight: restless sleep.

Open air: Fretful and cross; vertigo; eye symptoms; coryza; horripilation.

When alone, Sadness.                                                            !

After breakfast: Pain below navel.

After the colic: Vertigo; weakness.

Getting chilled: Pain in head.

During coryza: Head confused.

During dinner: Ill-humor.

After dinner: Dry cough.

After drinking: Eructations.                                    !

Bodily exertion: Perspiration.

Extending fingers = tearing

Flexing thumb sticking in ball of thumb.

Heat = itching of eruption.                                    !

During horripilation: Limbs feel “As if broken”.

On inspiring air: Sticking under left breast; stitch in chest.

On knitting: Fatigue of forearm.

Lying down: Cough/Lying on back = hoarse respiration.

After a meal urging for stool                                    !

During menses puffiness of face.

Return periodically: Pains in head.

Rising from sitting bent = stitch in chest.

After rising up vertigo/trying to rise from seat = vertigo.

In room: symptoms return; eyes burn; shivering.

Entering room from open air = throbbing in head.

Sewing stiff feeling in thumb.

Sitting, Vertigo; ill-humor; pain in orbit; tearing in frontal sinus; feeling “As if could not swallow”, !            stitches in side; pain in thigh.

During sleep: distortion of eyes; spasmodic movements.

Sweats on going to sleep

Standing sticking in knee.

Turning head to right = sticking in forehead.

On waking pain in head; ear-symptoms.


Frequent eating                                                !

Hot weather



(Forenoon), Gay, good tempered.

Toward noon better mood.

In open air most symptoms disappear; vertigo; drowsiness.

Boring with finger/sticking in ear.

Contact and pressure ear-symptoms.

Eating pain in head.

On becoming erect, stitches in side.

Exerting hand sticking in cords of forearm.

Extension of thumb sticking in ball of thumb.

Extending and bending fingers tension of cords of forearm.

Emission of flatulence, pain in head.

Lying down eructations.

Pressure, stitching and throbbing in temple; stitch in sternum; sticking in forefinger.

After rising problem disappears.

Entering room from open air, feels fresher and better.

Rubbing pain in ear; sticking in rib region; pain in side of neck; burning in small of back; pain in thigh.

Sitting drawing in lumbar region; paralytic pain in left forearm.

Sleep pain in head.

After soup all troubles disappear for half an hour.                        !

Stooping, stitches, etc., in sternum.

Desires and aversions

Burning thirst.

Desires wine, < from its use.

Eating: sudden heaviness in forehead.

After eating pain below navel, lienteric stool, dry cough.


Restless, Anxious, crying

Sees rats, cats, dogs, etc

Unconscious, delirious

Inability to think, to fix attention                                    !

Brain fag

Idiocy may alternate with furor and irritability.

Behaviour; jumping; from window (see suicide)


Dazed (during vertigo, dizziness)

Delirium (foolish, silly/maniacal/perspiration/raging, raving)

Delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions [clothes seen as beautiful/creatures and animals (cats/creeping; mice, insects/dogs/rats running across the room)]

Illusions of fantasy (about self; body; tongue; seems to reach the clouds when going to sleep; too long/about self; identity; is great person/visions or presence of

phantoms, figures, people; faces)

Desires company

Excitement (morning)

Emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition: anguish/cheerful, happy (late morning)/irritability (late morning/noon/afternoon/in open air/after eating/during headache/

during period/sitting)

Jesting/mirth, hilarity, liveliness, etc.

Morose (afternoon)

Rage, fury (see insanity, mania, delirium)

Reserved                                      !

Sensitive, oversensitive            !

Serious                                    !

Unhappy; discontent, displeased, dissatisfied, etc.                        !

Unhappy; wants to injure self; suicidal disposition; throwing himself from a height; from windows

Unhappy; sadness, mental depression .afternoon/evening/in open air/when alone

Weeping, crying, tearful mood (lamenting): at noise/during stool

Intellectual faculties; impaired thinking: difficulty concentrating (in children/studying, reading/confusion/dull, sluggish/idiocy

Insanity (mania, madness)

Insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety: afternoon/in the dark/fear (afternoon/on closing eyes/to close the eyes lest never wakes)

Memory - forgetful/weakness

Restless, nervous (anxious)

Talking, conversation - dislike of talking, desire to be silent, taciturn (late morning)/speech (slow/wandering)/talkative

Thoughts (see preoccupied); persistent (see delusions)  about a garment made the previous day)

Unconsciousness [with fixed eyes/during vertigo (dizziness)]

Wearisome, tired (in open air)                                    !



In open air                                                !

During headache

From movement; moving the head; raising head

On rising (from a seat)

While sitting

During sleep

With sleepiness; at the same time

While standing


Suspension of the senses; as if there were a barrier between sense organs and external objects

Vertigo with drowsiness, with palpitation; head hot after vertigo ceases.


Feels bound up or in a vise

Occipital pain ext. spine; >:  lying down/pressure;

Head symptoms > expelling flatus/by stool                         !

Hair feels pulled

Congestion (see pulsation)

Constriction, tension (see also pulling, pressing) [like band or hoop/pressure/in forehead (As from a band”/over the eyes/from edge of eye sockets to temples; pressure)]

Hot (flashes of heat/with heat in face/with red face/heat rising up inside/in forehead)

Heaviness (see pain; pressing): eating/sitting/in forehead (after eating)/back of head (occiput)/sides

Movements of head; falling (see heaviness); unable to hold up head/backward

Pain, headache (<(<(< many >)>)>)

Skin and scalp; sensation of scalp contracting

Skin and scalp; perspiration; forehead

Pulsating [afternoon/here and there/pressure/on entering room/rubbing/forehead (in open air/on walking/pressure)/back of head (occiput)/sides (r.)/temples (walking)/in top of head (vertex)]

Shocks, blows, jerks, etc. (see jerking pain, pulsation, plug, nail)

Swollen, and feeling swollen (walking in open air/after washing)

Sensation of turning and twisting

Twitching of muscles - afternoon/sides (r.)


Photophobia; Swelling of meibomian glands

Rolling of eyes on falling asleep

Eyes drawn downward; pupils dilated.

Lids - spasmodic opening of eyes/stuck together (morning)


Discoloration; redness (lids; spots; veins)

Distorted; during sleep



Eye gum; corner

Inflammation; wounds; conjunctiva (external lining of eye); oozing pus (including cornea)                        !

Inflammation; wounds; lids; edges

Movement of eyeballs; turned; downward

Movement of eyeballs; rolling

Pain [eyebrows/burning, smarting, gnawing, biting (“As from smoke”/in warm room)

Pain - pressing/stitching, sudden, sharp; around the eyes/tearing

Intolerance of light (photophobia) (chronic)


Pupils dilated (during chill)/insensitive to light



Swellings; glandular swellings

Swellings; glands under eye lids



Confused vision

Objects seem distorted; objects seem large

Double vision


Feel obstructed                        !

Sense of something hot from ears

Hissing sound.

Coldness (about the ear/below the ear)

Contraction; intermittent, afternoon on sitting

Discharges from ear (r./pus/yellow)


Heat - sensation of escaping heat

Itching; in ear (boring with finger)

Noises in ear; whistling                                    !

Pain [r./afternoon/> rubbing/ext. other parts; ext. outward/piercing, stabbing/sudden, sharp (r./afternoon/boring into ear with finger/behind the ear)/tearing in (r./afternoon/rubbing/about the ear]

Stopped sensation (r.)


Ear wax absent                                                !

Violent twitches in both ears, not dissipated by scratching,

Sensation of heat escaping from the ear,

Lancinating pain in the ears, from within outward,

Shootings and tearings in the ears,

Transient though painful stitches in right ear,

Stitches in right ear from without inward,

Now sticking, now tearing, in right somewhat relieved by rubbing,

Sticking in right ear, going away on boring with the finger,

Sticking, extending into the right ear (three quarters of an hour),

Sticking in left ear, with sensation as if heat issued from it, alternating with sticking in left ribs (five hours),

Sticking in left ear, followed by fine tearing around the ear, extending into top of head,

Stitching pain behind the ears,

Ears feel stopped up,

Dryness of the ears; want of cerumen,                                    !

Purulent discharge from the ears,

Troublesome whistling in the ears,                                    !

Several of the ear-symptoms > contact and pressure,                                    !

Stitches in the ears, esp. in the r. ear, as if something hot were streaming from it.

Yellow discharge from r. ear, with stitching pains.

There is great > inserting the finger and drawing the parts asunder.                                    !

Yellow discharge from right ear, with stitching pains.


Impaired                                    !

Sense of stoppage of the ears, with hard hearing, which lasts longer in the left ear (one hour),


Stopped up with much thick mucus

Herpetic eruption on tip of nose

Frequent ineffectual desire to sneeze.                                                !

Discharge from nose - copious/thick

Pain; burning, smarting (side of nose)/ stitching, sudden, sharp; side/ulcerative

Running of nose or blocked nose (coryza) [morning (on waking)/open air (at night)/running, wet]

Sneezing (difficult to sneeze)                                    !


Dry/Dryness (tongue)                        !


Tongue seems too long

Burning and pustules in throat, with difficult swallowing.

Discoloration; palate (roof of mouth); red [soft palate (back of roof of mouth)]/tongue black

Froth, foam, from mouth


Pain - burning, raw and smarting/stitching, sudden, sharp; gums/tearing; gums


Swelling; palate (roof of mouth); soft palate (back of roof of mouth)                                    !

Taste - bitter/cheesy/metallic/like onions/sweetish [morning (on waking)/after coughing]

Tasteless, lacks taste

Thrush (whitish flakes) (tongue)

Tongue feels too long

Teeth; pain; grumbling (see dull); right side, one lower molar, with sensation as if headache came from that side

Teeth; sensitive, tender - painful, in decayed lower molars/tender; decayed molars/electric shocks


PUFFED, red-spotted, collapsed

Coldness; cold chin

Expression - anxious (full of pain); Linea nasalis marked/changed/pinched/suffering



Appearance as if dead (see sunken)

Motions of jaw; lockjaw

Pain - bones/burning (see heat)/sudden, sharp (in cheek bones)/tearing (in cold air/in cheek bones/in lower jaw)

Perspiration (cold)

Skin, discoloration - pale (with headache)/red (during chill/in spots)/drawn, pulled/marked center line of nose/out-breaks on skin (tip of nose/cold sores, herpes on nose/blisters/wrinkled)


Swelling [during period/accumulation of fluid (on entering house)]


Choking, constricting

Discoloration; redness


Hawks often

Feels hot (gullet)

Itching (in gullet)

Mucus; in the air passages

Mucus; trachea (wind pipe)

Pain - when not swallowing/burning [in gullet (from burping, belching)/stinging when not swallowing/sudden, sharp (on swallowing)/tearing]

Pus-filled pimples

Swallowing - constantly/difficult/impossible                                    !

Tickling in the air passages; larynx


External throat - pain [tearing (r. side)]


Appetite; lacking, no appetite (evening)

Aversion to certain foods or drinks; milk                                                !


Desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; wine

Burping, belching [afternoon/after drinking/lying down/empty (afternoon)/food (regurgitation) (one hour after eating)/tasting like food eaten/rancid/gurgling; with nausea]

Heat, flushes

Heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness)

Hiccup (evening/convulsive)

Indigestion - after drinking coffee/after milk                                    !


Sensation of movement - in turning/in trembling (with nausea)

Nausea (in mouth)                                                            !

Pain - ext. other parts; gullet/burning (ext. other parts - chest)/cramping, griping, constricting/sudden, sharp (sitting; bent)/tearing (ext. into gullet)

Thirst - burning, intense/extreme/with headache/unquenchable

No thirst - with desire to drink/during heat


Vomiting - during diarrhoea/after drinking (milk)/after eating rich food/during headache/during heat/sudden/violent/on waking/blood/food (undigested)/frothy

green/milk (curdled)/milky/mucus/water/yellow                                                !

Dull stitches in the side near the stomach, deep in, on sitting; heat disappears on becoming erect (first day),

A stitch in the right rib-region (afternoons),

Stitching in the lower part of the right rib-region, and soon again in the right ear (afternoon),

Sticking in lower rib-region (four hours); frequent and long-continued,

Constant sticking in left lower rib-region, with burning, disappearing only for a short time on rubbing,

A stitch in the left lower rib-region, extending backwards; then sticking deep internally under the left female breast (afternoons),

Painfulness of the hypochondria,

A painful pressing-in and burning, with sticking, in left hypochondria, twice in succession (one hour),

Now in left loins, then in the right lower rib-region, a sudden burning, as from glowing hot needles (four hours),

Intolerance of milk; vomiting as soon as swallowed or in large curds

Hungry after vomiting

Regurgitation of about an half hour after eating

Violent vomiting of a white frothy matter

Nausea at sight of food

Painful contraction of stomach

Vomiting, With sweat and great weakness, accompanied by anguish and distress, followed by sleepiness

Stomach feels turned upside down, with burning feeling up to the chest

Tearing pains in the stomach extending to oesophagus.

Cold, internal and external, with aching pain in bowels

Colic, followed by exhaustion and drowsiness.

Cutting, with violent vomiting.

Colic, followed by vomiting, vertigo, and weakness.

Coldness (during chill)

“As if diarrhoea would come on”

desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks; wine;

Burping, belching;


After drinking;


Empty (afternoon;)

Food (regurgitation) (one hour after eating)

Tasting like food;


Gurgling; with nausea;

Heat, flushes;

Heaviness, weight, oppression (see fullness);

Hiccup (evening/convulsive)

Indigestion (after drinking coffee/after milk)


sensation of movement in abdomen – turning/trembling (with nausea)

Pain [ext. gullet/burning (ext. chest)/cramping, griping, constricting/sudden, sharp (sitting bent)/tearing (ext. gullet)]

Thirst (burning intense/extreme/with headache/unquenchable)

without thirst; with desire to drink;

without thirst; during heat;


Vomiting [during diarrhoea/after drinking milk/after eating rich food/during headache/during heat/sudden/violent/on waking/blood/food (undigested)/frothy/green/;

milk (curdled)/milky/milk/mucus/water yellow]

Total loss of appetite for every kind of aliment,

Want of appetite (although with clean tongue)

Want of appetite in the evening,

Burning, unquenchable thirst,

Thirst (continual/urgent)

Eructations, tasting of the ingesta [tasting of the soup eaten (one and a half hours]

Eructations difficult [empty eructations (afternoon)/after drinking/allayed by lying down]

Hic-up evenings,

Nausea - without vomiting (in the evening)/with prostration/in mouth

Troublesome nausea, with vomiting,

Regurgitation of food an hour after a meal,

Intolerance of milk; the children throw up their milk almost as soon as swallowed, curdled or not curdled, in from ten to fifteen minutes, by a sudden and violent then weakness,

makes drowsy for some minutes,

Horrible vomiting,

Vomiting, painful,

Greenish vomiting,

Copious greenish vomiting,

Vomiting curdled milk (in five children, in two others of greenish mucus mixed with the half-digested green leaves),

Violent vomiting of a frothy, milk-white mass,

Vomiting after the colic,

Vomits bloody mucus,

Vomiting, with diarrhoea,

Vomiting and fever,

Vomiting, with chills, sweat, and debility,

Discharge of greenish mucus from mouth and anus, with violent pains; colored bloody (in two children),

Frequent vomiting, with frequent painful diarrhoea,

Very violent pains at the stomach,

Sense of pungent heat in stomach,

Feeling in stomach as if something had turned, followed by burning feeling, which rises into the chest,

Painful contraction of the stomach,

Pains in stomach, caused by inflamed aphthae and pustules in throat,

Painfulness of the epigastric region,

Pains in epigastrium, with nausea,

Deep seated pain at the pit of the stomach,

Tearing pains in pit of stomach, extending thence into the oesophagus,

Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen, followed by nausea, with or without vomiting,

Intolerance of milk; it is forcibly ejected almost as soon as swallowed; then weakness causes drowsiness; in nursing children.

Violent vomiting - curdled milk and cheesy matter/frothy matter, white as milk (men, children, or pregnant women)/green mucus/with diarrhoea, of green mucus, or (child) bloody substances.

After vomiting, cold and clammy.

Painful contractions of the stomach so severe as to prevent vomiting.

Tearing, rending pains in pit of stomach, ext. oesophagus.

and digestion So far as busy doctors have discovered the call for this remedy, it has been mostly among babies, but adults sometimes take on an Aethusa state, when digestion has absolutely ceased from brain trouble and from excitement.

Want of power to stand up or hold head up


Coldness of the abdomen and lower limbs (l.) with aching in bowels; > warm wet applications.

Cutting, with distension.


Lancinating in the right hypochondrium, in the afternoon.

Painful pressing, burning, stitching, left hypochondrium.

Shooting in left hypochondrium, often and long-continued.

Soreness and painfulness in both hypochondria.

Rush, like boiling water, in navel region; then pinching in stomach,

Great cold sensations in whole upper abdomen immediately,

Coldness of the abdomen (objective and subjective) with aching pain in the bowels (> warm wet applications), + coldness of the lower extremities (l.).

A painful thrust, as with a knife, round about the bowels, above the navel, internally, as it seemed (second day),

Griping in the umbilical region and hypogastrium,

Hard and tense abdomen,

Contracted and tense abdomen,

Swelling of the abdomen,

Large, inflated abdomen,

Bloating of whole abdomen sometimes with bluish-black color,

Swollen, sensitive (hepatic region)

Severe pain in abdomen (in two children),

Pain - in intestines/in abdomen,

Digging sensation in the abdomen,

Throbbing in the abdomen,

Cold feeling in bowels after every dose,

1. Moving in bowels, 2. stool; first part hard, the rest soft,

Excessive griping pain in abdomen,

Gripes - with flatulence/+ fearful vomiting, weakness, and indescribable anguish,

Colic - with diarrhoea/1. colic, 2. vomiting, vertigo, and weakness,

Cuttings in the lower abdomen, with urging to stool, which follows very soft, succeeded by tenesmus and repeated urging (then day),

Intolerance of milk; vomiting as soon as swallowed or in large curds

Hungry after vomiting

Regurgitation of about an half hour after eating

Violent vomiting of a white frothy matter

Nausea at sight of food

Painful contraction of stomach

Vomiting, With sweat and great weakness, accompanied by anguish and distress, followed by sleepiness

Stomach feels turned upside down, with burning feeling up to the chest

Tearing pains in the stomach extending to oesophagus.

Cold, internal and external, with aching pain in bowels

Colic, followed by exhaustion and drowsiness.

Coldness (during chill)

“As if diarrhoea would come on”

Bloated (trapped wind)


“As if something were in abdomen” (movements, lumps, etc.); movements in abdomen; before stool

Pain - aching, dull pain (see boring, pulling, distress, digging, gnawing, biting, pressing, etc.)/”As if diarrhoea would come on”/during stool (diarrhoea)/on waking/

Warmth/behind lower ribs/groin region/liver (when touched)/region of navel; morning/burning behind lower ribs/cramping, griping/pressing; region of navel; morning (after rising)/

Cutting (before stool/lower part of abdomen)/pulling; groin region (l.)/stabbing, piercing; behind lower ribs (r.)/pressing; behind lower ribs (l.)/sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.)

[behind lower ribs (l.)/sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.); behind lower ribs afternoon




Dry - after dinner/from eating

From eating (including certain foods) (after dinner)

Hacking cough at night

Sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing); sensation of crawling (at night/in air passages/sensation of heat; in bronchia

While lying down

Comes on suddenly (after dinner)

Short                                                !




Difficult, oppressed, anxious respiration; crampy constriction

Sufferings render patient speechless.

Anxious; while lying on the back

Asthma attack; during sexual intercourse

Difficult (dysponea) (in evening/during sexual intercourse/in the dark/lying on the back)

Hot breath


Snoring                                                !


Whistling (while lying on the back)

Respiratory apparatus

Hoarse breathing [and sibilant respiration (lying on the back)]

Respiration short and difficult,

Short, anxious respiration (first hour),

Very difficult breathing, with extreme oppression of the chest,

Short breathing, interrupted by hiccough,

Great oppression; she can hardly breathe,

Undisturbed respiration,

Sufferings of patient render him almost speechless.

Respiration very difficult and short.

“As if chest were encircled by a band” causing difficult breathing.

Stitches in l. side of chest.

Short breath, interrupted by hiccough.

Cough:                                    !

Slight cough,

With stunning pain in the head,

With titillating sensation in the throat,

With paleness of the face,

With sweetish taste in the throat,

With tearing pain in the chest,

Followed by mucous expectoration,

< lying down,

Dry cough (in several paroxysms) after dinner (four hours),

Frequent short, hacking (one-half hour),

Cough, producing stunning pain in head.


Heart; Violent palpitation, with vertigo, headache and restlessness

Pulse rapid, hard and small.

Anxiety (region of heart)

Constriction, tension - sides/heart

Heart; palpitations (during headache/tumultuous, violent, intense)

Movements in and of chest; trembling; heart (see fluttering)

Oppressed feeling

Pain - during a cough/region of heart/burning under right breast/stitching, sudden, sharp; respiration [deep/in breast (bone)/l./tearing during cough]

Skin; out-breaks on skin of breast; blisters

Swelling; arm pit glands


Stitches in left side of chest.

Heart and pulse

Violent palpitation of the heart (with headache)

Palpitations - which resound in the head/with vertigo, headache, and restlessness,

Pulse: full, rapid/hard, small/small and frequent/small, frequent, irregular/imperceptible/ frequent, small/somewhat hard and unrhythmical.


Stitching-jerking in nape (two hours),

Distressing pain in occiput and nape of neck, ext. the spine; relieved by friction with hot whisky. “As if the pain in the back > by straightening out and bending stiffly backwards” as in opisthotonus,

Shootings, tearing and beating in the muscles of the neck,

Tearing in the right side of the neck,

Painful tearing in the cords on the right side of the neck (seventh day),

Drawing pain in right side of neck, as if a cord or vessel were torn out; disappears on rubbing (eleventh day),

Violent tearing in a spot as broad as two fingers in right side of neck (second day),

In left cervical muscles, a sharp stitch extending inward; then, a similar stitch on upper part of left parietal bone; then, beating in the whole head, more on right side and backwards,

with sensation of heaviness,

Throbbing tearing in a small spot on a tendon on left side of neck (second day),


Drawing in right lumbar region on walking, disappearing on sitting (one and a quarter hours),

A stitch in right lumbar region; then sensation of a slight pressure, as though a light body lay there (one and a quarter hours),

Want of power to stand up or hold head up

“As if in a vise

Aching in small of back.

Jerking in neck muscles

Pain [morning; on waking/bending backward/travels downwards/rubbing/sitting/straightening up the back/neck (ext. other parts; down the back)/shoulder blades (ext. other parts: arm)/

Between shoulder blades morning; on waking/lumbar (lower half of back) (sitting/walking)/spine/aching (bending backward/shoulder blades)/lumbar region (sudden “As from hot needle”/

Sitting/walking)/jerking; neck/pressing; lumbar (lower half of back)/stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting (neck/between shoulder blades/lumbar/tearing in neck

Skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; base of spine


Twitching of neck

Weakness (tired feeling, in spine)

Fine stitch between shoulder-blades,

Stitches between the shoulder-blades,

Sense of heat down the back, (afternoons),

Pulling in the back,

Weak feeling in the back,

Sense as if screwed up in small of back (frequent),

Burning externally in small of disappears after rubbing,

Weak feeling, like paralysis, when raising himself in bed, when turning in bed, and during movement,

Distressing pain in occiput and nape of neck, ext. spine, > by friction with hot whisky.

Swelling of glands round neck like a string of beads.

Sensation as if the small of the back were in a vice.

A feeling as if pain in back could be > straightening out and bending stiffly backward. 21.

Back feels as if in a vise

Aching in small of back.



Urge to urinate (unhealthy desire); frequent (see urination, frequent)

Urination; painful or difficult urination/frequent (after exertion)/ involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting


Pain [when breathing deeply/from jarring/while lying down/sneezing/shooting (see sudden, sharp); jar/ sudden, sharp, stinging, sticking/during stool (diarrhoea)/

on waking/warmth/behind lower ribs/in groin region/liver (when touched)/in region of navel; morning/burning behind lower ribs/cramping, griping/pressing in region of navel morning (after rising)/

cutting (cutting; before stool/lower part of abdomen)/pulling; groin region (l.)/stabbing, piercing; behind lower ribs (r.)/pressing; behind lower ribs (l.)/sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.;

sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.) [behind lower ribs (l./afternoon)]

Suppression of urine

Bloated (trapped wind)/flatulence;

“As if something were in abdomen” (movements, lumps, etc.); movements in before stool;

pain; aching, dull pain (see boring, pulling, distress, digging, gnawing, biting, pressing, etc.);

Pain; as if diarrhoea would come on;



pain; cutting;

urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); frequent (see urination, frequent);

urination - painful or difficult urination/frequent (after exertion)/involuntary, incontinence; night, bed wetting;

appetite; lacking, no appetite;

appetite; lacking, no appetite; evening;

aversion to certain foods or drinks; milk;




Jerking in neck muscles


Pain; morning; on waking

Pain; bending backward

Pain; travels downwards

Pain; rubbing

Pain; while sitting

Pain; when straightening up the back

Pain; neck

Pain; neck; extending to other parts; down the back

Pain; dorsal (shoulder level); shoulder blades

Pain; dorsal (shoulder level); shoulder blades; extending to other parts; to arm

Pain; dorsal (shoulder level); shoulder blades; between; morning; on waking

Pain; lumbar (lower half of back)

Pain; lumbar (lower half of back); sitting

Pain; lumbar (lower half of back); while walking

Pain; spine

Pain; aching

Pain; aching; bending backward

Pain; aching; dorsal (shoulder level); shoulder blades

Pain; aching; lumbar (lower half of back)

Pain; burning; lumbar (lower half of back); sudden, as from hot needle

Pain; pulling; lumbar (lower half of back); sitting

Pain; pulling; lumbar (lower half of back); while walking

Pain; jerking; neck

Pain; pressing

Pain; pressing; lumbar (lower half of back)

Pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting; neck

Pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting; dorsal (shoulder level); between shoulder blades

Pain; stitching, sudden, sharp, shooting; lumbar (lower half of back)

Pain; tearing; neck

Skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; base of spine


Twitching; neck

Weakness (tired feeling in spine)

Neck and back

Stitching-jerking in nape (two hours),

Distressing pain in occiput and nape of neck, ext. the spine; relieved by friction with hot whisky. A feeling as if the pain in the back would be ameliorated by straightening out and bending stiffly backwards as in opisthotonus,

Shootings, tearing and beating in the muscles of the neck,

Tearing in the right side of the neck,

Painful tearing in the cords on the right side of the neck (seventh day),

Drawing pain in right side of neck, as if a cord or vessel were torn out; disappears on rubbing (eleventh day),

Violent tearing in a spot as broad as two fingers in right side of neck (second day),

In left cervical muscles, a sharp stitch extending inward; then, a similar stitch on upper part of left parietal bone; then, beating in the whole head, more on right side and backwards, with sensation of heaviness,

Throbbing tearing in a small spot on a tendon on left side of neck (second day),

Fine stitch between shoulder-blades,

Stitches between the shoulder-blades,

Sense of heat down the back, (afternoons),

Pulling in the back,

Weak feeling in the back,

Sense as if screwed up in small of back (frequent),

Burning externally in small of disappears after rubbing,

Weak feeling, like paralysis, when raising himself in bed, when turning in bed, and during movement,

Distressing pain in occiput and nape of neck, ext. the spine, amel. by friction with hot whisky.

Swelling of glands round neck like a string of beads.

Sensation as if the small of the back were in a vice.

A feeling as if pain in back could be amel. by straightening out and bending stiffly backward. 21. Limbs.

Eruption round the joints, esp. knee, elbow, and ankle.

Axillary glands swollen.

Stiffness of elbow joints.

Swelling of forearms and hands.

Thumb and fingers bent inwards.

Excoriations of thighs from walking.

Paralytic pains in lower extremities; formication in feet.


Cholera; in babies


Constipation; inactivity of rectum

Constriction, contraction, closure, etc.


Diarrhoea; morning

Diarrhoea; morning; after rising

Diarrhoea; night

Diarrhoea; night; 3 to 4 h.

Diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; milk

Diarrhoea; after breakfast

Diarrhoea; in children

Diarrhoea; while teething

Diarrhoea; after eating

Diarrhoea; hot weather



Haemorrhoids; bluish

Pain; during stool

Pain; burning

Pain; clawing squeezing, as from a claw in anus; during stool

Pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; morning

Pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; morning; after rising

Pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; before stool

Pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during stool

Pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after stool

Paralysis (see inactivity)

Skin and lining; dryness

Urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing)

Urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during stool

Urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); after stool


Undigested, thin, greenish, preceded by colic, with tenesmus, and followed by exhaustion and drowsiness

Cholera infantum; child cold, clammy, stupid, with staring eyes and dilated pupils

Obstinate constipation; feels as if all bowel action is lost

Choleraic affections in old age.

Urinary Organs.

Cutting pain in bladder, with frequent urging

Pain in kidneys.





Curdled; like curdled milk, forcibly expelled



Hard; first hard, then soft

Food appears to be passed undigested (lientery)

Food appears to be passed undigested (lientery); night

Mucous, slimy

Mucous, slimy; bloody

Mucous, slimy; green

Odour; sour




Thin, liquid

Thin, liquid; green

Thin, liquid; yellow


Watery; green


Stool and anus

Contraction of the rectum,

Sensation of dryness at the anus,

Feeling as if the haemorrhoidal tumors were excoriated,


Obstinate diarrhoea,

Stools of partly digested food, shortly after a meal or at night,

Evacuation of a thin, bright yellow, or greenish fluid, mixed with much bile, with severe tenesmus,

Morning, after rising, first some pinching about the navel; then two soft stools,

First part hard, the rest soft, preceded by moving in the bowels,

Painful "going on" below the navel, with desire for stool after breakfast, followed, after some minutes, by hard stool (one hour),

Very hard stool, with clawing in the anus and severe urging (second day),


Most obstinate constipation, with feeling as if all action of the bowels had been lost,

Stool etc

Diarrhoea stools bright, yellowish, then green and slimy, later greenish-grey; green, thin, bilious or bloody mucus, stools undigested; greenish mucus, with bile, much pain and tenesmus.

l Urine.

Pain in the kidneys, worse from sneezing worse from deep inhalation and lying.

Cutting pains in bladder, with frequent calls to urinate.

Urin: red, sediment white; copious, clear as water; too frequent after exertion.

colour; pale;

colour; red;


odour; sweetish;

sediment; white;

clear as water;

Urinary organs

Cutting pains at the bladder,

Frequent urging to urinate,

Frequent urging to urinate at night,

Copious emission of urine,

She passes, three times, much pale urine, like water (second day),

Red urine, voided with difficulty,

Urine depositing a white sediment,


Female; Lancinating pains in sexual organs

Pimples; itching when warm

Menses watery

Swelling of mammary glands, with lancinating pains.

female; out-breaks on skin;

female; out-breaks on skin; itching; when warm;

female; out-breaks on skin; pimples;

female; period; suppressed;

female; period; suppressed; from bathing;

female; period; thin;

female; pain; labour pains; irregular;

female; pain; labour pains; weak;

female; pain; piercing, stabbing;

female; pain; sharp;

Sexual organs

Stitching pains in sexual parts (female),

Itching at the sexual parts (female),

Pimply eruption on the genitals (female),

The menstrual blood is watery,

Male sexual organs

Right testicle drawn up, with pain in kidneys.


Eruption round the joints (knee, elbow, and ankle)

Axillary glands swollen.

Stiffness of elbow joints.                                                !

Swelling of forearms and hands.

Thumb and fingers bent inwards.

Excoriations of thighs from walking.

Paralytic pains in lower extremities; formication in feet.

Weakness of lower extremities

Fingers and thumbs clenched

Numbness of hands and feet

Violent spasms

Squinting of eyes downward.


Coldness - with convulsion/in lower limbs (l. foot/ext. knees)

Constriction; fingers

Contraction of muscles and tendons; fingers

Cramps; hand

Dryness; hands

Hands and feet; clenching fingers (see extremities; convulsions, contraction); thumbs

Heaviness - forearm/leg

Movements and positions - flexed; limbs feel pulled; inwards; thumbs/trembling/twitching thumb

Numbness (see tingling); upper limbs

Pain [upper limbs; when bending arm/forearm; paralytic/4th finger joints/lower limbs ext. to other parts downward/thigh (movement/paralytic/middle)/boring lower limbs/”As if broken”/

Pulling - shoulder (l. then r.)/hip (l./ ext. downward)/shooting (see stitching, sudden, sharp); lower limbs/stitching sudden [sharp in forearm/1st finger (“As from a thistle”)/lower limbs/

hip (ext. downward)/thigh; upper part/knee (evening/while standing)/leg/foot (sole/heel/ext. to ball of foot)]

Tearing - forearm/between fingers [3rd and 4th/in last joint/lower limbs (back of foot/heel of foot)]

Paralysis - painless/shoulder; sensation of paralysis

Shrivelled (shrunken) - sensation “As if short”; upper limbs/skin of hand

Skin; discoloration; knee; reddish

Skin; excoriated (“As if grazed, chaffed”); between thighs

Skin; itching; like insects crawling on skin - fingers/foot

Skin; out-break on skin; joints

Stiffness [elbow/thumb (sewing)]

Swollen, hand - when entering room/feels swollen, but not visible

Swollen; fingers

Tension, tightness - shoulder/fingers/hip (afternoon)

Weakness; forearm (knitting)/

Weak lower limbs

Cold limbs,

Chilly, benumbed, and affected with tremors,

Numbness of the arms,

Shootings, drawings and tension in different places,

“As if the arms had become much shorter”; so vivid that she had to examine them in the morning to be convinced that it was not actually so,

Painful tension in the shoulders,

Painful aching about the left scapula, sometimes ext.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    left arm; attempt to relieve it by rigid expansion and closing the fist, as in a tonic spasm,

Pain in the axillary glands,

Tension, first on the left, then on the right shoulder, very painful (first day),

Paralytic sensation in left shoulder; then, in right forearm (second day),

Arthritic stiffness of the elbow-joint,

Heaviness of the forearm,

Tension of cords on left forearm when flexed; she does not venture to stretch it out, and still this tension disappears only by extending and bending the fingers (on knitting), (5 minutes),

Fine tearing on a small spot on inner surface of left forearm,

Stitching tearing from the middle of left forearm, on the upper surface, as far as the wrist,

Sticking in cords of right forearm, on exerting the hand (first day),

Paralytic pain in left forearm on sitting (second day),

Sudden fatigue of the forearm on knitting; she must lay it aside, when she becomes >:  (quarter of an hour),

Sense of great weakness in right forearm, a hand's breadth above the wrist, down to the little finger (fifth day),

Cramp of the hand,

Frequent tearing in the back of right hand, in the tendons of the thumb, frequent for several days (seventh day),

Fingers -formication/contraction/swelling

A stitch in the left external metacarpal bones (one and a half hours),

Jerkings in left thumb (two hours),

Jerking tearing between the first and second joints of left thumb, as if in the marrow (second day),

Extremely painful sticking in ball of left thumb, on flexion; less on extension (first day),

On sewing, feeling in left thumb as if it were stiff and immovable, and she could not straighten it, which, however, she can (first day),

Tearing in metacarpal bone of r./l. index finger (second day),

In the left side of right index finger, at the tip, a fine stitching as of a thistle, which disappears by long pressure on it (quarter of an hour),

Tearing in lower surface of third joint of right little finger,

Tearing between the little and ring fingers, increased by extension (second day),

Numbness of the arms, aching about the scapulae, extending to the arms.

Sensation as if the arms had become much shorter.

Boring pain in the lower extremities,

Lancinating, tearing pain in the lower extremities,

Formication, referred to the bones of the lower limbs,

Great weakness of the lower extremities (third day),

Coldness of lower extremities (l.) with coldness in abdomen, etc.,

Tension in right hip, then again stitching-tearing in right ear (afternoons),

A pinching, externally, at right hip (two and a half hours),

Sticking and drawing pain from left hip into the thigh,

Sticking in upper part of left thigh,

Paralytic pain in middle of right thigh, on sitting; disappears on rubbing,

Sticking in right knee, on standing (evening),

Tearing deep in right instep (afternoons),

Tearing-stitching in right heel, and thence into the sole, and as far as ball of toes (three-quarters of an hour),

Sticking in right sole under the heel (five hours),

Boring and shooting in lower limbs, with great weariness.

Lancinating and drawing from left hip into the thigh.

Lancinating from right heel into the sole.

Laming ache in the middle of right thigh while sitting; >:  when moving.

Crawling in the feet.



Sleepy, without yawning (afternoon),

The eyes will close with sleep, disappears in open air,                        !

Fell suddenly into a deep, stertorous sleep,

Restless sleep during the first hours of the night,

Restless night; great disposition to slumber; but calm repose is wholly prevented by frequent startings and excessive agitation,

Sleep broken by frequent waking,

Sleep prevented by pains in the limbs,

Frequent waking, caused by a feeling of cold,

Waking up, followed by several hours of sleeplessness,

Distortion of the eyes during sleep,

Slight spasmodic movements during sleep,

Disturbed by violent startling; cold perspiration

Dozing after vomiting or stool Child is so exhausted, it falls asleep at once.


Dozing; after vomiting;

Dreams - anxious/previous events/exhausting/frightful;

Troubled dreams in the morning,

Falling asleep after stool;

Falling asleep; vomiting;

Restless (night; feeling comes on before midnight)

Sleepiness, tiredness - afternoon/during chill/after stool/after vomiting;

Sleeplessness, insomnia;

Waking; frequent;

Dozing of child after vomiting spells, or after the stool.

On falling asleep, rolling of the eyes, or slight convulsions.

Sleepiness all day; sometimes amel. in open air.

Sleep prevented by pains in limbs.

Dozing of child after vomiting spells or after stool.

On falling asleep, rolling of eyes or slight convulsions.


Great heat; no thirst

Profuse, cold sweat

Must be covered during sweat.

Chill [late morning/chilliness (late morning)/external (morning)/internal/shaking, shivering, rigors; on entering the house, from open air/during sleep]

Fever [morning (after rising and walking about/on waking)/localised; cerebro-spinal fever/external heat]

General coldness,

Internal coldness,

Chill through the whole body and external coldness, without thirst, for two days,

Violent chill and external coldness, so that she cannot get warm at all (forenoons, soon after taking it), with sleepiness; lasts the whole day,

General coldness during sleep,

Coldness, with red face,

Cold extremities,

Coldness of abdomen and lower extremities,

Shivering, which is more frequent in the afternoons,

Horripilation in the open air.

Horripilation, with heat, which pervades the whole body,

During the horripilation the limbs feel as if broken, with hot breath and restlessness,

General heat,

Remarkable increase of bodily heat,

Temperature somewhat increased,

Fever-heat (in two children),

In spite of the great general heat complete adipsia,

Sweat when going to sleep,

He perspires very soon from the least bodily exertion,

He cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat,

The febrile symptoms occur more particularly in the morning, and are accompanied with very great malaise and tendency to delirium, which cease during the sweat,

Complete absence of thirst, though there is great heat.

Cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat.

Fever, esp. in morning, with shuddering; shuddering, weariness in extremities, internal coldness with hot and flushed face; malaise; disposition to delirium during cold stage; sweat, after the breaking out of which the previous symptoms disappear.

Sweat on least exertion.

Stages and states

Children, during dentition.


Perspiration cold/profuse;

During slight exertion (see walking);

On beginning to sleep;

Symptoms > perspiring;

Aversion to uncovering;



The whole body becomes swollen and livid,

Violent epileptic spasms, with clenched thumbs, red face, eyeballs turned down, pupils dilated, insensible, milky foam from mouth, clenched teeth, small, hard, frequent pulse, with the usual temperature of body (in a four-years-old child),

Spasms, delirium, and stupor,

Death with convulsions (in two children, fifteen months old),

Whole body convulsed,

Stiffness of the whole body,

Stiffness of the limbs,


Anguish, and very troublesome restlessness,

Restlessness with excessive anguish,

Great agitation,

Inability to hold the head erect, or to sit up,

Unable to hold herself erect,

While walking he is seized with such languor and listlessness that with difficulty he supports himself till he gets home,

He is powerless to raise his head and stand up,

Great general debility,

Great weakness and prostration, with sleepiness (second afternoons),

Weakness after the colic,

Great weariness,

Complete insensibility,

Great and long-lasting nervous sensitiveness,

Indescribable anguish, with vomiting and gripes,

Cries of anguish (in a child),

General malaise,

State of malaise, lasting all day,

Anxiety, characterized by a feeling of weight on the chest,

Epileptiform spasms, with clenched thumbs; red face; eyes turned downward; dilated, staring, immovable pupils; foam at the mouth; teeth set; pulse small, hard, accelerated.

Spasms, with stupor and delirium.

Cold limbs and body convulsed.

Great weakness; children cannot stand; cannot hold up their heads.



Constriction externally;

Convulsions [children/without consciousness/while teething/epileptic]

Food and Drink: coffee/milk;

Lethargic, tired;

Lying down; lying on back;

Pain; cutting; internally;

Paralysis; painless;

Pulsation; internally;

Pulse; frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid (and small)/intermittent(slow/soft/weak

In summer;

Temperature (felt and effects of temperature); warmth; warm bed;

Warmth; warm bed;

Weakness (see lethargic, weariness) (afternoon/during coldness/paralytic; on movement/after stool/on waking)

Nausea and vomiting

Violent sudden vomiting of frothy white substance; of yellow fluid, followed by curdled milk and cheesy matter. Cannot bear milk in any form.

Vomiting of greenish phlegm, similar to the stools.

The milk is forcibly ejected soon after being taken; then weakness causes drowsiness. θ Nursing children.

Regurgitation of food an hour or so after eating.


Ecchymosis, black and blue spots all over.

Sensation “As if head, face and hands were swollen” <: after washing; >: coming in room”;

“As of a band around the head and chest”/”As if parts in a vice”; head; chest; small of back.


Epileptiform spasms, with clenched thumbs, red face, eyes turned downwards, dilated, staring, immovable pupils, foam at the mouth, teeth set, pulse small, hard, accelerated.

Spasms with stupor or delirium.

Restless with excessive anguish.

Great weakness; children cannot stand; cannot hold up head.

Temperature and weather

Headache >:  walking in the open air.

Frequently indicated in summer.

Coldness, rigors, stiffness of the limbs.



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