Cicuta virosa Kind Anhang


Can be easily confused with Conium as the 2 plants resemble each other very strongly.


Aberration of mind; singing, performing the most grotesque dancing steps, and shouting (very closely resembling Hyos. and Stram. children).

Children who do not mature. They live with a feeling that they are still very young and would like to play with toys that are far below their age level.

Mental symptoms and arrested development of the child after accidents or an injury to the head.

Aversion to the presence of strangers.

Behavioral problems associated with chronic epilepsy and worms.

Discontented children; nothing satisfies them.

Personality problems with mental retardation.

Sudden violent behavior in retarded children, characterized by moaning, howling and aggression.


Chronic ailments caused by injuries.

Spasmodic affections: Hiccoughs, tetanus, and convulsions.

Twitching of various parts of the body, especially the arms and fingers.

Other important symptoms


Aversion to company, avoids the sight of people.



Answers abruptly.

Answers when spoken to, yet knows no one.

Child cannot hear about or watch any horrible or violent scene on the television.

Confusion of mind; confounds the present with the past; and tends to also be confused about time and space.



Tendency to startle easily.


Cerebral diseases following suppressed eruptions.

Cerebrospinal meningitis.

Concussion of head accompanied by tongue biting.

Perspiration of scalp, especially during sleep.

Examination findings:

- Contraction of the cervical muscles drawing the head backwards, with a rigid spine.

- Bores occiput into the pillow.

- Head turned and twisted to one side.

- Hot head with cold limbs.

- Kernig’s sign +

- Rolling of head.

- Thick, yellow scabs on head near the margin of the hair (Nat-m).


Convergent strabismus after a blow or convulsions, and from fright.

Examination findings:

- Eyes stare upwards on lifting the lids.

- Pupils dilated and insensible.

- Rolling of eyes.

- Staring look, which is also the first sign in an epileptic attack.

- Twitching of eyelids.

- Corneal reflex lost.

- Open eyelids during unconsciousness.


Examination findings:

- Ears alternately hot and cold.

- Suppurating, burning eruptions about the (behind) ears

- Battle’s sign positive.

- Haemorrhage from the ears in cerebral troubles.


Epistaxis from the slightest touch.

Examination findings:

- Ulcerated nostrils with yellow purulent discharge.

- Yellow crusts inside the nostrils.


Examination findings:

- Ashen pale or bluish red face, with a frightful distortion, during convulsions.

- Chewing motion of the jaw.

- Eczema with thick yellow scabs.

- Epithelioma of lips (Con).

- Herpetic eruptions around the mouth.

- Impetigo.

- Lockjaw, with the teeth either firmly pressed together or grinding.

- Trismus.

- Twitching of facial muscles.


Biting of cheek or tongue during convulsions and when masticating or talking.

Examination findings:

- Foam in and around mouth.

- Scorbutic gums.

- Stammering speech, or the child tends to swallow a few words when talking.


Difficulty in swallowing liquids.

Spasms and constriction of esophagus causing choking when swallowing.

Examination findings:

- Gag reflex weak.


Intense thirst (during convulsions), with inability to swallow.

Spasms of the diaphragm cause violent hiccoughs (during an attack of epilepsy) or in cases of a vascular insult to the brain.

Insatiable, ravenous appetite, even after a full meal.

Violent vomiting with convulsions.

<: milk in any form;

Desires: Cabbage/chalk/coal/dirt/indigestible things/lime/mustard/raw potatoes/starch;


Abdomen becomes distended and painful during convulsion.

Colic in the abdomen with convulsions and vomiting.

Perspires on the abdomen.

Examination findings:

- Inguinal hernia.


Desire to urinate every time after stool.

Stool thin, watery, and gushing out.

Examination findings:

- Passes roundworms with stools.

- Prolapse.

Urinary organs:

Passed urine in large quantities, or has an absolute retention of urine.

Examination findings:

- Spasmodic stricture of the urethra.

Respiratory organs:

Examination findings:

- Arrested breathing during convulsions.

- Gasping respiration.


Weak action of the heart, with sensation as if the heart ceased to beat.

Examination findings:

- Pulse: Tremulous, weak, slow, almost imperceptible.


Concussion of the spine.

Spinal meningitis and myelitis.

Examination findings:

- Back bent backward like an arch.

- Kernig’s sign +

- Spasms in the cervical muscles.


Shocks in the limbs causing them to jerk.

Complete powerlessness of limbs after sudden jerks.

Examination findings:

- Clenched fingers.

- Cold limbs with convulsions.

- Distortion of limbs with convulsions.

- Limbs alternately extended and flexed during epileptic convulsions.

- Arthritis nodosities.

- Blue nails.

- Veins of hands distended.


Brain disease from suppressed eruptions.

Examination findings:

- Chronic impetigo.

- Eczema with exudates that forms hard, lemon-colored crusts.


Bites his tongue and grinds his teeth in sleep.

Profuse sweating at night causes sleeplessness.


Cerebral and typhoid fever.

Fever in children with worm complaints, with colic and convulsions.

Intense heat with convulsions.


Ailments from: Colic, dentition, draft of air, fever, from becoming chilled, head injuries, intestinal worms, noise, pressure on a part, touch

Aura: Begins in the stomach or around the head or throat and extends downwards (opposite of Cupr-met. where the aura extends upwards).

Before convulsions: Shrieking.

During convulsions: - Abdominal distention and pain

- Ashen pale or bluish red face with frightful distortion

- Biting of the cheek or tongue.

- Cold limbs that get alternately extended and flexed

- Lockjaw with the teeth either firmly pressed together or grinding together

- Loss of consciousness

- Opisthotonos with body and limbs extended, stiff, immobile, and hard as wood, OR absolutely relaxed and hanging down.

- Shrieking.

- Spasms of the diaphragm causing violent hiccough

- Bloody froth from the mouth.

- Blue lips.

- Excitement.

- Moaning, howling, whimpering and weeping.

- Trismus.

Convulsions go from center to periphery.

Tetanic rigidity from splinters.

Spasms are renewed by touch or noise.

Spasms move downwards with terrific violence, with sudden shocks through the body or head, then rigidity or shrieks, followed by prolonged unconsciousness or utter prostration, as if lifeless.

Stupefaction between convulsions.


Stupor returns quickly after answering the question correctly.

Useful for concussions, sprains, and splinter wounds.

Chilliness, with a desire for warmth.

Neurological complaints from suppressed eruptions.




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