Comparison: Sabad. Verat. Colch.

Alkaloid Veratrin in Sabad. and Verat: many symptoms in common: intense irritant causes violent sneezing, tingling, prickling, numbness, formication, and finally paralysis of the end nerves.

Sabad. and its alkaloids show a deeper action than the mere effect of a pure irritant: tears flowing as soon as pain is felt in any part/formication ext. remote parts of the body, all showing reflex symptoms through the nervous system/= affecTED. Sensory illusions: imagines himself sick/thinks parts enlarged or shrunken/sense of crawling and itching. Many nervous phenomena: spasms, twitchings, hemicrania, colics, coughs, sneezing, etc., reflex from or connected with worm, abdominal or other irritations. Spasmodic sneezing, reflex from any slight cause.

It was formerly used to destroy vermin and many of the skin symptoms are like those felt by nervous persons in the presence of a parasite.

It is particularly helpful for wormy children who have snuffles. Patients with pinworms are often hard to prescribe for because the worms and the reflex symptoms which they cause may be the only evidences of sickness; here Sabadilla easily leads all remedies.

Irritative: upper respiratory tract/sore throat (begins l./ext. r. + CONstriction/swallows constantly/SALIVA and LACHrymation, < empty swallowing/> hot drinks/after steep.

Resembling Lachesis somewhat and = < hot drinks/after sleep;

Usefully in influenza, hay fever, etc., where it has been used quite extensively. It is, however, well to remember that in the so-called rose-cold (= kind of hay fever believed to be caused by the pollen of roses). In hay fever it is indicated by the predominance of sneezing, with itching tingling within the nose, complete obstruction and a watery discharge, all < in open air.



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