Geochelone o. Centrochelys sulcata = Spornschildkröte/= African spurred tortoise


[Birgit Klotsch]

The core sensation for this proving was related to the sensation of tingling/prickling/burning “As if something was coming alive” in head/chest/stomach/upper extremities.

What was unusual was that several provers described this sensation within seconds after taking the first dosage of the remedy.

First thing; immediately after taking the remedy my lips started tingling and burning lips top and bottom; in the center only; the burning spread in an oval down my chin to the center

of the soft palate into my teeth; went around the back of my neck; spread to tip of nose and chin; really weird; this lasted for 24 hours the tingling; burning sensation.

Burning in a circle in the middle of the tongue. Wandering burning sensations.

First night within one minute after taking the remedy I had a physical reaction; started in right breast; crushing pressure radiating down to my breastbone; warm; went down my wrist out my arm

and into the inner ear; like a numbing in my inner ear; r. eye r. cheek; upper jaw; radiating heat; base of my skull; all < right; inner corner of my eye was burning; it was like dental anesthesia was wearing off; it was a mild tingling. It was warmth.

This was most strongly expressed in the stomach area. Many provers described a numbness or emptiness in this area, which was followed by a tingling prickling excitement. When this sensation was most strong + a feeling of anxiety and agitation.

One prover described it as follows;

I could not think; I started craving for anything I could eat to fill the emptiness inside; I ate 18 popsicles; 7 pieces of pineapple cake; then sunflower seeds (ate a whole pack of them) 2 pounds;

I kept going and going. Finally went to bed to stop eating but I could have kept going. I just had to have it.

The opposite of this sensation was that of numbness which was experienced by several provers, < at night. This was primarily located in the extremities.

Other sensations noted during the proving included, fullness, heaviness, burning pains, stitching pain, pressing pains and biting sensations.


Several provers experienced lovesickness during the proving. The feeling was one of romantic excitement. One prover had not experienced this for many years and the other prover had never experienced this. The feelings were intense. One prover described it as originating from the stomach and associated with numbness and tingling in that region.

Lovesick; I never get involved emotionally with anyone that I am dating; in the last month I have been love sick about it; that has been strange; all consuming kind of emotional; thing; very out of character. He is older than me; I have been getting into poetry and listening to love songs; still going strong for me; never ever felt this way about anyone in the world; Always been a serial dater and never get involved emotionally; felt like I had a spell put on me. To be thinking about him all the time; wanting to be with him all the time; looking to the future with that person In it; feeling

like a longing kind of feeling in the pit of your stomach; like you are hit by this huge emotion that you cannot kick; like really deep in my stomach; kind of like a tingling or numb sort of feeling;

it is not painful or uncomfortable; neither good or bad. Frequently stayed up late talking to this guy on the phone.

The opposite side of lovesickness was also seen. One prover left a marriage of long standing duration during the proving. She felt oppressed and trapped in the marriage and was longing for the love that she felt was missing in the marriage.


Another prominent sensation during the proving was that of compression by a circular band. This was accompanied by a hand gesture of circular tightening. Many of the provers described

pressing pains in the head “As if someone was pressing their finger or a band tightly on them”. This was most problematic in one prover in the abdomen where she felt simultaneous compression and swelling/expansion at the same time. She described it as follows;

Bloated stomach. Feels like my stomach as been in the way. It feels too big and in the way. Feels bruised and sore to the touch. Bruised feeling. Fat like I am going to burst. Liver hurts.

< lying on back. Sensation of being an upside down turtle. Like I am on my back and cannot turn over. Like I am contained in a shell. Like it is contained and bloated.

One of the disadvantages of carrying around a hard shell is that there is little room for expansion or contraction within the shell. This is particularly problematic for desert creatures where expansion and contraction is one of the main themes of desert remedies. Other provers described it as follows:

Aching in arms like being grasped very hard.

Beside myself with worry about my son. Feel gripped by this. It is pressing in on me. Felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin High anxiety.

First night within one minute had a physical reaction; started in right breast; crushing pressure radiating down to my breastbone;

The compression tended to be circular. One prover described it as compression of the head like an iron helmet. Band like constrictions around the abdomen and feet were also noted.

One prover could not tolerate shoes around the feet because of the compression.

There was also an emotional component to the compression-a feeling of emotional restriction and an accompanying intolerance to this. One prover described it as follows;

Friend and I had a conversation about having restrictions on me and telling me what to do; if he goes on a business trip he can do whatever he wants to do; when I do something he is all over it;

I want him to quit putting restrictions on me; that issue came to a head. Restriction is not able to move or deep breathe; being confined; like the same feeling with the belly.

Dream: Full of cockroaches. I was at this house and it was full of roaches. There was a young girl there. I asked her to help watch my kids. She was afraid and said that I will never let her go.

She felt that I would “keep her forever”.

Feel all tied up.

I feel like a caged tiger. Agitated.

There was a strong theme of split and divided that came out during the proving. This is a common animal theme, which is particularly strong in the reptile family.

One desert theme that was particularly strong in this proving was that of prolonged torpor followed by hyperactive energy. This relates directly to the core sensation. In the torporous state, there was a desire for dark cave like places (the animal spends much of its time aestivating during summer heat) and photophobia. One dream that described this:

Dead pirrhana that is pink and yellow. I am afraid of it. I try to flush it down the toilet. It’s alive and tries to get out and then turns into a yellow cat.


Miasmatic classification is difficult to do based on a single proving. However, there are suggestions of the Leprosy Miasm with suicidal tendencies, homocidal tendencies, self contempt and loathing, disgust, helplessness, hopelessness, self-torture, feeling violated and dirty and not feeling good enough. The syphilitic miasm is also a possibility.


General Characteristics

R. sided predominated in this remedy. Tends to be warm and was associated with hot flushes in several patients. In addition, there was a predominance of nighttime aggravations.

Other general characteristics included a tendency towards injuries, weight gain, swelling and lassitude.

Emotions were typically felt in the stomach. Most commonly this was an empty or hollow sensation that had to be filled, accompanied by feelings of loneliness, and anxiety.

The aggressivity of this remedy was particularly marked by irritability and anger. There was a strong desire to kill that came out in the dreams (this was surprising considering the placidity of

the animal and its vegetarian diet). The most common descriptor of the irritability was “snappy”, a characteristic commonly associated with turtles in general.

Compassion and benevolence was seen in several provers. This involved a need to protect others primarily. This also came out in a maternal protective role with many provers having dreams of protecting babies and others. This is interesting in that the animal does not protect its young.

Interestingly, slowness was not seen at all in the proving, a quality common associated with turtles and tortoises.

Physical areas most targeted by this remedy included the extremities, eyes., head and stomach.

The eyes demonstrated much lacrymation and burning pains. They were often heavy and discolored red. Profound photophobia and pressing pains, which could be accompanied by a foreign body sensation. Provers would often rub their eyes.

The stomach area experienced much crampy abdominal pains. Nausea and vomiting < morning and insatiable appetite (these tortoises known for being voracious eaters), + distension and fullness. THIRST (for cold drinks), could be unquenchable. Anxiety was experienced in the stomach.

Extremities were the seat for many symptoms. Much numbness and tingling. Pressure pains were noted that were particularly right sided and in the shoulders, wrists and arms. + often stiffness

and swelling. Much itching.

Menstrual symptoms were fairly common in this proving. Menses were either late or early and coupled with a cramping Dysmenorrhea. Several provers experienced a white leucorrhea.

Sex drive was generally low.

Skin was often dry and there was much formication.

Note: little in the way of respiratory symptoms elicited by the proving. This is interesting in that respiratory diseases are some of the most common forms of pathology for this animal.


Preparation of the Remedy

A video was made of the preparation of the remedy. The theory is that people who prepare the remedy also briefly participate in the energy of the remedy. Although we did not include this information in the selection of proving themes and rubrics, it is interesting to note that several themes were reflected in the making of the remedy. These included the following:

    Communication cut off


    Survival; going belly up



    Pin pointed right side headache > pressure


Vergleich: Siehe: Reptilia



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum