Lutetium metallicum


Vergleich: Siehe: Stadium 17 + Periode 6 + Lanthaniden


[Rosina Sonnenschmidt]

Entertainer (liebt Tricks)/geht nach dem Lustprinzip/unverbindlich/Selbständig + frei/Humor.

Schlechte Leberwerte/Augen ermüden schnell

Gedächtnisschwund/Wortfindung gestört/Schreibfehler/

Can have a dark but gentle humour (spritzig-witzig) which makes life much more bearable (Jews in the diaspora). In the depths of Lutetium there is a loss of Self-Expression... the deep Self... the inner Self is cut off from the everyday run of things. It only finds a hint of expression in humour. It is a place of deep contemplation and rejection of anything superficial or trivial. Beyond good and Evil.



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