Lyssinum Kind (= Hydrophobinum) Anhang




Film: „Systemsprenger“


Kind vom Hund gebissen o. Mutter vom Hund gebissen: Lyss.

"Schreikinder"; Säuglinge, die sich nicht beruhigen lassen, wenn die Vorgeschichte der Eltern eine Belastung durch Tierkontakt oder z.B. Zeckenbefall vermuten lässt.

[Elaine Lewis]

Lyssin (= Hydrophobinum) is homeopathic rabies. Here was a case of mine, a child with uncontrollable anger, yelling, throwing, banging things, kicking,
poking, hitting… all the usual bad behavior….

How did I know it was Lyssin? When the child was 1 year old, he was bitten by a dog and given 8 rabies shots! How many times have I said, “Etiology over-rules symptomatology”?  A very clear etiology here!

Whenever you see violent behavior and a dog bite in the history, think of Lyssin. Something to look for in Lyssin cases: anger, raging, swearing, followed by

non-stop apologizing; fear of water, bathing, dogs, the dark; also, dog-like behavior such as barking and growling. None of this was reported in the above case

but the etiology (the cause) was apparent and sufficient.


[Patricia Hatherly]

Shares a case of Lyssin in a young girl wo had bouts of vomiting. Rage and < looking at water were among the clues to the simillimum.

“Nora” [DoB: 13/9/2007] came under my care in her early teens [2020] (menarche: 2019 age 12) for an unusual disposition to vomit violently. A striking feature of the episodes

is that they strike at night, waking her, lasting for many hours, and episodes have become more frequent since menarche.

She’s the eldest of four girls and the tendency to vomit began after a series of “tummy bugs” after she turned 12 months.

This tendency really escalated after she suffered a severe concussion (luckily no fracture) when she was 3 [2010] when the family’s puppy knocked her over and her head hit a

brick wall. That incident resulted in a sustained and frequent vomiting episode which lasted for 3 hours before her father obtained Arnica 10M from the family homœopath and

took it to the A&E as the 200C they’d used didn’t help at all.

She then had several months of extreme car sickness and random vomiting following that event. It was responsive to Nat-s; (given with her head injury in mind). It had to be given

somewhat frequently.

What is both interesting and perhaps relevant to the case, is that Nora has always been a lover of dogs. And, although she was very small at the time, the family used to have a Kangal dog which is an ancient Turkish breed that is very wolf-like in many ways.

They are huge and intelligent and will independently guard their flocks of sheep as a pack, including attacking wolves and bears as a pack. The family unfortunately had to re-home

her to another farm because she was insistent that the neighbour’s terrier was a threat and she would hunt him specifically, even on the neighbour’s property. When she attacked,

she would lunge for and bite his chest clamping down and then rolling him, thus crushing his ribs, and leaving deep puncture wounds in the chest.

Interestingly, the wolf hunts in the same way, and the following rubric from the Lac Lupinum proving is associated with this instinctive behaviour and it often crops up in cases.

In this instance it does so in the drawings done by Nora as she responded to the homœopathic treatment.

CHEST: Pain, cutting; sternum; s/if someone took a knife to my sternum: Lac Lupinum

Of additional relevant interest from an energetic perspective, is the fact that Nora’s subsequent and much-loved dog had to be put down following a huge < from his 2nd rabies


He was a Pharaoh Hound, and the breed is known to be very sensitive to the whole “schedule”. His breeder told the family to get him his puppy shots then do titres until antibodies

fell. His rabies shot lasted seven years before he had to get another one, but within a couple of weeks, he unfortunately started showing mental derangement. He attacked their Boston Terrier and broke/dislocated his leg. Then he developed a brain tumour that broke through the sinus wall a couple of months later.

So, he had to be put to sleep in the Spring of 2020 just as things started intensifying for Nora. She was distraught over his death and very possessive of the mourning; no one was allowed to be as upset as her or care as much as she did.

Nora drew this thought-provoking Cerebos-like “portrait” of the three dogs in her life as a way of working through her grief.

So, apart from the aetiology of A/F a fall, there seemed to be an association with dogs and rabies in her Timeline, so I probed for anything else that we’d associate with Lyssin.  According to her mother, Nora has always had rage issues. Apparently, when she was very small, she would kick small dogs pretty much whenever she walked by. And, whenever she was angry as a small person, she would bite; her cousin in particular!

Anger; Impatient; Rude; Abusive; Bites and strikes are all Lyssin keynote rubrics. Duly noted!

Jealousy is another Lyssin rubric, and Nora HATED becoming a big sister at the age of 5. That was complicated by the fact that her mother disappeared out of her life for what

the family thought would be a couple of weeks, but it turned out to be two months which she spent with her grandparents. And then she came home to a distraught mother desperately trying to establish breastfeeding for two very premature babies after a disastrous birth scenario which landed her in ICU for a couple of days. Understandably, she totally resented the whole situation and was very jealous!

Other important aspects of the timeline, include the fact that she is very vocal about not tolerating the sun and preferring cool weather.


Her mother has also had to get on her case for randomly spitting when outside. Apparently, she seemed quite shocked that that was something nice girls don’t do!

MIND: Spit; desire to: lyssin

Water issues have also, interestingly, been a consistent theme.

MIND: Water is intolerable; thinking of fluids of any kind (even blood) brings on convulsions: lyssin

Apparently, she would scream and yell and get angry whenever her mother tried to wash her hair as a baby and then, as she got older, she would refuse to bathe.

Even now, she only bathes when her hair looks greasy, and it does get very greasy with lots of thick grease around the scalp, which she is happy to ignore.

She’s terrified of joining in the family fun activity of water-tube boarding behind their speedboat. And two of her most significant rage-associated incidents have been associated with running water… the family pool has a rock waterfall as a built-in aspect of the filtration system.

Incident #1 occurred when she [age 6 ½] was asked by her mother to watch over the twin toddlers as they wanted to do some climbing on the backyard play equipment and she

had to duck inside to get dinner started.

“We had just returned from a family outing, and it was close to dinner time. The twins really wanted to play outside on their playground equipment that was on the side of the yard opposite the pool (we had an acre of land at that house with the pool directly in front of the floor-to-ceiling wall of windows into the kitchen and the play equipment off to the side but also in the backyard).

I asked Nora to play with them on the equipment with a stern warning to stay away from the pool for the couple of minutes it would take me to get dinner started. She didn’t want to do it and was mad that I had asked her to!

She initially played on the equipment with them; and followed them to the side of the pool when they got bored with it. As she later confessed, she then pushed E… in from behind and turned around and sat down beside the house, with her back towards her, while she was performing her self-rescue technique in the pool while L…. cried from the side.

When I looked up and saw the babies in/by the pool and ran out, Nora was singing loudly to herself at the far corner of the yard.”

As this was such a significant incident, I brought it up with Nora during our initial consultation, and her summing up of the situation was explained thus: “I hurt people and I feel good when I do bad things to people.”

MIND: Violent temper; impelled to do reckless things, such as throwing a child through a window: lyssin

Water incident #2 occurred around that same age. She was asked to pick up dog poo from the backyard quite near the pool waterfall. She was given plastic gloves, a shovel, and

a bag. As she was reluctant to carry out the task, she got so angry and frothing mad that she vomited.

MIND: …fluids of any kind… brings on convulsions: lyssin

Her father witnessed it and the term “frothing” seemed to sum it up for him and there are several Lyssin mouth symptoms which can be linked. They include: Constant spitting; Frothing at the mouth; Saliva tough, ropy, viscid, frothy and Tongue coated with foam.

Nora, according to her mother, isn’t overly social and much prefers to have a close “bestie” rather than hang out in groups. When I chatted to her about this, she affirmed that going out and about is not something she likes to do, and she’d much prefer to hole up in her bedroom which she referred to as her “lair”!

Because of this exclusivity with respect to friendships, it’s interesting that episodes of prolonged vomiting have begun to coincide with social disappointment when plans associated with a sleepover or outing with her bestie, haven’t worked out as anticipated.

MIND: emotions and bad news <: lyssin

Her most recent episode occurred a few nights before I took the case. It came upon her at 2 h. when she woke suddenly (and immediately began to vomit for six hours) from what

she described as “a terrible dream where a giant spaghetti was eating me alive, and I was being taken over by a dark force and couldn’t wake up. I felt suffocated as if a fungus was

growing over my nose and mouth and someone had stabbed a fork in my gut and was eating my intestines like pasta; they felt ripped to shreds.”

Repertorisation is below and Lyssin was the only remedy covering all rubrics, so was prescribed in descending potencies [10M; 1M; 200C] in November 2021.

This is not a good picture to have in her timeline, I recommended that the 200C could be repeated for random vomiting episodes as it’s my experience that you can shift the Lyssin picture but its quick to slip back in a female due to monthly oestrogen surges which lift copper.

So, I instructed the mother to give zinc aggressively in the second half of her cycle and have regular expert osteopathy treatments to make sure that the neck and upper back are all

in alignment.

She had a good initial response to the remedy, but asked for another dose mid-cycle as her rage tendency ramped up and she felt a familiar and unnerving dark presence around her.

So, her mother repeated one dose of the 10M, and then she was good for several months having some insightful healing dreams about the future (Lac Lupinum); and making new

friends at the art classes she enrolled in.

She got a part-time job and showed an inclination over the following months to face-time her friends and produced some interesting healing drawings; some reflecting the wolf’s vulnerability in the chest area with respect to attack.

She had another episode three months later after a disappointment when her best friend who was coming to visit had a last-minute cancellation.

Nux vomica fitted the picture this time and I found that interesting as it’s the acute of Lycopodium …  ”the wolf’s paw”… and heralded a shift. Any vomiting episodes

subsequently tended to be in the daytime and mostly associated with some sort of digestive upset which responded well to more Nux-vomica and some Morgan Gaertner.



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