Psorinum Kind Anhang


Comparison. of Carcinosinum and others

Vergleich. Kind Sulphur mit andere Mitteln


[Dr. Srinivasan]

Summer cholera infantum - putrid stools.  Nervous, agitated crying at night.

[Dr. Jawahar Shah]

Each and every individual receives a number of influences throughout his/her life & every one reacts differently to each of these influences.

The reactions are mainly dependent on:


    Genetic pattern

    The environmental influences that one experiences in every stage of one's life

The life-cycle of a human being is broadly divided into four stages:




    old age

Each period and transition has its own characteristic problems and disorders.

However, childhood disorders claim greater importance because of their capacity to influence a person's well-being later in life.

The study of the behavioral pattern of all the four Miasms is quite an interesting subject and of great significance in:

    Understanding the child [patient] and his behavioral patterns and thereby the underlying miasmatic influence.

    Deciding the remedy, disease diagnosis, remedy management, second prescription, prognosis, etc.

    Understanding the reversal, i.e. Hering's law of cure from the miasmatic study. This further helps in understanding the disease and its curability

To have better understanding of this miasm, let us look at it's evolution in a child in a step by step pattern.

Our life revolves around:

1] World of facts

In Psoric phase, the children are quick to grasp what is being taught to them or even pick up facts from the world around them easily.

They have an excellent memory for names, numbers, roads, places, important dates and people they have met, etc. They remember minutest details of not only the

recent but also the past events.

Their concentration levels and moral values are very high.

Reaction to success and failure is quite positive. Thus, they do not accept defeat easily and always make an attempt to succeed or to improve.

2] World of perception

The images and perceptions are very clear in the psoric phase. The child has a good photographic memory, recalling everything very distinctly as if it had just happened yesterday. Perceptions are clear, acute and clairvoyant in nature. Because of their clairvoyance they are able to judge other peoples conditions and situations very easily.

3] World of imagination

Psoric children have a lot of positive imagination and creativity + these are the children who usually carry on their imaginations to reality and practicality.

            Evolution of a Psoric child

A child, who is in psoric phase, is born much more healthy, positive and constructive than any of the other phases. These children are born to healthy parents, and their

growth and developmental milestones are usually normal. When these formative years are handled well and with care and if no suppressive line of treatment is given

during these years, then the child remains healthy for the rest of his life. Suppression at the physical or the mental level, if any, should be rightly treated with

homoeopathic medicines, thus preventing further evolution into diseased phase.


Their laughter and smile is beautiful and divine like that of an angel. They even smile when they are sleeping and it is a pleasure watching such children. It is one of the

best experiences one can have.


The sensitivity level of children belonging to this phase is high. Their reaction to any stimulus is quick and the input and the output is relatively proportionate.

They throw up a lot of peculiar and characteristic symptoms during their sickness. In fact they throw nucleus, and core of their constitutional remedy. [Many times,

you can give your prescription based on this original, unmodified picture]


A psoric child would admit his mistakes very easily. If their parents scold them, these children will listen and understand their parents, trying not to commit the same

mistakes again. They are very well mannered and immediately respond to their parent's orders [every parent would love to have at least one healthy psoric child!!]

If they fail, they strive again to either correct their mistake or improve upon their performance. They are always on the look out for growth and improvement.


Mind: Emotions

    Psoric children are very sentimental, loving, content and happy by nature.


    These children love comfort and they develop attachment at both mental and physical levels.

    They are very lively and affectionate.

    They have an intense desire to be magnetized.

Emotional Pattern

Very sensitive and emotional children, they are easily moved to tears, anger or any emotions. But there is a genuine cause to these emotional outbursts.

Anger in psoric children is sudden, lasting for a short while till the event is over, handled or expressed. They forgive and forget easily once the event is over.

Feeling hatred does not come naturally to them and if they do hate somebody, it is for some genuine reason. However they do not keep any hard feelings for persons

they don't like. Revengeful attitude is not seen in these children.

Children belonging to this phase are fearless in the right sense, i.e. they will not be afraid of things that shouldn't be feared. When they are afraid or anxious, then it

is for a valid reason. [e.g., a mother is supposed to pick a child by 5.00 but does not arrive till 7.00, then it is natural for anyone to become anxious or afraid]

Once they express their emotions they come to normality very easily.


The children are intelligent with clear and acute perceptions. They are almost clairvoyant. They are able to judge people's conditions and situations very easily.

These children have curiosity, and will usually go close to flowers or butterflies, to see and observe their movement, etc. Their curiosity is just out of the need to

learn more. They have a lot of intuition because their sensitivity range is very high.

They appreciate good things in life & they love their play, study, hobbies etc. They involve themselves completely in every task. These are the children who are in

touch with time and realities of life; they don't succumb to external pressures easily.

Scholastic performance

Whether at nursery or in school they learn very easily. They usually do well academically and are the favorites of teachers. They can remember and reproduce the

subjects very easily and logically. These are the children who get double promotions. These are the children who, even when sick, will prefer to go school !!

[Same attitude is reflected in adults who are in the psoric phase. They go to work in all circumstances]

At school these children will take active participation in all Events. They play with a very healthy attitude and will have a positive approach towards the game.

Children love painting or drawing. Paintings by a psoric child are clear, constructive with vibrant natural colors. Painting will show actual shapes without much

of distortion, and a lot of positivity. Their paintings would be related to nature and natural colors.

They like to listen to stories of adventure, bravery, good deeds, of angels, heroes, etc. Watch good movies or cartoons and easily moved to tears or laugher watching them.

Child at play

Psoric children play with all comfort, ease and all fairness. They will enjoy playing both outdoor and indoor games [play with sand creating houses or castles and

enjoy playing with natural objects]

Personal History

Children belonging to this phase will have a lot of strong cravings and aversions which even continue at a later stage and may be in all phases. This frames the important differentiating factor in deciding the correct medicine.


Their sleep pattern is very good. They can sleep very easily and when they get up, are refreshed.

            Sickness pattern

Psoric children are usually healthy at the physical as well at the mental level.

There is a very thin line between a healthy state and an early psoric phase. The early psoric phase is very close to health and the children in this stage enjoy all the bliss and happiness. [Complete health is quite unusual in today's world, most of the so-called healthy children fall into the early psoric phase]

Psoric children will fall ill depending on the external stimuli and factors like:

    Physical [electrical thermal, chemical etc.]

    Emotional [shock, grief, pleasure, love, hate, vexation]

    Intellectual [performance, goals, success, memory, thoughts, reasoning, logic, rationality]

    Subconscious [dreams, inner desires or inner worlds]

As the sensitivity level of psoric children is high, their reaction to any stimulus is quick, the input and the output being relatively proportionate.


The illness in psoric phase is ...



    with a high intensity


During sickness these children throw out a lot of Peculiar and Characteristic symptoms. In fact they throw out the nucleus and the core of their acute/constitutional remedy.


Since the sensitivity and susceptibility of psoric children is high, a remedy with a high/ HIGHER potency is required to combat the acuteness or the virulence of the disease.

Once the child is treated with an appropriate acute remedy, the child must be given a constitutional anti-psoric or anti-miasmatic remedy to avoid any relapses.

Transition from Psora to other phases

When the formative years of psoric children are very well organised, i.e

    Their creativity and thinking is handled in the right way, and any illness [mental or physical] during this phase is treated with the right homoeopathic remedy

then the children remain healthy for the rest of their lives ..........

However, if suppressive line of treatment is carried out OR if the external factors are present for a long time [maintaining cause], then the child may slide into the sycotic

phase or directly into the tubercular phase depending on his traits and inheritance. Once the suppression goes deep into the sycotic or the tubercular stages, one observes

a series of changes in the behavourial and the disease pattern.

            Behavioral Disorder

    Anxiety separation syndrome

    Early stage of ADHD may develop in later part of psoric state where there is enough suppression and there is a transition from psora to sycosis

    Enuresis - from emotional disturbances

    Encoperisis - from emotional disturbances

    Selective mutism - from emotional disturbances

    Early psychosomatic disorders like bronchial asthma and stress related diabetes fall in this category.


[Farokh Master]


Unreasonable fright and fear of everything.

To understand a Psorinum child, you need to combine the fears of Calc. and Stram.

Child stuck at the anal stage of Freud’s psychosexual


Learning disorders of various types are commonly seen, such as attention deficit disorders and dyslexia.

The child’s psychology is loaded with an inferiority complex (Sulph.: superiority complex).


Discharges and perspiration has a carrion-like odor  (Ars).

Greasy face with a red sunken nose.

Great sensitivity to cold air or change of weather.

Useful in cases where well-selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve in chronic cases (in acute cases: Sulph. and Tub); or when Sulph

seems indicated, but fails to act.

Child born with a strong family history of asthma, allergy, eczema or cancer.

Early senescence: Appearance of the child is like that of an old man.

Hands of the child always look dirty, despite frequent washing.

Inverted pyramidal-shaped head with a sharp, long nose, long upper lip and large ears.

Lack of reaction (Carb-v. Caps. Cupr-met. Op. any acute disease, like measles, chicken pox, primary complex, pneumonia, bronchitis.

Weakness of unknown cause or weakness that follows

an acute disease.

Other important symptoms


Anticipation that stems from a pessimistic attitude or fear of failure.

Feels forsaken and estranged from loved ones. Such feelings are commonly associated with children from

large families that are extremely poor with many unmet physical, emotional and nutritional needs. A classical Psor state would develop in children coming

from a poor country where there is a permanent war or famine-like situation.

Lazy, untidy children who hate taking baths.

Aversion to company; avoids the sight of people (like a misanthrope who shuns people to hide his shortcomings).

Child is very well behaved during the day, but tends to become very cranky, restless and weepy at night with constant tossing about and loud shrieking.

Easily frustrated when unable to perform a task;  exhibits a sort of despair, chiefly due to lack of strength and a pessimistic attitude.

Easily scared and startled by trifles.

Fear of crossing roads, crowded streets, failure and flying.

Gestures; wringing the hands or picking at bedclothes all the time.

Irresolution, lack of self-confidence and pessimism, after topical steroids have been used in the past to suppress his infantile or childhood eczema.

Irritable day and night.

Nervous, restless, easily startled.

Obsessive-compulsive desire to keep washing the hands all the time.

Obstinate children who are always lamenting and complaining.

Religious (praying and remembering God is the only solution for removing the child from his poverty and despair).

Weak in calculations and mathematics.

Weak memory for what he has just read or been taught.


Headaches in schoolgirls, as of little hammers, every morning; > epistaxis and by wrapping up the head warmly.

Itching of the scalp from warmth of bed.

Examination findings:

- Greasy perspiration on the forehead.

- Bores the head into the pillow.

- Dandruff.

- Dry, lusterless hair, which sticks together and tangles easily.

- Falling or graying of the hair in spots.

- Fetid, moist and yellow crust or scab formation on the occiput, which bleeds easily on scratching.

- Lice.

- Milk crust.


Agglutination of the eyes in the morning.

Burning lachrymation (at night).

Conjunctivitis with allergic rhinitis.

Dimness of vision or black spots in the field of vision before headache.

Recurrent styes or chalazion (Sil. Sulph).

Examination findings:

- Constantly rubbing the eyes.

- Corneal ulceration.

- Edematous swelling of the lids.

- Inversion or eversion of the lids.

- Pustular conjunctivitis with an offensive, yellow discharge.

- Strabismus.


Chronic otorrhea after measles (Puls).

Chronic suppurative otitis media with oozing of copious, thin, yellowish or brownish, very offensive discharge.

Itching in the ears (r.), < in the evening.

Obstinate otorrhea due to choleasteatoma (Diph).

Examination findings:

- Moist and scurfy eczematous eruptions or vesicles behind the ears (Calc).

- Constantly bores his finger in the ears.

- Impaired hearing from enlarged tonsils (Kali-bi. Merc).

- Reddish wax in the ears.


Coryza and nasal obstruction when exposed to any draft of air (Dulc).

Dryness inside the nose, compelling the child to constantly bore his finger in the nose or blow his nose constantly, inspite of no discharge.

Fetid discharge in chronic rhinitis.

Hay fever with paroxysmal sneezing every autumn (Dulc).

Sense of smell is lost.

Sneezing with or after coughing (Agar. Squil).

Examination findings:

- Adenoids.

- Bores his fingers in the nose all the time.

- Nasal polyps.

- Postnasal catarrh with discharge of a purulent, viscid matter.

- Red, swollen tip of the nose.

- Thick yellowish or bloody discharge from the nose, which dries up very quickly, forming offensive and hard crusts or scabs. When these are detached,

they leave a sore spot and form again (Kali-c. Kali-bi. Nit-ac).


Crusty, scabby or moist eczematous eruptions on the face with a lot of itching, < from warmth in any form.

Examination findings:

- Excessive hair growth on the face (Calc. Nat-m. Sulph. Thuj).

- Greasy face (forehead), which looks as if is bathed in oil.

- Atopic eczema.

- Copious perspiration from the face during fever and after meals (Cham).

- Pale face; dingy, dirty, foul look, as if covered with dirt.

- Swollen, inflamed and indurated submaxillary and parotid glands.

- Warts around the mouth.


Difficult dentition.

Tastelessness of food during coryza (Nat-m. Puls).

Examination findings:

- Bluish, spongy gums, which bleed easily and detach from the teeth.

- Dry and cracked tongue with a yellowish or whitish coating on it.

- Excessive salivation when talking (Lach).

- Fetid breath.

- Ranula.

- Thrush.

- Ulcerative stomatitis with aphthae on the gums and the tongue.


Chronic and recurrent inflammation and suppuration of the tonsils with painful swallowing.

Dryness in the throat without any thirst (Apis. Puls).

Tenacious mucus drawn from the posterior nares.

Examination findings:

- Dark red throat with cheesy-looking, caseous deposits (Bell. Kali-bi).

- Elongated uvula.

- Hawks up cheesy lumps.

- Sore and indurated swelling of the glands, like knotted cords around the neck.

- Swelling of the thyroid gland.


Extreme thirst while eating and with fever.

Hiccoughs after a feed.

Increased appetite before the onset of any complaint, especially before and during a headache.

Ravenous appetite immediately after eating, especially at night.

Sour vomiting every morning before breakfast.

Stomach gets disordered easily with foul eructations, after eating peaches or pork.

<: Milk/peaches/sour fruits;

Aversions: Cooked food/pork/potatoes/sweets/tomatoes/warm food;

Desires: Charcoal/delicacies/indigestible things (like lime, slate pencils, earth, chalk, clay) and sour food.

Examination findings:

- Endoscopy: Gastritis.


Chronic hepatitis with pain in the right hypochondrium on coughing.

Distended abdomen (protein calorie malnutrition) with flatulence after a meal.

Indian childhood cirrhosis.

Pain in the abdomen after eating peaches.


Examination findings:

- Inguinal hernia.

- Liver and spleen enlarged.


Chronically constipated child; has to strain even for a soft stool, which remains for a long time in the rectum without any urging.

Intense itching around the anus, due to eruptions and worms.

Involuntary passage of stool during sleep.

Painless, watery diarrhea immediately on rising in the morning; after acute diseases, during dentition, from suppressed eruptions, in the summertime.

Stools are dark, soft and full of mucus, smelling like rotten eggs.

Useful in cases of celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and malabsorption syndrome.

Examination findings:

- Passes hot, very offensive flatus, which permeates the whole house.

- Congenital megacolon (Hirchsprung’s disease).

- Perspiration around the anus and perineum (Hep. Thuj).

- Rectal polyps.

- Stools: Segments of tapeworm and roundworms.

Urinary organs:

Involuntary urination when coughing, laughing, sneezing and at night in sleep (full moon)

Obstinate cases of enuresis (Lac-c) with family history of eczema.

Examination findings:

- Cloudy or dark brown urine, which leaves a thick, red sediment on the diaper.

Male organs:

Examination findings:

- Hydrocele.

- Induration and retraction of the testes (cryptorchism).

- Offensive perspiration from the genital area (Fl-ac. Iod. Sulph).

Female organs:

Examination findings:

- Milky or lumpy, very offensive leucorrhea , in small girls.

- Polyps in the vagina.

Larynx and Trachea:

Chronic hoarse voice, < from talking.

Sore pain in the larynx on coughing.

Respiratory organs:

Asthma in infants alternating with atopic eczema.

Dyspnoea when out in fresh, open air; > lying on the back with the arms stretched far apart (Sulph).

Dyspnoea in children suffering from rheumatic heart disease (due to cardiac decompensation as a result of valvular heart disease).


Cough after suppression of various skin disorders by topical ointments (Dulc).

Cough + salivation (Bar-c) and ending in a sneeze (Agar).

Cough after taking cold drinks and when touched around the auditory canal.

Dry, hacking cough on lying down at night, from a ticklish sensation in the larynx.

Paroxysmal, loose coughing fits on waking in the morning with easy greenish expectoration.

Spasmodic coughing bouts that occur in every winter season.


Palpitations of the heart with dyspnoea and pain in the region, from the slightest exertion; > lying down (on the back with the arms outstretched or lying on the r. side).

Weakness in the chest from cough.

Examination findings:

- Abscess of the lungs.

- Acrid perspiration from the axilla, which eats holes in the linen (Iod).

- Hypertrophy of the heart.

- Pansystolic murmur.

- Pericardial effusion in asthmatic children.


Examination findings:

- Boils and abscess formation in the cervical region.

- Eczema in the cervical region with tremendous itching.

- Kyphosis and scoliosis of the spine.

- Spina bifida.


Cannot bear to have the limbs touch each other at night or the weight of his arms on the chest.

Clumsy children who have a tendency to keep tripping and falling, spraining or dislocating their ankle joints.

Itching with eczematous eruptions and scab formation at the bends of the joints (winter).

Restlessness of the legs while lying in bed in the morning.

Weakness and pain in the limbs from the slightest change in weather and during thunderstorms (Rhod).

Examination findings:

- Copious, cold and offensive perspiration from the hands and feet.

- Brittle fingernails.

- Cracked skin on the hands, between the toes and at the bends of the joints (winter) (Graph).

- Felon at the root of the nails.

- Psoriasis on the palms.

- Tender corns on the heels.

- Warts on the hands and fingers.


Babies are very irritable and sleepless from 3 h. until daybreak.

Desire to remain in bed in the morning.

During sleep: Grinding of teeth, shrieking and talking.

Frequent waking in the night from hunger or itching skin, in neonates.

Startles from sleep, due to frightful dreams.


Bilious vomiting, irritability and tremendous weakness with a copious, debilitating perspiration during fever.

Very chilly with an aversion to uncover during all the stages of a fever.

Delirious in the evening with high temperature.

Heat # chill stage.

Irregularly relapsing intermittent fever, with no fixed pattern, but there is an increase in the intensity of the symptoms with each attack of the fever.

Shaking chills with malarial fever, beginning in the arms and thighs.


Despair from itching (despair in the child and the family).

Recurrent scabies.

Eczema with crusty, fetid eruptions all over the body with itching; < in winter and at night on becoming warm in bed; must scratch at the part until it becomes raw and bleeds.

Itching < from wearing woolen clothes (Hep. Sulph).

Useful in cases where the eruptions fail to break out (Stram. Sulph. Zinc-met).

Examination findings:

- Dirty, filthy, unhealthy skin.

- Greasy, as if bathed in oil.

- Rough and uneven, cracks easily, bleeding fissures; < in the winter.

- Warts.


Allergic constitution with a tendency to catch cold easily.

Aversion to bathing.

Emaciation in children with a ravenous appetite; emaciation ext. downwards with swollen glands.

Profuse, sour, debilitating perspiration from slightest exertion or with acute illnesses, e.g., while walking or even when writing and at night after 3 h.

Very chilly, need to be covered with warm wraps even in the summer; all complaints become < from cold in any form.

Ailments from: Change of weather, suppressed eruptions, suppressed perspiration (foot sweat), vaccination, windy and stormy weather, winter.

Anemic, pale, delicate, sickly children, with very dirty skin and an offensive odor.

Children with a history of recurrent infections: Abscesses, conjunctivitis, fever, styes or tonsillitis.

Children with a family history of alcoholism, asthma and eczema.

Contradictory and alternating states.

Cyanotic infants.

Intolerance of woolen clothes.

Never well since last attack of influenza or infectious diseases.

Periodicity of complaints; recur every alternate day or every 2-3 weeks.




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