9. Stadium/Gruppe


Cobaltum./Rhodium./Iridium.x Meitnerium. Europium

Letzter Anlauf nach viel Arbeit

Thema: Last test for skill: Last test for performance, almost the leader

Final signature only required/success in sight/crown within the reach. Years of hard work are about to be rewarded. Can have a nervous break down at last movement.

Lepi. Raph.

[Jan Scholten]

Abrus. (Jequirity)


Liliaceae. Holding versus belonging

work to be done ‘Hero’

Das Ziel, der Erfolg ist in Sicht

Letzte Bestätigung/Kontrolle/(Über)Prüfung, kurz vor dem Erfolg; eigentlich fast geschafft.

[Scholten] weiß dass er es kann, will aber noch letzte Bestätigung, Genehmigung; kurz vor dem Höhepunkt, Vorfreude auf das erreichte Ziel nach langer Vorbereitung

und erfolgreicher Arbeit; nur letzter Test, letzte Anerkennung ist noch nötig, um am Ziel + zufrieden zu sein; Unsicherheit ob letzte Prüfung doch schief geht; nicht

Erreichen der erwarteten endgültigen Anerkennung

Eigentlich/fast/beinahe; gerade nicht mehr; „Als ob jedes mal gerade das Ziel zu verpassen“, alles nur beinahe erreicht zu haben; Vizechef/Oberarzt

[Sankaran] Struktur perfekt, kein äußerer Widerstand mehr, muss nur noch feine Details vervollständigen, um nicht noch in letzter Minute zu versagen

            Co Verteidigung möglich, aber zweifelt ob Schutz perfekt ist.

Rh Zweifel ob Darstellung doch nicht der große Erfolg wird. 

Ir Angst Verantwortung doch nicht gewachsen zu sein

The keywords are "Analysis" and "Philosophy".

                                               In Stage 9 analysis and philosophy are the weapons of wisdom that we choose, and they depend on our wits. We would much rather use our wits than our power to

                                               dominate others...  we would rather try to earn their respect.

We explore and understand our mind in order to antidote its delusions and be free of its boundaries.

                                                           Def: Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the

                                                           study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle.

Def: Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is distinguished from

other ways of addressing fundamental questions  by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek

(philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom".

Positive aspects Stage 9, which indicate a fresh, lively mind  ...

    Cobalt: Excitement. Exhilaration. Abundant Ideas. Rapid Thoughts.

    Rhodium: Affectionate. Cheerful. Excitement. Introspection.

    Europium: Understanding. Smartness.

    Iridium: Affectionate. Intelligent. Mental agility. Heightened Awareness. Mystical.

What could possibly go wrong?  Iridium is the most powerful remedy in this group. Lets make up the story of Iridium from the rubrics in Encyclopedia Homeopathica.

"They are Hurried and Industrious, and have a beautiful and inspirational vision of the Universe, but the mental exertion causes dullness and they start postponing

everything to next day. As time goes by and stresses mount the memory becomes weaker, they make mistakes and they become intolerant and impatient.  It seems

as if everyone else is too slow.

Eventually mental exertion becomes too much, they experience changeable moods, anger and sadness, and want to be left alone. Reproach themselves as much as they reproach others.

The beautiful vision is no more. Finally they become discouraged, indifferent and self-absorbed. They  become detached, empty, alone and estranged from their partner.

Ultimately their antagonism with themselves, their abstraction, disconnection and their confusion mount up to a sense of unreality and even depersonalisation.  


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