Bothrops lanceolatus Anhang


[Farokh Master]


• Vorahnung/Anspannung die vom Magen ausgeht (Kali-c. Phos.)

• gewissenhaft peinlich genau in Bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

• Rastlosigkeit (mehr innerlich als äußerlich) bevor ein Schlaganfall oder eine Thrombose auftreten

• Es ist möglich dass der Patient im Unterbewusstsein weiß dass ein Schlaganfall droht.

• sehr rechthaberische Persönlichkeit mit einer sturen Eigenwilligkeit (Anac. Thuj.)

• schweigsam


• schwarze Verfärbung äußerer Körperteile (Cupr-met. Verat.)

• Karies und Nekrose der Knochen

• Absonderungen sind schwarz dunkel flüssig übelriechend und treten eher passiv aus; färben die betroffenen Körperstellen in der Regel schwarz

• große Abgeschlagenheit und Trägheit die hauptsächlich von einer latenten Depression herrührt die durch extreme körperliche oder seelische Belastung entstanden ist

• Blutungen aus allen Körperöffnungen wenn das Blut schwarz (Croc. Sul-ac.) und flüssig ist + äußerst großer Abgeschlagenheit Erschöpfung Schwäche und Lähmung

• Hypercholesterinämie

• postoperative Thrombophlebitis (Hippoz. Lycps-v. Vip.)

• rechtsseitige Beschwerden insbesondere hinsichtlich rechtem Cortex rechter Seite der Leber Appendix rechtem Arm und rechtem Bein usw.

• scharfe schneidende und lanzinierende Schmerzen die beim Patienten ein Schaudern (Aran. Kali-n.) verursachen; die Schmerzen werden < Bewegung

• Affinität mit dem Erregungsleitungssystem des Herzens; führt zu beschleunigtem unregelmäßigem und langsamen Puls (Kalm. Verat-v.)

• Neigung zu Thrombose (Kali-ch. Kali-m. Vip.); thromboembolisches Geschehen in Arterien wie z.B. Arteria carotis Arteria cerebrale Arteria coronaria usw. das zu Hemiplegie Monoplegie oder Tetraplegie führen kann

• neigt zur Sepsis

• Schwäche Müdigkeit und Schläfrigkeit; Schwäche nach Durchfall


• gutartiger lagerungsbedingter Schwindel aufgrund unzureichender zerebraler Durchblutung (ältere Menschen) (Ambr. Bar-c. Sin-n.) was zu einem permanenten Schwindelgefühl führt welches durch das Tragen von Gegenständen auf dem Kopf beim Anheben der Arme über Schulterhöhe < körperlicher Anstrengung/umdrehend

im Bett; der ganze Raum scheint sich zu drehen (Con. Cycl.)


• Beschwerden durch Kopfverletzungen (Cic. Hell.)

• zerebrale Blutungen auf die Hemiplegie und Koma folgen

• leichte Kopfschmerzen aufgrund eines subduralen Hämatoms (Bell. Cocc. Op.) und primärer Hypertonie bei älteren Menschen

• Migräne vorwiegend r. auftritt und sich dann zum Hinterkopf hin verlagert (Carbn-s. Gels. Glon. Jug-c.)


• CT-Scan: zerebrale Infarkte lakunäre Infarkte Subarachnoidalblutung zerebrale Hämatome Subduralhämatome und Hirnödem


• Sehverlust durch Netzhauteinblutungen (Crot-h. Lach. Prun.)

• bohrende Schmerzen im rechten Auge < nach dem Essen

• Tagesblindheit (Mang-met. Stram.) kann nach Sonnenaufgang kaum sehen

• diabetische Retinopathie (Dub. Lach. Merc-c. Phos.) mit entzündlichen Exsudaten und Neuwucherung von Blutgefäßen was zu einem schweren Verlust des Sehvermögens führen kann vor allem abends (Phos.) und in der Dämmerung (Lyc.)

• Migräne im Bereich des Nervus ophthalmicus des rechten Auges < nach dem Essen


• Angiografie: massive Thrombose der Arteria centralis retinae

• Einblutungen der Bindehaut

• Funduskopie: Exsudate; Atrophie des Nervus opticus


• Nasenbluten (Bry. Lach. Puls. Senec.) anstelle der Menses oder vor Beginn (Bar-c. Ip. Lach. Nat-s. Verat.); < morgens beim Erwachen


• Sprache: mangelhafte Aussprache Stottern oder Unfähigkeit sich zu artikulieren ohne dass Erkrankungen der Zunge vorliegen


• Lähmung der Zunge (Cur. Plb-met.)

• Der hintere Teil der Zunge ist mit einem schweren braunen pelzigen Belag bedeckt (Bapt. Gels.)

• Zunge ist rissig und mit quer verlaufenden Furchen (Cob-met.) durchzogen



• schwarze oder blaue Verfärbung

• benebelter/benommener Gesichtsausdruck (Bapt. Gels.)

• Kiefersperre

• aufgedunsen (Apis Ars. Bov.)


• Trockenheit

• „Als ob der Hals zusammengeschnürt“ kann deshalb nicht schlucken insbesondere keine Flüssigkeiten (Lyss. Stram. Upa.)


• gerötet

• Lähmung des IX. und X. Hirnnervs


• Vorahnung/Anspannung in der Magengegend (Dig. Mez.) zu Beginn der Menses; dieses Gefühl wird von innerem Zittern begleitet.

• übermäßiges Erbrechen infolge von Gastritis und Übersäuerung des Magens; schwarzes Erbrechen (Cadm-s. Sec.) Hämatemesis

• neigt zu Anspannung und Vorahnung vor einem Schlaganfall einem Herzinfarkt oder zu Beginn der Menses


• Gastroskopie: Gastritis Ulkus Krebs und Adenom


• Blähungen und Völlegefühl nach dem Essen

• inneres Zittern (Iod. Staph.)


• Aszites

• paralytischer Ileus (Op. Plb-met.)

• Blähsucht


• Schwächegefühl ausgelöst durch Durchfall (Ars. Chin.)


• Meläna (Teerstuhl) durch Blutungen im Verdauungstrakt (Ars. Lach.) die von entzündlichen Veränderungen in den Peyer-Plaques verursacht werden oder auf perforierte Geschwüre im Duodenum (Prot.) zurückzuführen sind (Endoskopie)


• Blut im Urin

• ständiger Drang zu urinieren (Equis-h. Stry.) aber keine Erleichterung durch Wasserlassen (Coli.)


• Urin: Erythrozyten ++

Weibliche Genitalien:

• Neigung zur Menorrhagie während der Menopause (Sabin. Ust.) mit heftigem Beklemmungsgefühl in der Brust welches durch den Fluss der Menses gebessert wird


• Lungenstauung mit unterdrückter Atmung (Phos.) und reichlich blutigem Auswurf


• reichlich blutiger Auswurf (Anag. Cur.)

• Röntgen: Lungenödem Pneumonitis



• dumpfe Schmerzen im Herzbereich beim Erwachen aus dem Schlaf die zur linken Achselhöhle hin ausstrahlen (Lat-m.) < zwischen 4 – 5 h.

• Schmerzen im Präkordium insbesondere beim Erwachen aus dem Schlaf

• persistierender Bluthochdruck (nach einem Schlaganfall) (Fum-ac. Toxo-g.)


• Zyanose

• EKG: Veränderungen der ST-Strecke und der T-Welle

• Puls: abwechselnd schnell und langsam


• Tendenz zu schweren nekrotischen Veränderungen in den Knochen (Ang. Nat-sil-f. Fl-ac.) aufgrund heftiger Infektionen wie z.B. Gangrän Osteomyelitis Septikämie usw.

• unerträgliche Schmerzen im rechten großen Zeh (Gicht oder Ischämie der Arteria tibialis anterior)


• gesteigerte tiefe Sehnenreflexe (Lath. Op. Plb-met.)

• Steifheit (Caust. Plb-met.)

• Lähmung der Extremitäten: Hemiplegie (mit Aphasie) Paraplegie und Tetraplegie

• Schwellung des gelähmten Körperteils


• kalt und klebrig (Ant-t. Op.)



• Lymphangitis

• Purpura (Led. Ter.)

• Schwellung

• Neigung zu Karbunkeln (Anthraci.)


Die  Lanzenotter:

Bothrops  lanceolatus findet man von Mexiko bis Brasilien und auf vielen Westindischen Inseln.

Diese Schlange kann bis zu 2 m lang werden und lebt in Wäldern und in der Nähe von fließenden Gewässern. Die ausgewachsenen Tiere bevorzugen feuchtes Gebüsch, wo sie sich jedoch ausschließlich auf dem Boden aufhalten, während die Jungtiere auch auf Bäume klettern.

Die Beobachtung Lazells, dass die Zeichnungen  häufig undeutlich seien und zur Mitte hin gänzlich fehlen, ist auch auf Dr. Etienne Rufzs Titelbild von 1859 zu sehen. Auf besagtem

Titelbild ist eine dunkel gefärbte Schlange abgebildet, bei der ein Melanismus mit Verdunkelung der Zeichnungen zu erkennen ist, wie man sie auch bei den dunkleren Varianten der Klapperschlangen Crotalus viridis und Crotalus horridus vorfindet.

Wie dem auch sei, es gibt durchaus auch Artgenossen mit heller Färbung und gut erkennbarer Zeichnung. Die Musterung der Bothrops  lanceolatus  kann  aufgrund  ontogenetischer Veränderungen und Sexualdimorphismus  äußerst  vielfältig  sein.  Bereits Rufz beschrieb sieben Farbvarianten und bemerkte, dass es regionale Unterschiede gibt (K.L Gosner, 1987,

Journal of Herpetology, Observations on Lesser Antillean Pit Vipers, Vol. 21, Nr. 1, Seite 78–80).

Der Name lanceolatus wird von der flachen Kopfform  der  Schlange  abgeleitet, die sich lanzenförmig zuspitzt. Um Feinde zu vertreiben, schlägt diese Schlangenart mit dem Schwanz sehr schnell auf den Boden und verursacht damit ein äußert beunruhigendes Geräusch.

Beim Zubeißen öffnet die Gelbe Viper ihr Maul extrem weit. Das Gift ist -ähnlich wie das von Crotalus horridus- hochgiftig.

Es bringt das Blut zum Gerinnen und ist hämo- und neurotoxisch. In Ruhephasen rollt sich die Schlange ringförmig  zusammen,  mit  dem  Kopf  in der Mitte. Wird sie gestört, streckt sie sich der Länge nach aus und greift blitzschnell an, um sich dann wieder zurückzuziehen und einzuringeln.. Gehört zu den sehr fruchtbaren Schlangenarten, die Weibchen bringen ca. 70 lebende Jungtiere zur Welt. Die jungen Schlangen ernähren sich von Fröschen, die ausgewachsenen Tiere von kleinen Säugern.

T. F. Allen in „Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica“ erwähnt folgende Information. Dr. Ch. Ozanam veröffentlichte einen Artikel in L’Art Med. (Vol. 19, Seite 116) mit der Überschrift

„A Collection of cases (15) and general observations on the effect of the bite“, in dem er aus Dr. Etienne Rufzs Werk „Enquête sur le serpent de la Martinique“ (1859) zitiert.


• diagonaler Verlauf der Symptome, z.B.. oben links und unten rechts (Agar. Led. Rhus-t. Tarax.) oder oben rechts und unten links (Ambr. Phos. Sul-ac.)

• Völleempfinden und das Gefühl einer Schwellung in verschiedenen Körperteilen, wie z. B. im Kopf, in der Brust und im Abdomen; dieses Gefühl führt zu permanenter Ruhelosigkeit.

• Gedächtnisstörungen nach Apoplex oder TIAs

• Der Patient macht Fehler beim Sprechen, er sucht z.B.. nach Worten.

• Sprachstörungen als Folge eines ischämischen Vorfalls im Gehirn, die von einer langsamen, unverständlichen und verwirrten Sprache bis zur völligen Aphasie reichen können.

• starke Vorahnung (Anh. Med.), + einer angespannten Ruhelosigkeit, die einem Schlaganfall, einer Thrombose oder einer hypertensiven Krise vorausgeht. Dies führt bei dem Patienten zu einem unguten, angespannten Gefühl im Kopf, in der Brust und im Magen. Dies wiederum veranlasst den Patienten, hin und her zu laufen, oder er entwickelt eine starke Angst und sitzt still in der Ecke.

• Neigung, verschiedene Arten von Gangrän zu entwickeln (Carb-an. Helo-s.) wie z.B.. trockene Gangrän, nässende Gangrän und Gasbrand.

• Die Gangrän breitet sich sehr schnell aus und führt zu massiver Zerstörung des benachbarten Gewebes, einschließlich Muskeln, Sehnen, Knochen usw. (Hier handelt es sich um ein charakteristisches Merkmal der Schlangenmittel.). Das Blut, das aus der betroffenen Stelle austritt, ist dunkel, übelriechend und kann unter Umständen in Strahlen herausspritzen (Lyc.).

• Allgemeine < durch Essen (Sulph. Zinc-met.),z.B. treten eine Thrombose, ein Schlaganfall oder ein Herzinfarkt typischerweise nach einer Mahlzeit auf.



• Vorahnung/Anspannung geht vom Magen ausgeht (Kali-c. Phos.)

• Gewissenhaft,   peinlich   genau   in   Bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

• Rastlosigkeit (mehr  innerlich  als  äußerlich),  bevor  ein  Schlaganfall  oder eine Thrombose auftreten

• Es ist möglich, dass der Patient im Unterbewusstsein  weiß,  dass  ein  Schlaganfall droht.

• Sehr rechthaberische Persönlichkeit mit  einer  sturen  Eigenwilligkeit  (Anac. Thuj.)

• schweigsam


• Schwarze Verfärbung äußerer Körperteile (Cupr-met. Verat.)

• Karies und Nekrose der Knochen

• Absonderungen sind schwarz, dunkel, flüssig,  übelriechend  und treten  eher  passiv  aus; färben  die  betroffenen Körperstellen in der Regel schwarz

• Große  Abgeschlagenheit  und  Trägheit,  die  hauptsächlich  von  einer  latenten  Depression  herrührt,  die  durch extreme körperliche oder seelische Belastung entstanden ist

• Blutungen aus allen Körperöffnungen, wenn das Blut schwarz (Croc. Sul-ac.) und flüssig ist, + äußerst großer Abgeschlagenheit, Erschöpfung, Schwäche und Lähmung

• Hypercholesterinämie

• Postoperative   Thrombophlebitis   (Hippoz. Lycps-v. Vip.)

• rechtsseitige Beschwerden (rechtem Cortex, rechter  Seite  der  Leber,  Appendix,  rechtem Arm und rechtem Bein usw.

• scharfe,  schneidende  und  lanzinierende Schmerzen, die beim Patienten ein Schaudern (Aran. Auph. Kali-n.) verursachen; die Schmerzen werden < durch Bewegung

• Affinität  mit  dem  Erregungsleitungssystem  des  Herzens;  führt  zu beschleunigtem,  unregelmäßigem und langsamen Puls (Kalm. Verat-v.)

• Neigung  zu  Thrombose (Kali-ch. Kali-m. Vip.); thromboembolisches Geschehen in Arterien, wie z.B.. Arteria carotis, Arteria cerebrale, Arteria coronaria usw., das zu Hemiplegie, Monoplegie oder Tetraplegie führen kann

• Neigt zur Sepsis

• Schwäche, Müdigkeit und Schläfrigkeit; Schwäche nach Durchfall


• gutartiger   lagerungsbedingter   Schwindel aufgrund unzureichender   zerebraler   Durchblutung (älteren Menschen) (Ambr. Bar-c. Sin-n.) was zu einem permanenten Schwindelgefühl führt, welches durch das Tragen von Gegenständen auf dem Kopf, beim Anheben der Arme über Schulterhöhe, bei körperlicher Anstrengung oder < umdrehend im Bett; der ganze Raum scheint sich zu drehen (Con. Cycl.)

Weitere wichtige Symptome


• Beschwerden  durch  Kopfverletzungen (Cic. Hell.)

• Zerebrale Blutungen, auf die Hemiplegie und Koma folgen

• Leichte  Kopfschmerzen  aufgrund  eines subduralen Hämatoms (Bell. Cocc. Op.) und primärer Hypertonie bei älteren Menschen

• Migräne, die vorwiegend rechts auftritt und sich dann zum Hinterkopf hin verlagert (Carbn-s. Gels. Glon. Jug-c.)


• CT-Scan: zerebrale Infarkte, lakunäre Infarkte,    Subarachnoidalblutung,    zerebrale  Hämatome,  Subduralhämatome und Hirnödem


• Sehverlust  durch  Netzhauteinblutungen (Crot-h. Lach. Prun.)

• Bohrende  Schmerzen  im  rechten  Auge, < nach dem Essen

• Tagesblindheit (Mang-met. Stram.), kann nach Sonnenaufgang kaum sehen

• Diabetische   Retinopathie   (Dub. Lach. Merc-c. Phos.) mit  entzündlichen  Exsudaten und  Neuwucherung von Blutgefäßen, was zu einem schweren Verlust des Sehvermögens führen kann, vor allem abends (Phos.) und in der Dämmerung (Lyc.)

• Migräne im Bereich des Nervus ophthalmicus des rechten Auges, < nach dem Essen


• Angiografie: massive Thrombose der Arteria centralis retinae

• Einblutungen der Bindehaut

• Funduskopie: Exsudate; Atrophie des Nervus opticus


• Nasenbluten (Bry.   Lach.   Puls. Senec.) anstelle der Menses oder vor Beginn (Bar-c. Ip.  Lach. Nat-s. Verat.); < morgens  erwachend


• Mangelhafte  Aussprache, 

Stottern oder Unfähigkeit, sich zu artikulieren, ohne dass Erkrankungen der Zunge vorliegen


• Lähmung der Zunge (Cur. Plb-met.)

• Der hintere Teil der Zunge ist mit einem schweren, braunen, pelzigen Belag bedeckt (Bapt. Gels.)

• Zunge ist rissig und mit quer verlaufenden Furchen (Cob-met.) durchzogen



• Schwarze oder blaue Verfärbung

• Benebelter/benommener   Gesichtsausdruck (Bapt. Gels.)

• Kiefersperre

• aufgedunsen (Apis, Ars. Bov.)


• Trockenheit

• „Als sei der Hals zusammengeschnürt“,    kann   deshalb   nicht   schlucken (keine  Flüssigkeiten) (Lyss.  Stram. Upa.)


• gerötet

• Lähmung des IX. und X. Hirnnervs


• Vorahnung/Anspannung in  der  Magengegend (Dig.  Mez.) zu Beginn der Menses; wird von innerem Zittern begleitet.

• Übermäßiges   Erbrechen   infolge   von  Gastritis  und  Übersäuerung  des Magens; schwarzes Erbrechen (Cadm-s. Sec.),


• Neigt  zu  Anspannung  und  Vorahnung  vor  einem  Schlaganfall, einem Herzinfarkt oder zu Beginn der Menses


• Gastroskopie: Gastritis, Ulkus, Krebs und Adenom


• Blähungen  und  Völlegefühl  nach  dem Essen

• Inneres Zittern (Iod. Staph.)


• Aszites

• Paralytischer Ileus (Op. Plb-met.)

• Blähsucht


• Schwächegefühl   ausgelöst   durch   Durchfall (Ars. Chin.)


• Meläna (Teerstuhl) durch Blutungen im Verdauungstrakt (Ars. Lach.), die von entzündlichen Veränderungen in den Peyer-Plaques verursacht werden oder auf perforierte Geschwüre im Duodenum (Prot.) zurückzuführen sind (Endoskopie)


• Blut im Urin

• Ständiger   Drang, zu urinieren (Equis-h. Stry.), aber keine Erleichterung durch Wasserlassen (Coli.)


• Urin: Erythrozyten ++

Weibliche Genitalien:

• Neigung zur Menorrhagie während der Menopause (Sabin. Ust.) mit heftigem  Beklemmungsgefühl  in  der  Brust, > den Fluss der Menses.

• Lungenstauung mit unterdrückter Atmung (Phos.) und reichlich blutigem Auswurf


• reichlich blutiger Auswurf (Anag. Cur.)

• Röntgen: Lungenödem, Pneumonitis Herz-Kreislauf-System

• dumpfe Schmerzen im Herzbereich beim Erwachen aus dem Schlaf, die zur linken Achselhöhle hin ausstrahlen  (Lat-m.), < 4 – 5 h.

• Schmerzen im Präkordium, insbesondere beim Erwachen aus dem Schlaf

• Persistierender    Bluthochdruck, sogar  nach  einem  Schlaganfall  (Fuma-ac. Toxo-g.)


• Zyanose

• EKG: Veränderungen der ST-Strecke und der T-Welle

• Puls: schnell # langsam


• Tendenz zu schweren nekrotischen Veränderungen  in  den  Knochen  (Ang. Nat-sil-f. Fl-ac.) aufgrund heftiger Infektionen wie z.B. Gangrän, Osteomyelitis, Septikämie usw.

• unerträgliche Schmerzen im rechten großen Zeh, verursacht durch Gicht oder  Ischämie  der  Arteriatibialis anterior


• Gesteigerte tiefe Sehnenreflexe (Lath. Op. Plb-met.)

• Steifheit (Caust. Plb-met)

• Lähmung der Extremitäten: Hemiplegie (mit Aphasie), Paraplegie und Tetraplegie

• Schwellung des gelähmten Körperteils


• Kalt und klebrig (Ant-t. Op.)



• Lymphangitis

• Purpura (Led. Ter.)

• Schwellung

• Neigung zu Karbunkeln (Anthraci.)


[Otto Leeser M.D. Ph.D.]

Genus Bothrops represented by some 40 species in tropical America. The name Bothrops lanceolatus refers to the 'fer-de-lance' of the isle of Martinique but it is doubtful whether this species differs from Bothrops atrox.

There are no provings of the venom.

The effects of Bothrops venom chiefly on the blood and blood-vessels are formidable.

In this the course of events appears to differ from that of Crotalus; possibly the much higher coagulating power of Bothrops venom thus its tendency to thrombotic and embolic processes has something to do with it.

While some of the paretic conditions described as consequences of Bothrops bite are undoubtedly due to thrombo-embolic processes (a hemiplegia of the r. side and inability to articulate without there being any affection of the tongue it is not sure whether the same is true for other lesions within the neuraxis). From experiments there is less evidence of a neurotoxic action from Bothrops than from Crotalus terrificus terrificus but this assertion may not be final. Blindness both immediately after the bite of Bothrops and a more persistent one have been noted and in particular a "blindness" during daytime only; the latter may well have been due to bleeding in the fovea centralis retinae and the other amaurotic occurrences to embolism at other sites in the optical apparatus. The same may apply to the observed paralysis of one arm or one leg; a direct action of Bothrops venom on nerve cells cannot however be excluded;



• Vorahnung/Anspannung vom Magen ausgehend (Kali-c./Phos.)

• gewissenhaft peinlich genau in Bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

• Rastlosigkeit (mehr innerlich als äußerlich) bevor ein Schlaganfall oder eine Thrombose auftreten

• Es ist möglich dass der Patient im Unterbewusstsein weiß dass ein Schlaganfall droht.

• sehr rechthaberische Persönlichkeit mit einer sturen Eigenwilligkeit (Anac./Thuj.)

• schweigsam


• schwarze Verfärbung äußerer Körperteile (Cupr./Verat.)

• Karies und Nekrose der Knochen

• Absonderungen sind schwarz dunkel flüssig übelriechend und treten eher passiv aus; färben die betroffenen Körperstellen in der Regel schwarz

• große Abgeschlagenheit und Trägheit die hauptsächlich von einer latenten Depression herrührt die durch extreme körperliche oder seelische Belastung entstanden ist

• Blutungen aus allen Körperöffnungen wenn das Blut schwarz (Croc./Sul-ac.) und flüssig ist + äußerst großer Abgeschlagenheit Erschöpfung Schwäche und Lähmung

• Hypercholesterinämie

• postoperative Thrombophlebitis (Hippoz./Lycps-v./Vip.)

• rechtsseitige Beschwerden insbesondere Cortex/Leber/Appendix/Arm/Bein usw.

• scharfe schneidende und lanzinierende Schmerzen die beim Patienten ein Schaudern (Aran./Kali-n.) verursachen < Bewegung

• Affinität mit dem Erregungsleitungssystem des Herzens; führt zu beschleunigtem unregelmäßigem und langsamen Puls (Kalm./Verat-v.)

• Neigung zu Thrombose (Kali-ch./Kali-m./Vip.); thromboembolisches Geschehen in Arterien das zu Hemi-/Mono-/Tetraplegie führen kann

• neigt zur Sepsis.

• Schwäche (nach Durchfall)/Müdigkeit und Schläfrigkeit;


• gutartiger lagerungsbedingter Schwindel aufgrund unzureichender zerebraler Durchblutung (ältere Menschen) (Ambr./Bar-c./Sin-n.) was zu einem permanenten Schwindelgefühl führt < tragen von Gegenständen auf dem Kopf beim Anheben der Arme über Schulterhöhe bei körperlicher Anstrengung oder beim Umdrehen im Bett; der ganze Raum scheint sich zu drehen (Con./Cycl.)


• Beschwerden durch Kopfverletzungen (Cic./Hell.)

• zerebrale Blutungen auf die Hemiplegie und Koma folgen

• leichte Kopfschmerzen aufgrund eines subduralen Hämatoms (Bell./Cocc./Op.) und primärer Hypertonie bei älteren Menschen

• Migräne die vorwiegend rechts auftritt und sich dann zum Hinterkopf hin verlagert (Carbn-s./Gels./Glon./Jug-c.)


• CT-Scan: zerebrale Infarkte lakunäre Infarkte Subarachnoidalblutung zerebrale Hämatome Subduralhämatome und Hirnödem


• Sehverlust durch Netzhauteinblutungen (Crot-h./Lach./Prun.)

• bohrende Schmerzen im rechten Auge < nach dem Essen

• Tagesblindheit (Mang./Stram.) kann nach Sonnenaufgang kaum sehen

• diabetische Retinopathie (Dub./Lach./Merc-c./Phos.) mit entzündlichen Exsudaten und Neuwucherung von Blutgefäßen was zu einem schweren Verlust des Sehvermögens führen kann vor allem abends (Phos.) und in der Dämmerung (Lyc.)

• Migräne im Bereich des Nervus ophthalmicus des rechten Auges < nach dem Essen


• Angiografie: massive Thrombose der Arteria centralis retinae

• Einblutungen der Bindehaut

• Funduskopie: Exsudate; Atrophie des Nervus opticus


• Nasenbluten (Bry./Lach./Puls./Senec.) anstelle der Menses oder vor Beginn der Menses (Bar-c./Ip./Lach./Nat-s./Verat.); < morgens beim Erwachen


• Sprache: mangelhafte Aussprache Stottern oder Unfähigkeit sich zu artikulieren ohne dass Erkrankungen der Zunge vorliegen


• Lähmung der Zunge (Cur./Plb.)

• Der hintere Teil der Zunge ist mit einem schweren braunen pelzigen Belag bedeckt (Bapt./Gels.)

• Zunge ist rissig und mit quer verlaufenden Furchen (Cob.) durchzogen



• schwarze oder blaue Verfärbung

• benebelter/benommener Gesichtsausdruck (Bapt./Gels.)

• Kiefersperre

• aufgedunsen (Apis Ars./Bov.)


• Trockenheit

• Gefühl als sei der Hals zusammengeschnürt kann deshalb nicht schlucken insbesondere keine Flüssigkeiten (Lyss./Stram./Upa.)


• gerötet

• Lähmung des IX. und X. Hirnnervs


• Vorahnung/Anspannung in der Magengegend (Dig./Mez.) zu Beginn der Menses + innerem Zittern

• übermäßiges Erbrechen infolge von Gastritis und Übersäuerung des Magens; schwarzes Erbrechen (Cadm-s./Sec.) Hämatemesis

• neigt zu Anspannung und Vorahnung vor einem Schlaganfall einem Herzinfarkt oder zu Beginn der Menses


• Gastroskopie: Gastritis Ulkus Krebs und Adenom


• Blähungen und Völlegefühl nach dem Essen

• inneres Zittern (Iod./Staph.)


• Aszites

• paralytischer Ileus (Op./Plb-met.)

• Blähsucht


• Schwächegefühl ausgelöst durch Durchfall (Ars./Chin.)


• Meläna (Teerstuhl) durch Blutungen im Verdauungstrakt (Ars./Lach.) die von entzündlichen Veränderungen in den Peyer-Plaques verursacht werden oder auf perforierte Geschwüre

im Duodenum (Prot.) zurückzuführen sind (Endoskopie)


• Blut im Urin

• ständiger Drang zu urinieren (Equis-h./Stry.) aber keine Erleichterung durch Wasserlassen (Coli.)


• Urin: Erythrozyten ++

Weibliche Genitalien

• Neigung zur Menorrhagie während der Menopause (Sabin./Ust.) mit heftigem Beklemmungsgefühl in der Brust welches durch den Fluss der Menses gebessert wird


• Lungenstauung mit unterdrückter Atmung (Phos.) und reichlich blutigem Auswurf


• reichlich blutiger Auswurf (Anag./Cur.)

• Röntgen: Lungenödem Pneumonitis


• dumpfe Schmerzen im Herzbereich beim Erwachen aus dem Schlaf die zur linken Achselhöhle hin ausstrahlen (Lat-m.) < 4 – 5 h.

• Schmerzen im Präkordium insbesondere beim Erwachen aus dem Schlaf

• persistierender Bluthochdruck sogar nach einem Schlaganfall (Fum-ac./Toxo-g.)


• Zyanose

• EKG: Veränderungen der ST-Strecke und der T-Welle

• Puls: abwechselnd schnell und langsam


• Tendenz zu schweren nekrotischen Veränderungen in den Knochen (Ang./Nat-sil-f./Fl-ac.) aufgrund heftiger Infektionen wie z.B.. Gangrän Osteomyelitis Septikämie usw.

• unerträgliche Schmerzen im rechten großen Zeh verursacht durch Gicht oder Ischämie der Arteria tibialis anterior


• gesteigerte tiefe Sehnenreflexe (Lath./Op./Plb.)

• Steifheit (Caust./Plb.)

• Lähmung der Extremitäten: Hemiplegie (mit Aphasie) Paraplegie und Tetraplegie

• Schwellung des gelähmten Körperteils


• kalt und klebrig (Ant-t./Op.)



• Lymphangitis

• Purpura (Led./Ter.)

• Schwellung

• Neigung zu Karbunkeln (Anthraci.)


[Amati Holle]

Gelbe (super) „Buschmeister“

Wird in der Schulmedizin benutzt um Tromboseprobleme zu heilen.

Verflüssigt das Blut.

Dominanz. Kontrolle über Territorium.

Müssen mit ihren Feinden konkurrieren..

Versuchen zu beeindrucken um ihr Gefühl der Schutzlosigkeit zu verbergen. Opfer von Verrat sich betragen fühlen.

Spaltung in eine gesunde eine kranke Seite. Licht + Dunkel.

Ehrgeizig. Verteidigungsbedürfnis. Greifen sofort an. Wut.

Verschließt ihre Sinne: kann nicht mehr sehen sprechen ringt nach Worten. Sprechthemen. Vergesslich.

Einseitige Symptome. Lähmungen halbseitig. Schlaganfall.

Beklemmung. Hämorrhagie Blutungen der Augen. Photophobie.

Nekrose der Knochen. Gangrän. Eiternde Wunden.

Können sich nicht an Temperaturveränderungen anpassen.


Gesichtsverfärbung dunkelrot

DD.: Lach


[Massimo Mangliavori]

A kind of super-Lachesis. It is more egotistic.

In this specific case the goal of this person’s existence is to dominate.

And to do this in a very very powerful way.

Sometimes in an aggressive way.

It’s a very sycotic attitude.

“I want to reach this place”. Whatever is between me and that place has to be erased or avoided.

This is an extremely aggressive animal.

It is not a naturally aggressive animal but it has a very strong sense of its territory.

Whatever invades their territory must be erased.

But the snake’s territory is not a well defined area

It is not a square area but it is well-guarded.

In the specific case of Bothrops it is very prolific.

They have 20 - 25 babies every time.

In the area where Bothrops lives it is very dangerous.

They have a strong sense of territory and attack every possible enemy.

There are so many of them that if you go through a Bothrops forest you are unlikely to come out alive.

The only difference between the newborn Bothrops and the old one is the size.

There is no relationship to the parent.

There is no parenthood.

They come out of the egg and they are already in an adult state.

The size and colour are the only thing that distinguish their age. They get darker and darker with age.

The poison of the snake is used in conventional medicine as an anti-coagulant.

We have more or less two families of snakes: the Crotalus and the Elaps.

Crotalus is now considered the same family as the Vipera.

The less evolved snakes are the ones with no poison.

According to their evolution they become smaller and they have a poison.

A characteristic of all the snakes is that they only eat living animals.

They cannot eat anything that is not alive.

If you want to feed a snake with a dead animal you have to force feed it or you have to make it warm and move it around so that it appears to be alive!

They also have to watch the face of their victim.

They are eaten head first.

This is why we say they have seduce their pray.

They have no legs but only eat animals that can run very fast like rodents.

They need a different kind of strategy to put this little animal directly into their mouth.

What is the sense of the poison?

One of the biggest problems for snakes (as for many animals) is the problem of eating.

Whenever a snake eats he puts himself in a position of being completely harmless.

They have to eat to survive but when they are digesting they almost cannot move at all.

To catch their prey they have to come out of their hiding position and may become prey themselves.

They also have a completely inelastic skin in comparison to other animals.

This is the constriction issue.

For most animals the skin grows with the animal.

But not for snakes.

In the moment that they are ready to leave their skin their skin is too tight so they get rid of the entire skin and make a new one.

For a snake it’s never a good idea to bite a big animal.

It’s only as an ultimate form of defence.

For them it’s not convenient to be seen or bite and lose so much poison.

It’s more easy for them to digest a mouse or other small animal.

Almost all the Crotalus have a rattle.

And most of them have teeth that can be moved and opened.

(This is not true for Lachesis even though it is a Crotalus. Called muta is Lachesis muta because it does not rattle and is therefore ‘mute’.)

The main attitude of the Crotalus poison is to be haemolytic.

They kill the prey by destroying the red blood cells of these animals.

You die because your blood coagulates suddenly.

At the beginning of the bite you have a lot of bleeding but a few seconds later your blood begins to ‘dry’ which is what causes you to die.

Bothropasi is used in conventional medicine to treat problems of thrombosis:- it makes the blood much more fluid.

Bothrops is one of the most powerful and poisonous substances for human tissue.

In the repertory there is lots of necrosis and destruction of tissue.

Caries necrosis: bones. {38> 65> 0} [36]

Discoloration: blackness of external parts gangrene. {34> 76> 0} [36]

Inflammation: gangrenous. {16> 22> 0} [36]


The issue of dark spots on the skin is a common problem for all the snakes.

You can have every kind of possible spot.

You have to consider the idea of appearance.

How are they seen or considered?

How do they appear to others?

This is one of the main issues for these people. It is much easier to notice a snake person in a group than on his own.

They do whatever they can to appear as someone special:- complaining being seductive being nice etc.

They often do something to be seen in a pleasant way or not.

This matter of discoloration is such a common issue.

The skin is often affected.

One of the most important strategies is seduction.

If their appearance is injured (due to their skin) this is a serious issue.

For this case the fungus on his skin was a real problem.

Obviously there are lots of symptoms of haemorrhages:-

Hemorrhage: tendency or actual. {0> 29> 240} [36]


Hemorrhage: tendency or actual: orifices from. {0> 3> 13}

Hemorrhage: tendency or actual: black. {7> 29> 0} [36]

Hemorrhage: tendency or actual: coagulate does not hemophilia. {0> 8> 76} [122]

Hemorrhage: tendency or actual: dark. {20> 39> 0} [171]


Hemorrhage: tendency or actual: thin. {1> 15> 0} [36]


However Massimo has lots of good cases of this remedy without the haemorrhage.

It’s a serious clinical problem but is not at all compulsory.

There are many things that are more compulsory than this.

The attitude of paralysis is another one to underline:-

Paralysis: general. {20> 317> 0} [36]

Paralysis: one-sided hemiplegia. {1> 25> 103} [3070]

Paralysis: one-sided hemiplegia: apoplexy after. {13> 31> 0} [144]

Paralysis: right. {11> 25> 0} [36]

Paralysis: right: aphasia with. {1> 2> 0} [3070]

It’s not just paralysis from a physical point of view.

It’s common that when they are stuck or de-compensated their reaction is to be completely blocked in their emotions and their behaviour.

We often think of the snakes as a very loquacious and talkative person.

But Massimo’s experience is that it doesn’t have to be like this at all.

It is common but not compulsory.

What is more important is that there are one-sided symptoms.

He presents it as something that is double.

One side is healthy and the other isn’t.

The snake venoms often a specific effect on the area of the brain responsible for languages.

Paralysis: one-sided hemiplegia: aphasia with. {0> 2> 0} [3070]

It is just as common to find someone who is not at all able to speak mostly in a de-compensated state.

They are not able to speak at all.

Instead of saying that snakes are usually talkative and loquacious it’s more precise to say that they have problems in the area of speaking. Many of them use their language as a tool in their strategy of seductive.

Talk talking talks: indisposed to desire to be silent taciturn. {12> 43> 233} [36]

There is often a problem with memory.

Mostly it’s a subjective feeling that their brain should be much sharper than it is.

Mostly this is in the de-compensated state.

For them to be bright intelligent sharp etc. it is important for their mind to be up to it!

Forgetfulness. {54> 204> 0} [122]

Forgetfulness: words while speaking of word hunting. {0> 5> 69} [122]

For them this is a serious problem.

So whatever situation gives them the feeling that their brain is not working as fast or as good as before they exaggerate it.

It is not an objective problem but a subjective issue and they complain about it.

We know that Lachesis is often a good remedy for problems of the menopause.

But it is more interesting to think what the meaning is for a Crotalus structure to enter into the menopause.

If my body is my intelligence; the idea is that if I am young good pretty and interesting then I can use all these tools together to seduce the world and reach my goal.

The feeling of losing these kind of tools is losing the main weapons to fulfil the strategy so it is critical.

Another common matter in every snake is the congestion: mainly in the upper part of the body.

Pulsating beating throbbing. {68> 229> 0} [122]

Pulsating beating throbbing: temples. {27> 118> 0} [122]

It is like the issue of convulsions in the Solanaceae.

Pulsating beating throbbing: temples: blood vessels. {0> 4> 41} [122]

It is more common in Bothrops to see one-sided symptoms but remember that the feeling of ½ of the body being sick and not the other one is much more important.

For a child of four who grazes one knee their perception will be “How strange that one knee is hurting and the other one not”.

There is a clear perception of being a double person in one; there are two parts to the person.

The attitude of severe myopia is a common issue for Bothrops even in adolescents.

In Massimo’s experience these problems of little haemorrhages in the eyes are common problem for this remedy. Or even just weak blood vessels in the eyes.

In Vipera if you have an injury in your leg you get a big ecchymosis.

For Bothrops a small injury in the eye will create a big haemorrhage in the eye.

In almost all of Massimo’s cases the photophobia was really strong.

Dim: sunlight agg. {0> 2> 2}

The idea of competing with a lot of enemies is a very very strong issue.

The feeling of being able to defend yourself is much stronger in Bothrops than in other snakes.

The delusion of clones to protect himself is interesting.

It is so egoistic!

They can only ‘have sex’ with themselves to reproduce.

It is a typical issue of Bothrops because it’s the perfect army.

“If I can be a General and trust all my soldiers because they are me then this is the best army in the world and it is the perfect solution.”

To be at the top is absolutely fundamental.

It does not matter what the job or occupation is.

But whatever they do they must be the first.

A common strategy specifically in the case of Bothrops is to be unable to stand any competition.

When he has the feeling that he is powerful enough he will get closer to his hypothetical master.

Then to do his best to betray him and take his position. They move to a kind of physical elimination.

The issue of being a victim of someone else who betrayed them is another common problem.

In psychiatric medicine Bothrops is the typical ‘borderline personality’.

At the beginning they look like someone who is over-seducing you.

They will tell you that they are seeing you because you are the best Doctor in the world!

This is part of the seduction.

This is the first step for the killing!

They put you as high as possible to shoot you in the best way!

In this attitude they have women masters friends and so on that betray them.

They have tremendous expectations towards someone who should have been an enlightening person and at the end it was experienced as a betrayal.

“It turned out that he didn’t deserve what I thought about him.”

The other thing is this attitude of ‘Pygmalion’.

Very often because of the need to be well-considered by someone else they will consume one relationship after another and not be able to stay in any one of these.

Very often they are left or not interested in the relationship after a while.

For them it is not important to recognise someone else.

They are not interested in knowing another person.

They feel great if someone is adoring them recognising their power and depending on them.

But he has to control by being the most powerful and the strongest.

If this is missing Bothrops cannot stand any relationship so will have to break it off.

The seduction of Bothrops is to be smart and out of the common way of thinking.

To give the impression that he knows something that nobody else knows.

If you say as a joke ‘You are stupid!’ it can kill them!!

They cannot stand this kind of tremendous offence!

It’s like saying to a Lachesis lady that she doesn’t look smart today!

They have such a fear of being discovered that this is not true that whatever for them is a possible symptom of a decrease in the function of the brain is a disaster for them.


[Paul Herscu]

When I think of Bothrops I am reminded of a story that I read in college some years ago. It was of Damocles and his sword. As the story goes Dionysius the king had a subject Damocles who lamented about how great it would

be to be the rich and powerful even for one day. Dionysius said great come back and we will change places for a day.

The next day Damocles arrived to a feast in his honor. He ate the best of foods prepared by the finest chefs. He drank the finest wines and enjoyed the greatest of jewels.

By chance he looked up. He was shocked to find a very very sharp sword hanging point down aimed straight at his head. It was held by a single horse’s hair.

Horrified he asked Dionysius why it was there. The short version of the story has Dionysius share that all the rich and powerful had such a sword hanging over their heads. It was the difficult part the responsibility that came with

the benefits of power. Needless to say Damocles gave up his desire to be a king. Who can blame him?

The reason I am reminded of this myth has to do with a patient I consulted on several years ago. He was a man who in the prime of his life all of a sudden developed a pericarditis. With drugs it began to resolve only to return once more. This time though the cardiologist noted that he was beginning to have clots occlude his carotid arteries. With all the medical help he received with all of the drug therapies he tried the clots were simply becoming more numerous and larger. He had very little flow left going to his brain. They told him that there was nothing more they could do for him. They did not know why the drugs were not working. They had given up. It was only a matter of time until the blockage would get so large as to end this vibrant young man’s life. And so he walked about having this Sword of Damocles hanging over his head with the thinnest of hairs holding it in suspension waiting for his time to run out. Luckily Bothrops saved his life.

Bothrops is a remedy that is not well known to us. It has not had a proper proving and has not been used in a grand way outside of a few types of situations. The reason we do not use it as often as we should has to do with the fact that it lacks known symptoms. In fact in the repertory it is listed in only about eighty rubrics. That makes this remedy one of the smallest in our materia medica. It is thought of for specific clinical uses such as thrombi strokes and heart attacks during as well as after the attack.

It has such specific strong key symptoms in this sphere that the pathology actually leads to the remedy. And so it goes in our community. The remedy is given it acts in some of these situations and we confirm its use but we still do not have a good picture of the remedy.

By studying a number of my own patients that benefited greatly from using Bothrops as well as from a handful of cases that I consulted with colleagues about I was able to find common ideas which lead to a Cycle of the remedy.

In this article I shall describe some of these key features and see if we can develop a fuller understanding of Bothrops.

The Cycle of this remedy as I see it is: Thrombi Formation leading to Fullness which leads to Restlessness. The restlessness leads to Inflammation which is followed by Discharges like Bleeding. The bleeding leads to Weakness and finally to a kind of Paralysis which brings us back to the stuck sort of Segment of Thrombi Formation. Let’s go through Segment by Segment and see how this Cycle unfolds.

The first main idea or Segment is the tendency towards Thrombosis. As I mentioned this is one of the main pathologies helped by this remedy. The physical pathology is only one example of a generalized thrombosis a closing up.

I have seen this tendency in many of my Bothrops patients. The easiest way to notice this is to observe the paralytic effect on the face mouth and eyes where they are basically closed. This paralysis we will talk about further along

in this article. The point is that the closing off nature is a very strong component of this remedy.

Interestingly the emotions often show this closed shut down tendency in Bothrops patients as well. One way to see it is in their obstinacy. Bothrops patients may feel quite strongly about their opinions. This is not necessarily haughtiness or self-assuredness it is more an issue of getting stuck in one way of being. Here it could be confused with Calcarea carbonica in obstinacy and even more so with Causticum especially if there is also one-sided paralysis along with being strongly opinionated. It is this strong stubborn opinion that becomes problematic after a stroke. Bothrops should be added to the rubric Mind conscientious about trifles in plain type.

After a stroke some people develop aphasia as we will mention later. Here the Bothrops patient wants to say something but can not say it. They have the clear image of what they want to say but are unable to do so. They use a different word but are troubled or tortured by the fact that they cannot say exactly what they want to say.

Think about it. The main point of language is to communicate. For some of us if we can put our point forth if we can state our case it may not matter what words we use.

But that is not so with Bothrops. Even though they make their point they will be dissatisfied because the exact word in their brain is not the word that comes out. It is a kind of obstinacy not being satisfied with strictly making the point in fact frustrated by not making it the way they want to. It is this dichotomy that disturbs them.

Sometimes people that have surgeries and come out of anesthesia with these same symptoms. There is no clear diagnosis of a stroke and yet the symptoms persist. Think of Bothrops in this situation.

The thrombosis can be a clot in the leg leading to a thrombophlebitis with attendant symptoms. It can involve the heart and may lead to a pericarditis or a heart attack. But most often for this remedy we will see a thrombus in the brain leading to a stroke with major damage resulting. Interestingly enough this tendency may become so strong so intense that the patient may develop clots throughout his great vessels. I treated one man whose carotids were nearly occluded.

Of course the most closed that this patient is is when he or she is in a coma or unconscious during and after the stroke. If the symptoms match Bothrops may be given at this time. Bothrops comas are serious comas; it is possible that without aggressive intensive care unit therapies as well as giving this remedy the patient may die.

Another place to see this tendency of thrombosis or closing off is in the feeling like the throat is closing off. This is a typical symptom of other remedies in the snake group and Bothrops has it as well.

Lastly one may need this remedy for a patient who develops tremendous swelling and clotting in a wound which is purple and may remind one of Belladonna or Lachesis.

The pains may also be cramping off anywhere in the body.

The next Segment is Fullness which accompanies the thrombi. For example the patient may tell you that during the pericarditis he felt like a great weight was sitting on his chest stopping his heart. Fullness in the stomach aggravates him fullness in the head eyes ears or the throat all are common symptoms of the remedy. Feeling full in the abdomen and not wearing tight things just as seen with the clothing aggravation of Lycopodium or Lachesis are also common.

We then can see restlessness in this remedy. I think it is in part a discontentment with their state. This can happen before during and after the actual stroke. He may feel that there is something wrong with him. Who knows maybe he can feel on a subconscious level that something bad is going to befall him. Surely after his first attack he fears what will happen to him. He is dissatisfied with his situation. He feels all the little symptoms greatly and thinks he will die from his condition. This is not so much an anxiety panicky feeling but rather an internalized knowledge that this is the truth about his current condition. He is doubtful of his recovery because he knows the seriousness of his condition.

The restlessness is seen at night when he dreams of his condition and of his fate. He tosses and turns and may wake up frequently from his sleep.

The restlessness is aggravating to this patient. One of the oldest key symptoms of this remedy is the aggravation by eating. His stroke may come on after a meal.

Similarly his pericarditis may be aggravated by a full meal. He may develop some shortness of breath after eating.

When the restlessness leads to excessive motion as in getting up and exerting herself it may eventually lead to fainting. So all in all we find the person for one reason or another not doing things yet being extremely dissatisfied internally with their health prospects and he becomes restless from that.

There is an Inflammatory element in this remedy though it is much less than for other snake remedies. This remedy spends most of its time in the clotted stage.

The inflammations may be seen in the localized area where the clots

first developed. For example the blood vessels may become inflamed or the patient may develop pericarditis or the leg may become inflamed from the phlebitis.

The easiest place to see the inflammatory aspect is in the pains. The pains are more severe and sharper than other remedies such as Lachesis.

In fact there is a keynote that the pains are so severe that they lead the patient to shiver. In truth this shivering from pain is a rare symptom for the remedy I mention it here to illustrate just how severe the sharp pains can be. More common is the fact that the pains are worse from motion whether it be chest pain or a headache.

The most dangerous place to see this inflammatory portion of the remedy relates to blood pressure. Bothrops has a keynote of developing strokes from hypertension. But the bigger keynote is to develop high blood pressure after the stroke. It is as if the blood vessels changed in some way. As if due to some clogging or due to some blockages the blood pressure changed to accommodate the need for the blood. Now we find hypertension where there used to be none. Before understanding the inner workings of this remedy this keynote alone had led me to prescribe this remedy early on in my practice much to the benefit of my patients.

The face may be mottled or dark red or purplish.

The inflammations may lead to Discharges. Bleeding is found in this remedy though not as commonly as it is found in other snake remedies like Lachesis. Here the bleeding is related to the clotting and is secondary to the coagulation which is the main problem. So even though there is bleeding mentioned in many locations it rarely shows up in practice. Do not deny someone this remedy because they did not bleed enough according to your readings. The thrombi is much more to the point!

Bleeding into the eye is a major symptom of the remedy. However there are other remedies that have this symptom. And in fact looking at all patients that have this symptom occurring it is the minority that will benefit from Bothrops. However Bothrops is one of the remedies. It can be used in diabetic retinopathy with bleeding. It is a main remedy for people who bleed in the eye during a stroke. We also think of Bothrops in acute hypertensive crisis leading to stroke.

Another form of discharge is the tendency towards loose stools and vomiting. I would like to talk about this tendency for a bit and compare it to Lachesis which has the extreme explosive component more commonly yet is balanced off by a strong tendency towards constipation. In Bothrops we find the exact opposite; we see its strong tendency to clump or coagulate which is balanced off by occasional loose stools and vomiting. While both remedies share these two poles they spend most of their energy on opposite sides. In Bothrops patients the vomiting is followed by intense weakness and lassitude.

This brings us to the next Segment: extreme Weakness which is manifested by both physical weakness and the mental confusion.

In the physical weakness we find a tendency to faint from exertion. One person reported “Since the stroke I want to sleep all the time.” Another said “I can’t function anymore… I have to sit all the time…I used to lift weights

I used to play professional sports. Now I cannot do anything with my body…I am so weak I cannot eat.” Another person said “I pass out if I get up to vacuum or clean the house. Faintness after a stroke or with thrombi occluding major vessels are common characteristics. “Since the stroke my blood pressure drops quickly and I faint,” is how one patient put it. During this time the heart beats feebly; the patient is also chilly and has a pale blue discoloration of the extremities. It feels like the heart is going to stop beating. “All you want to do is sit or lie down and think on how your life is ending right here and now.” So here we have the opposite of the main keynote of the remedy the hypertension.

The weakness is also seen in vertigo. They may be dizzy especially when they exert themselves as in rising from a chair standing too long or lifting. They feel faint with the dizziness and want to lie down.

The mental weakness has to do with being able to keep focus especially soon after a stroke. The patient may be really disoriented and may take months to feel reoriented. The mind wanders as does the speech. This is easy to see when you talk to some of these patients. Many tend to be quiet. But if you do get a patient that is answering you fully you will notice that their speech wanders. This is also seen in Lachesis but in Lachesis it is due to an intensity that cannot be contained whereas in Bothrops it is seen when the mind is so weak that the thoughts lazily trail from one to the other. This is not the aphasia I am describing here I will do that in the Paralysis section below. Here I am focusing on the weakening of the mind and body.

The patient may become more sleepy as well. Here it is not so much a narcolepsy as much as the sleepiness found in post head trauma patients. It is a mixture of weakness tiredness and sleeping from weariness due to the trial of focusing and working the mind.

Paralysis is the segment that follows weakness and as such is another main idea for the remedy. The most prominent symptoms that fit here are the paralysis of the body seen in three different places. Keynote number one is the stroke that leads to true aphasia. Where some people have a difficulty moving their mouth that is less the case with Bothrops. Here the patient is able to move the mouth but they have lost the words they want to say. This is not so much the difficulty articulating as is found in Crotalus cascavella this is a paralysis of the brain not of the tongue.

The way they deal with the paralysis of the brain is to use the wrong words. They may get their idea across by using some words and by gesturing but they use the wrong words. For example instead of saying window they say “that hole,” or instead of saying door they may say “that wood” and point in the direction of the object. They make their point but not with the words that they wish. This leads to a paradox or a state of agitation as they are stuck on the word they want to say. They may be as surprised at the word that comes out as the listener but still they stick to the point. They may also try several words out to find the one they want and even though they may try very hard they may still not get it.

The second big keynote is the blindness. Bothrops is one of the main remedies that have blindness after stroke. There may or may not be a reason in the eye that accounts for this. There may for example be a hemorrhage in the eye but the bigger keynote is that there is nothing that can be seen pathologically in the eye yet the patient does not see. The symptom in the materia medica says that they are blind in daylight mostly. I have not seen this so much.

Mostly if they are blind they are blind. Do not be misled by that symptom.

Lastly the paralysis may be of a limb the face or one side. The keynote from the old literature is that the paralysis is right-sided; while this is mostly true I have clearly seen the paralysis on either side. There may be some paralysis of the throat as well where the patient has difficulty and may even choke on swallowing.

I would like to make some final differentiating points between Bothrops Lachesis and Arnica. Towards Lachesis let me say that many of the common symptoms of Lachesis may also be found in Bothrops. However Bothrops tends to be more inward more towards the closing thrombi chilly whereas Lachesis is more excessive intense and hot. One interesting tidbit is the fact that Lachesis craves oysters while I have found several of my Bothrops patients crave all kinds of fish.

The differential with Arnica is an important one for several reasons including the fact that because we know Arnica better we give it more frequently. Arnica is also mentioned much more frequently in the materia medica and therapeutic books. I think the easiest way to differentiate the two has to do with the etiology. When the etiology is from the outside the remedy is more likely to be Arnica. When the etiology is an internal process the remedy is more likely to be Bothrops. Sometimes the etiology is an injury and the remedy is Bothrops; where the injury is the final push of a process that has been going on previously. The injury then creates or dislodges a thrombus and the rest of the symptoms ensue. Even though the etiology looked like an injury really the person was developing this state before. So injuries that lead to a vascular accident of some sort and finally lead to blindness or paralysis should make one think of Bothrops.

Hopefully this description of Bothrops will help to clarify and place into context the few but important symptoms of this remedy to make it easier to prescribe effectively. I would love to read about other practitioner’s experience with this remedy and with treating stroke patients in general.



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