Aethylium spp.


Ektohormone siehe unten



Carboneum hydrogenisatum = Aethylium o. Ethyl(enum) (Carbn-h/Aethyl) C2H4 Ethen (standardsprachlich: Äthen/Äthylen)


Vergleich: Toluol (dient gleichen Zweck).

Siehe: Drogen allgemein + Narkosemittel + Carbon + Hydrogen + Gasengruppe


Gebrauch: Kopfschmerz/Bauchschmerz/Schwindel/Apathie/Müdigkeit/Husten/langer Tiefschlaf;

Negativ: Bild wie Schlaganfall, Geist nicht im Gleichgewicht, zufrieden, Stuhl/Urin willkürlich, Krämpfe;


Gemüt: Antworten abgeneigt/einsilbig/langsam

Betäubung/Bewusstlos (plötzlich)/Koma (apoplektisch/tief)


Erregt (nachts)


Gedanken Vergehen, Schwinden/verwirrt geistig

Wahnideen (würde Vernichtung anheim fallen)

Weint (mit Schluchzen)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Auge: “Wie ein Pendel von einer Seite zur anderen“/Bewegung unwillkürlich


Offene Augen, geöffnete Lidspalte - halb offen

Schmerz zwischen den Augen

Sehen: Farben vor den Augen - dunkele Gegenstände bewegen sich

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche (Sausen, Brausen)

Gesicht: blass/rot

Gerunzelt/hippokratisches Gesicht/langgezogen, verzogen

Kiefersperre/Kiefer fest zusammengebissen/Krampf in Kiefergelenk


Mund: Übelkeit erregend

Magen: Schmerz (krampfartig)

Atmung: Aussetzend, ungleich, intermittierend/rasselnd

Husten: Anfallsweise/Keuchhusten

Auswurf: Blutig/durchsichtig, wie Eiweiß, Eiklar

Brust: Schmerz (reißend)

Rücken: Kongestion in Zervikalregion

Glieder: Verlust der Kraft um sie zu bewegen/erschlafft/“Wie gelähmt“/schwach



Konvulsionen/Krämpfe in Zehen/Kribbeln in Unterschenkel

Schmerz - Arme [ziehend/erstr. Finger (ziehend)]

Zittern - konvulsivisch/in Hände

Schlaf: Tief/unterbrochen durch Krämpfe des Kiefers/der Zehen

Unterbrochen - Krämpfe, durch - Zehen, der

In Rückenlage/verlängert

Träume: Schmerz

Schweiß: Riecht nach den entsprechenden Arzneimitteln/Klamm, feucht

Allgemeines: Apoplexie

Blutung - Blut - dunkel

Verlangt Aufenthalt im Freien

Konvulsionen (tetanische Starre; Starrkrampf)/Ausstrecken - konvulsivisch, anfallsweise



Zittern äußerlich


Carboneum allgemein yxz (Carbn)


Gemüt: Ruhelos - Herumwerfen im Bett/nachts

Kopf: Hitze

Mund: Krämpfe in Zunge/Zunge weiß morgens

Innerer Hals: Entzündung

Brust: Gefühllos, taub

Glieder: Kälte in Hände

Allgemeines: Konvulsion (tetanische Starre/Starrkrampf)

Müde morgens aufstehend

Schwäche nach Konvulsionen/nachmittags/morgens aufstehend

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: saure Speisen, Säuren;


[Andre Saine]

Homeopath Andre Saine shares his experience in using Carboneum oxygenisatum in Covid-19. Potency is an important factor in using this remedy in Covid-19.

I have been consulted by twelve cases in the last twelve days with confirmed or suspected Covid (tested and untested) in areas where the Omicron variant is dominant and who had more or less the same symptoms and all responded quickly and very well to each dose of Carboneum oxygenisatum.

The most characteristic symptoms are great to extreme lethargy, apathy, mental dullness and weakness that are worse from the slightest exertion and better from open air. Another interesting symptom that can be present when Carbn-o. is indicated is disorientation in time and space.

The patient can have a panoply of other symptoms: cough, sore throat, sore skin, painful joints, fever, chilliness, high thirst but none of these would be decisive to find the remedy.

The state of apathy is very particular to Carboneum oxygenisatum. One patient who had been in bed for 13 days said that “I know I have to go to the washroom but I get

so exhausted from just thinking about it that I don’t go.” She said once she waited four hours to get up to go to the washroom. She took Carbn-o. 1M around 11.30 h. and when I called her back around 13 h. she said that she felt so well after the second dose that she got out of the same pajamas she had been in since Dec. 24, took a shower and got dressed for the first time in two weeks.

Carbn-o. was first thought of and used for patients in the later stage of the disease. However a colleague from Holland found it to be the genius epidemicus during the Delta phase in his area.

It may be difficult for most to prescribe Carbn-o. as it will not come out in repertorization unless you would have a version of Complete Repertory 4.5 in which we have made over 2000 additions that were taken from a review of its toxicology and the excellent proving that the MMPP conducted of it in the spring of 2020.

One of the cases I presented at the AIH October 16 update webinar was of a patient that had been on a ventilator for about three weeks and they were ready to pull the plug because the patient was “clinically dead”.  I told the wife to rub some “holy water” with Carbn-o. and this patient came out of ICU in about five days and he is still responding to Carbn-o. in increasing potencies for the long term effects of severe Covid and intubation (Chest pain, palpitation, SOB, hypertension, paresthesia, paresis, energy, diabetes)

Beware that the remedy must be given often. Patients have often said that they feel the betterment after each dose and when they wait too long to repeat, they do not have further improvement or have already started to deteriorate.

Dr. Pradeep Gupta reported having treated over 12,000 Covid cases in the inpatient and outpatient departments of his hospital in Agra with only two deaths. He gives the remedy in either in the LM potencies q10m the first day for the day in the inpatient department and centesimal potencies (6, 30, 200 or 1M) every 2-6 hours in his outpatient department.

He also said that he gives the LM q5m for four doses in the very severe cases of SARS and then moved to q10m for four doses so patients have taken eight doses in the first hour.

The point of this is that posology is important. Unless the patient is very sensitive, I give the 1M every 15-30 minutes at first and the patient may keep doing this the first and second day. A patient said last week that with each dose of Carbn-o. she felt a surge of energy that begins within seconds of taking it.

I also change the potency after about five days, which gives an extra healing impetus.

Whenever Omicron has become dominant in an area, I have started telling my patients to switch from Bryonia to Carbn-o. for prophylaxis and in the early stage of the disease and to call me if they don’t respond.

People who were taking Bryonia for prevention can stop taking it and take instead Carboneum oxygenisatum 200 (we use the 500) every week or so.

If someone knows they have been exposed yesterday to someone who was diagnosed this morning with COVID-19, they are likely to develop symptoms that day or the next day. I recommend that they take Carboneum oxygenisatum 200 or 500 twice a day for two days.

If it is too late and they have started experiencing flu-like symptoms I ask them to take Carbn-o. 500 every hour for three doses and keep repeating the three dose regimen as needed.

However, if the symptoms are more persistent I ask them to call me and I will then see if Carbn-o. is indicated and if yes I ask to take it more often, let’s say q20m.


Komplementär: Fl-ac. Lyc.


Antidotiert von: Aus persönliche Erfahrung: Versehentlich wurde ein Holzimprägniermittel verschüttet in eine Heizungskeller ohne Fenster. Das Entlüften des Raumes erweißt sich als langwierig.

Bei unterschiedliche Personen entstehen folgende Beschwerden: Kopfschmerz/Bauchschmerz/gelbe Stuhl/Schwindel/Apathie/Müdigkeit/Husten/langer Tiefschlaf, der nicht erfrischt.

Croc-s. D3 erweist sich als Antidot.


Wirkung: syphillitisch/sykotisch

Allerlei: = Radikal/verbindet sich in viele Zusammensetzungen z.B. Alkohol/Aether. Pflanzen gebrauchen das Radikal zur Übermittlung Auskünfte (Pilz-/Ungezieferbefall usw.)

Funktion: bringt Pflanze dazu Erdeanziehungskraft zu entwachsen/Blüten zu entwickeln/lässt Früchten reifen/lässt Blätter abfallen/staut sich zur Verdickung bei Hemmung/ entsteht bei Verwesung Pflanzen.

Orakel. von Delphi bekommt prophetische Gabe durch berühren von Weide./sagt vorher unter Einfluss Ethyl

Dieses Reifegas, ein Ektohormon., wird ausgeschieden von Äpfeln/Aprikosen/Avocados/Baumtomaten/Birnen/Papayas/Passionsfrüchten/Pfirsichen/Nektarinen. Lässt Schnittblumen schnell welken/Kartoffeln keimen + schrumpfen/Gurken gelb und weich/Blätter von Dill, Kohl, Petersilie und Salat gelb/Möhren bitter werden, Rosenkohl Aroma/Zwiebeln Schärfe verlieren. Viele Bakterien stellen es her. Ethylen bringt Bananen in Kühlhäusern zur Reifung. Kann auch Saatkeimung verhindern/Wachstum anderer Pflanzen einschränken.

The shorter carbon chains are the lighter elements, the shortest comprising gas components; longer chains make up the heavier compounds, progressing from lighter volatile liquids to denser oily components and greases; and finally the longest chain molecules make up the solids.

The 4 lightest alkanes - CH4 (methane)/C2H6 (ethane)/C3H8 (propane)/C4H10 (butane) which are all gases and will have separated from the crude oil mix through vaporisation.

The chains in the C5-C7 range are all light, easily vaporized, clear naphthas. They are used as solvents, dry cleaning fluids, and other quick-drying products. The chains from C6H14 through C12H26 are blended together and used for gasoline. Kerosene/paraffin oil is made up of chains in the C10 to C15 range, followed by diesel fuel/heating oil (C10 to C20) and heavier fuel oils as the ones used in ship engines. These petroleum compounds are all liquid at room temperature.

Lubricating oils and semi-solid greases (including Vaseline®) range from C16 up to C20.

Chains above C20 form solids, starting with paraffin wax, then tar and asphaltic bitumen.

The exact proportion of components in a sample of paraffin oil is not fixed but depends on the make-up the original crude oil and this varies from source to source.



Aethylium aceticum (Aethyl-acet)



Gemüt:  Kind simuliert krank zu sein


Vergleich: Siehe: Acetat.



Aethylium nitriticum (Aethyl-n)



Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf: Wirft den Kopf nach vorne/Blutandrang am Hirn

Geräusche im Kopf/Schmerz/Völlegefühl

Atmung: Beschleunigt/Schmerzhaft

Brust: Hypertrophie des Herzens/übermäßiger Impuls des Herzschlages

Allgemeines: Unempfindlichkeit


Vergleich: Siehe: Nitrogen Element



Aethylium sulfuricum dichloratum (Aethyl-s-d)



Gemüt:  Auge

Auge: Photophobie


Vergleich: Asar. (Euphorie, Leichtigkeit und „Wie nach einer Narkose mit Chlorethylen“). Nat-ae-s. Siehe: Sulphur + Chlorum



Glycerine (Glyc:) = Aethylform/= E 422



Methylium aethyloaetherium (Methyl-aeae)


Plumbum tetra aethylicum



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