Distemper = Staupevirus


Vergleich: Siehe: Nosoden + Canes



Arzneimittelprüfung Distemperinum (2005)

Das Mittel ist eine Nosode aus der Hundestaupe und wird von Schulärzten zur Behandlung von Multiple Sklerose eingesetzt. Dies, weil es den Ruf hat, die beschädigten

Myelinscheiden wieder intakt zu bringen. Nach der Signaturenlehre wäre das eine mögliche Verschreibung. Ich hörte, dass auch Homöopathen dieses Mittel (weil ja potenziert) aufgrund

der Diagnose MS anwenden und prüfte deshalb im Herbst 2005 das Mittel an mir selbst.

Beim geprüften Mittel handelte es sich um Distemperinum C200.


Krankheit: Befallt Tiere (Hund) schwach/Katarrh/Husten;

Canine distemper is a contagious, incurable, often fatal, multisystemic viral disease that affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems. Distemper is caused by the canine distemper virus (CDV).

Macrophages (cells that ingest foreign disease-carrying organisms, like viruses and bacteria) carry the inhaled virus to nearby lymph nodes where it begins replicating (reproducing). It spreads rapidly through the lymphatic tissue and infects all the lymphoid organs within 2 to 5 days. By days six to nine, the virus spreads to the blood (viremia). It then spreads to the surface epithelium (lining) of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, and central nervous systems, where it begins doing the damage that causes the symptoms.

Early symptoms: fever, loss of appetite, and mild eye inflammation that may only last a day or two. Symptoms become more serious and noticeable as the disease progresses.

tremors and seizures. It can make other diseases complicated and make jerky kinds of movements in the muscles. People have a somewhat edgy temper when provoked.

The initial symptom is fever (103° F to 106° F), which usually peaks 3 to 6 days after infection. The fever often goes unnoticed and may peak again a few days later.

Dogs may experience eye and nose discharge, depression, and loss of appetite (anorexia). After the fever, symptoms vary considerably, depending on the strain of the virus and the dog's immunity.


Many dogs experience gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms, such as:

* Conjunctivitis (discharge from the eye)

* Diarrhea

* Fever (usually present but unnoticed)

* Pneumonia (cough, labored breathing)

* Rhinitis (runny nose)

* Vomiting


Zusammenfassung der Symptome.

1. Hautausschlag an Nasenwurzel

2. Verwirrung - schwierige Konzentration - „Wie Scheibe“

3. Rückenverspannung abends ab 21h

4. Kopfschmerz Stirn Stechend von innen

5. r. Bizeps Papel juckend

6. r. Knöchel medial Schmerz

7. Sexverlangen erhöht

8. Lust zur Ernährungsumstellung

Bei der Prüfung ist die Verwirrung das auffälligste und extremste Symptom gewesen.


Da die Prüfung nur von einer einzelnen Person durchgeführt wurde, ist die Symptomatik des Mittels natürlich sehr unvollständig wiedergegeben. Der Prüfer prüft sehr

gut in körperlichen Bereich. An psychischen Symptomen sind auch in den bisherigen Prüfungen nur Reizbarkeit, Euphorie usw, nicht aber Traurigkeit, Depression usw. aufgetreten.


Vergleich: Morb (Staupe hat ähnliche Antigenen).


Antidotiert von: Bronchitis nach Masern: Tub-a.


[Dr. H.B.F. Jervis]

Of all diseases to which dogs are subject, distemper is perhaps the most frequent, it is also the most difficult to define. It has been compared to typhoid, or to typhus fever

in man, though the comparison hardly seems to be a good one. The disease seems to be contagious. We say "seems to be," because back of all contagious diseases, in man

or beast, is an element which no one can explain. Of a dozen men or dogs, exposed to a contagious disease, a certain number may contract the disease, while the remainder, though equally exposed, will escape.

Distemper is to be mechanically classed as a contagious disease. It is far more apt to attack young dogs and those known as "pure-bred," than old dogs and the dog rabble,

but at any rate, if a dog shows signs of the disease it is best to isolate him from other dogs, if any be kept about the place.

Picture drawn by Blaine:

1. a short dry cough,

2. lessening of the appetite, of the flesh, of the strength, and spirits; the coat also begins to stare, the eyes to wink in a full light, as though painfully affected by it; they also, if observed in the morning. exhibit the remains of a little hardened mucus, which may be seen adhering to the inner corner of each, while a general cloudiness of the eye steals over its surface; the nose also is bedewed with a watery discharge, greater or less as the membraneous linings of the orbits and nasal cavities are more or less inflamed, in which state it may sometimes remain for

2 - 3 weeks without much alteration;

3. eventually increases, and changes from a limpid, watery fluid to a muco-purulent discharge (something like the discharge from an abscess) which flows down the face from the inner corner of each eye, and as the disease becomes more intense, it frequently closes up the lids during the night, and blinds the dog until his efforts have opened them. The nasal discharge, which is at first thin and watery, becomes muco-purulent, and later one of direct pus, by which his nose is more or less closed up each morning by the viscid exudations like the poor dogs eyes.

4. the intensity of the inflammation extends, the cough also, which was at first a slight huskiness (or perhaps hardly existed at all, for in some cases but little cough attends the early stages) increases to a distressing harsh sounding one, and frequent attempts to force something up the throat by an effort that appears compounded of coughing and vomiting.

To these appearances are usually added wasting, weakness, listlessness and lessening of the appetite also.

Remembering that dogs cannot relate their symptoms or feelings, I would be inclined to regard the foregoing picture as being nearer to "Grippe" than to either typhoid or typhus.


"I regard distemper as a catarrhal fever, affecting more or less severely, the mucous membranes of the various canals of the body, the nervous system being not infrequently implicated“.


"A contagious disease of which all dogs appear to carry the seeds in their system, accompanied with fever and derangement of most of the internal organs, and frequently ending in chorea, paralysis or inflammation of the lungs“. If the seeds of the disease are in the system, it can hardly be termed a contagious disease.


"The symptoms present considerable variations, which depend upon the rapidity of the disease, the character of the prevailing epidemic and the local complications“.


after stating that the symptoms are very numerous and varied, concludes that" it will not be feasible to enumerate all the combinations that occur, as these are simply endless“.


From the foregoing, the reader will see that distemper, the worst of dog diseases, is a rather meaningless term, and that the only way to intelligently treat the disease is to individualise the cases, i.e.; do not think of the name of the disease, but look for the symptoms in the dog.

Acon.: At the outset, if the dog is feverish, or chilly and feverish by turns, and restless, as this great polychrest arrests more diseases in their incipiency than any other remedy.

Gels.: should the dog appear dull, feverish and stupid, "drunken looking".

Acon.: restlessness prominent in its pathogenesis,

Gels.: characterised by a dull, sluggish besotted condition.

Aconite and Gelsemium, are only of use in the beginning of the disease. If they do not check it, resort must be had to others, as indicated.

Bry.: will be called for by symptoms of bronchitis, which is known by short, hurried breathing, as though the act were painful, together with rattling of mucus.

Phos.: Mucus becomes "rusty" instead of being blood-streaked. This is a dangerous stage. A clear fluid runs from nose +/o. eyes, and that symptom is very prominent, maybe + fever and other symptoms,

Nat-m. Diarrhoea and exhaustion.

Ars.: when the vital powers seem to sink, offensive and acrid effusion from inflamed eyes and nose, with great restlessness and constant whining.

Merc.: mouth more or less ulcerated, breath particularly offensive, with bloody diarrhoea.

Bell.: Throat is inflamed and the eyes involved, also when the brain seems to be involved and there are fits.


Many dogowners may know that their dog has distemper, and yet not be able to, or have time to, differentiate between the various remedies.

1.                Ars. for a few days,

2.                Nux-v. follows

Much stress is laid, by allopathic writers, upon feeding in this disease, and they state that every means should be employed to induce the dog to eat so as to sustain his strength. This can be a mistake. Give the dog free across to plenty of fresh, clean water, but do not force him to eat. He is like a sick man, it may be, to whom the very

thought of food is disgusting.

Cure the disease by the indicated remedy, and nature will soon supply the appetite when the disease is conquered.


[Kappes of Dresden/translated by Mrs. M.L. Wheeler]

Distemper is an acute infectious disease of young carnivorous animals:

(1) Respiratory organs,

(2) Digestive organs,

(3) the Nervous System,

(4) Skin of the abdomen, either each part alone or all of them together. It develops, when artificially produced, in 3 - 4 days; under natural conditions in 3 - 4 weeks.

The severe form of the disease manifests itself in a sudden refusal of food, sadness, whimpering, and general lassitude; also there is a high temperature. After 3 - 4 days the temperature falls below normal and death occurs.

The acute form sets in in a similar manner, only the fever lasts 2 - 4 weeks; a very high temperature, or it falls to rise again and then comes down gradually. At the onset the animals are restless, tired, easily afraid, they lose their appetite and obey reluctantly.

The catarrh of the air-passages is indicated by a short dry cough which later becomes prolonged and moist, frequently producing cramp-like attacks and vomiting.

Breathing becomes more difficult and rapid, and rattling is heard in the chest cavity.

The eye symptoms develop simultaneously with the attack on the respiratory organs. They commence with an inflammation of the conjunctivae very red and painful, with swelling of the eyelids, the conjunctivae . There is excessive lachrymation and a mucous secretion which becomes purulent. Sometimes the lens becomes torpid.

The affection of the digestive organs is first noticeable by the absence of any desire for food together with intense thirst, with frequent vomiting of mucus discolored with bile. The mouth is dry and hot, the tongue dirty and the stomach region sensitive. The excreta are loose, streaked with blood and are offensive.

Even in mild cases nervous symptoms very often noticeable and from such a prominent feature that they dominate the disease picture. Sometimes paralysis of local parts occurs, frequently cramp-like spasms of the whole body.

In 50% of the cases the skin of the abdomen and the inside of the legs are covered with a peculiar pustular eruption.

Treatment must follow closely the disease picture. The patient must be put into a clean protected place and fed on strong meat soups, etc. In great lassitude and weakness give Cocc. Camph. Led.

Fever requires no special treatment except in the case of over 41° C. In which case Nux-v. should be given.

The catarrh of the Respiratory tract is best treated with Phos., Acon., Bell., Kreos.

The intestinal symptoms are treated with Ars. # Puls.

The inflammation of the eyes yields frequently to Cann-s.

The nerve symptoms can be treated with Op. and Ars.

The skin eruption, which usually disappears when recovery sets in, can often be treated successfully with Merc-c.

Lay people should use the medium potencies.

Naturally these are only some abbreviated notes for the early stages of the disease. The choice of remedies in prolonged treatment and serious cases is best left in the hands of a veterinary surgeon, as distemper is as a rule a serious affection.

I would like to say that to prevent distemper in young animals the only thing is good feeding. Do not spare meat, milk, and if necessary cod liver oil. In all cases do not think that bread and thin soup will make a strong animal. Experience teaches otherwise.


Chronic Canine Distemper.x

Canine distemper (old disease of dogs), is well known in its clinical manifestation. According to The Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals,1 the major symptoms are:

• Watery discharge from eyes and nose.

• Conjunctivitis, with discharge (eventually purulent).

• Vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite.

• Watery feces, mixed with mucous, offensive and often bloody feces; intense malaise, loss of weight, and death.

• Severe, fetid diarrhea.

• Spasms, fits, epileptiform seizures.

• Paralysis.

• Eruption around the mouth where hair meets the naked skin of the lips.

• Swelling of the feet, red footpads.

• Pneumonia.

• Eruptions on the skin of pustules, on the abdomen, inside the thighs, and elsewhere.

• Emaciation.

What I am suggesting to you is that, because of repeated vaccination, the acute disease of canine distemper has changed form to appear as a variety of chronic diseases.

In the table below, the acute form of the disease (on the left) has become the chronic (or new acute) disease on the right:

Acute Form of Canine Distemper                                                Chronic/New Acute

Watery discharge of eyes and nose.                                                 Tendency for watery fluid to drip from the nose.

Conjunctivitis.                                                                        Chronic conjunctivitis, eye discharge.


Vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.                                     Chronic gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, appetite disorders.

Watery feces, mixed with mucous, offensive/often

bloody feces; intense malaise/loss of weight/death.

Severe, fetid diarrhea.                                                            Parvovirus.

Recurrent diarrhea.

Sensitivity to foods with resultant diarrhea.

Spasms, fits, epileptiform seizures.

Paralysis.                                                                                    Epilepsy; rear leg paralysis.


Eruption around the mouth where hair meets the                         Lip fold dermatitis

naked skin of the lips.            .


Swelling of the feet, red footpads.                                                Habit of licking the feet; eruptions between the toes, inflammation and swelling of the toes & bottoms of the feet

interdigital dermatitis.


Pneumonia.                                                                                     Kennel cough.

Chronic bronchitis.

Eruptions on the skin of pustules - on abdomen,                        Chronic skin eruptions involving abdomen, inside thighs, and generally lower half of the body.

inside the thighs, and elsewhere.           

Emaciation.                                                                                    Failure to thrive; abnormally thin condition.

Suggesting here is that the original disease, Distemper, has been, for the most part, replaced by Distemper Vaccinosis, a chronic disease of great variety.

This chronic disease creates a susceptibility to new acute forms of distemper like parvovirus. Because by its nature, chronic disease is more developed than an acute disease,

the many ramifications of this condition have been given new names from the mistaken idea that they are different and distinct diseases.



Arzneimittelprüfung Distemperinum (2005) mit eine Prüferin:

Das Mittel ist eine Nosode aus der Hundestaupe und wird zur Behandlung von M.S. eingesetzt. Hat den Ruf hat, die beschädigten Myelinscheiden wieder intakt zu bringen.

Nach der Signaturenlehre wäre das eine mögliche Verschreibung. Ich hörte, dass auch Homöopathen dieses Mittel (weil ja potenziert) aufgrund der Diagnose MS anwenden und prüfte deshalb im Herbst 2005 das Mittel an mir selbst.

Zahnschmerz in Oberkiefer ziehend.

Übel & Schwindel - habe Gefühl, ich müsste bald erbrechen; Unterarme „Wie lahm“

Schwindel - Augen fühlen sich aufgeschwollen an.

Zähne jetzt vorne ziehend.

Kopfschmerz frontal

Koordination schwierig; muss mich konzentrieren; (lösche Licht vor Öffnen der Türe)

Kopf „Wie verwirrt“; Sitz in Stirn bei Haaransatz - Augenkoordination schwierig.

Kopfschmerz über r. Auge stechend; beim Kopfschütteln Mühe, die Augen folgen zu lassen

Kopfschmerz r Stirn; Ohren stechen; „Wie eine Scheibe“; Konzentration sehr schwierig.

Hände zittern beim Halten eines Buches; > Kopfschmerz, aber Verwirrung noch da

Hinsetzend fällt Blutdruck zusammen & Druck im r. Auge außen

Ziehend/stechender Schmerz in r. Ohr - vergeht jeweils nach 15 Minuten wieder

während Besprechung z.T. Gedanken abdriftend und Ziehen in Ohr/Stirn

Ziehen in der Wirbelsäule - kann kaum aufrecht stehen, „Wie verkrampft und müde“

Hautausschlag an Nasenwurzel krustig, wie eiterig

kribbeln Hände

„Wie eine Scheibe vor dem Kopf“

Stich (leicht) r. Schläfe

Druck Nasenwurzel

Verwirrt, „Wie in Alkoholrausch“; muss mich stark konzentrieren auf einfache Dinge

Schmerz Kopf l. und Oberkiefer

Augenkoordination stimmt nicht - habe das Gefühl zu schielen

Hinterkopfdruck ziehend

Wirbelsäule zieht beim Kopf senken.

Stich in r. Stirn erstr. „Wie eine Nadel zum Hinterkopf“ - verschwindet in Stirn und dann auch im Hinterkopf

Pulsieren l. Stirn über Auge einige Stiche, dann Übelkeitsgefühl

runder eitriger Hautausschlag an Nasenwurzel - praktisch kein Schmerz

Rücken verspannt; weiß fast nicht wie zu Sitzen

Hautausschlag an Nasenwurzel krustig, „Wie eiterig“ immer noch da; Gesternabend etwas


keine Lust zur Arbeit - träume vor mich hin

brauche viel falsche Worte z.B. Pinguin für Delphin; anläuten anstatt ansprechen

Repertorisierend schwierig mich zu konzentrieren

Hautausschlag noch da; sehr gelb; ohne Schmerzen

L. Stirn über Auge Stiche „Wie von Messer“ – erstr. l. Hinterkopf horizontal durch Rücken verspannt; weiß fast nicht wie zu Sitzen - heute extremer, da körperlich


kann schlecht schlafen; immer wieder wach, aber sehr müde

r. Bizeps juckende Papel wie Mückenstich

Stiche im Kopf (Schläfen) kurz, aber störend; Konzentration schlecht; sehr müde

Gebrauche falsche Ausdrücke, die ähnlich tönen; vertippe mich auch auf der PC-Tastatur


Rückenverspannung ca. 30 Min sitzend

Papel an r. Bizeps wird gelb und juckt immer noch

Rückenverspannung ca. 5 Min sitzend

Kopfschmerz l. Stirn 10 Min

Papel an r. Bizeps juckt extrem

Rückenverspannung ca. 15 Min

Aufstehend Rückenverspannung r. ca. Th3 und Nackenverspannung

Hautausschlag an Nasenwurzel heilt ab; Erosion geht von außen her zu und wird kleiner

Papel an r. Bizeps dunkelgelb; juckt nur, wenn er gereizt wird

kurze Rückenverspannung

Rötung um Papel weg; Jucken weniger.

Hautjucken am Rücken dorsal lateral und auf Schulterpartie

gebrauche immer noch falsche Worte z.B. Regenbogen anstatt Regenschirm; merke es aber sofort - ärgert mich; seit Tagen.

Stich in r. Stirn wie wenn an Os frontale von innen angeschlagen würde - einen Moment


Seit 2 Tagen Schmerz in r. Knöchel bei Rotation nach innen (stehend)

r. Handfläche Mitte starkes Ziehen pulsierend

Taubheitsgefühl in beiden Händen ca. 30 Min.

Schmerz in r. Knöchel bei Rotation nach innen

Anfangs Joggen starker Schmerz Knöchel rechts medial; wird nach 15 Min >

Schmerz l. Stirn & Übelkeit ca. 15 Sekunden

Knöchelschmerz bei Innenrotation immer wieder (< morgens)

körperliche Arbeit - geht sehr gut; keine Symptome, außer Knöchelschmerz z.T., aber wenig

Papel an Bizeps praktisch nicht mehr sichtbar

immer wieder kurze Anflüge von Verwirrung, aber wirklich sehr kurz

Rückenspannung r. neben WS nach Radfahren

Rückenspannung r. neben WS immer noch da

Rücken aufstehend Schmerz stechend links neben WS ca. 30 Minuten lang

Rückenverspannung ca. 30 Min

beim Rennen Schmerz r. Knöchel medial

Rückenverspannung sitzend; r. Dorsalregion unten; ca. Th11

Weiß nicht wie zu Sitzen auch stehen geht nicht

Rückenverspannung (sehr stark; habe auch körperlich gearbeitet)

Exostose l. Fuß auf Mittelfußknochen des Großzehens, 1cm hinter Großzehengrundgelenk

Rückenverspannung Dorsalregion rechts nach 20km-Lauf - sitzend.

L. Fuß wird leicht gefühllos

L. Fuß Gefühl unangenehm weg; in Schuhen wird es durch die (leichte) Exostose unangenehm

Gefühllosigkeit im Fuß immer noch da

Rückenschmerz bei längerer Autofahrt Sakral > Bewegen.

Augen sehr gerötet, nach knapp 6 Std Schlaf < r. mit leichtem Sandgefühl

L. Nasenloch seit 3 Tagen trocken, aber immer mit störenden Borken; können schlecht

entfernt werden ohne zu Bluten

Nasenwurzel „Wie wenn der Eiterfleck wieder kommen würde“

Augen immer noch rot und Sandgefühl

Gefühllosigkeit im Fuß nicht mehr da

Augen immer noch rot

Schulter l. M. Deltoideus ziehender Schmerz - ca. 1 Std

Seit 3 Tagen öfters kurzes Jucken auf rechtem Handrücken - ohne Ausschlag

Kopfschmerz linke Stirn 10 Min

Augen noch rot - etwas Sandgefühl

Neuralgie Scheitel rechts beim Berühren der Haare - merke es auch nach Berührung noch.

Neuralgie noch da - wird immer stärker - leicht ausgedehnt; „Als ob r. Auge zu schwillt“

Neuralgie noch da, aber nicht mehr stärker; Kein Schmerz im Motorradhelm

Augen immer noch rot

Rückenverspannung r. zwischen Scapula und Wirbelsäule (leicht)

seit mehreren Tagen immer wieder Jucken rechter Handrücken > Kratzen

R. Leiste, Hoden, Appendix schmerzhaft

nur noch Appendix schmerzhaft

Stechen hinter l. Auge oben medial, stark

Stechen Auge immer noch da, nicht mehr so stark

Rennend Schmerz r. Knöchel medial anfangs, dann >

ganzer Tag jucken an den Fingern der r. Hand ohne Ausschlag; < ein Buch halten

Pickel an der r. Gesäßbacke - stört und schmerzt bis zum Schlafengehen

Rückenverspannung ständig ganzer Rücken Dorsalregion bds.

Stirn l. Stich innen kurz, aber sehr stark

Rückenverspannung < l. Dorsalregion sitzend

R. Auge pulsierender Schmerz liegend r., ca. 1 Min

R. Innenknöchel Schmerz rennend

Roter Punkt Bizeps immer noch sichtbar

R. Auge pulsierende Stiche lesend, ca. 1 Min.

R. Rücken sitzend verspannt; weiß nicht wie zu Sitzen; Schmerz auch liegend

nachts Stiche r. Scrotum kurz

R. Ferse Innenseite Schmerz „Als ob ein Riss in der Haut wäre“, aber nichts sichtbar

seit einigen Tagen unter großer Zehen hinter Ballen Hornhaut und sehr trocken

L. Auge kurze Stiche

R. Ferse innen Schmerz wie gestern Abend; jetzt kleiner Riss in Hornhaut sichtbar.

Nach Erkältung immer Nasenschleim im Rachen/Choanen hinten, den ich kaum

herausbringe (über Tage)

Seit 3.10. nachts Schmerz l. Schultergelenk im Bauchlage; > darauf liegen

Sitzend im Kino Rückenverspannung dorsal trotz guten Polstern - bis 22h

Rückenverspannung rechts ca. Th 9 - Th 12

Neuralgie Schädel l. hinten ca. Handrückengross; < berühren der Haare

Reine Rohkosternährung begonnen; hatte Lust dazu

Rückenverspannung r. wie gehabt; kann fast nicht mehr sitzen (abends)


Zusammenfassung der Symptome.


1 Hautausschlag an Nasenwurzel

2 Verwirrung - schwierige Konzentration - wie Scheibe

3 Rückenverspannung abends ab 21h

4 Kopfschmerz Stirn Stechend von innen

5 R. Bizeps Papel juckend

6 R. Knöchel medial Schmerz

7 Sexverlangen erhöht

8 Lust zur Ernährungsumstellung

Bei der Prüfung ist die Verwirrung das Auffälligste und extremste Symptom gewesen. Ich hatte zum Teil enorme Mühe, meine Anamnesen durchzuführen.

Da die Prüfung nur von einer einzelnen Person durchgeführt wurde, ist die Symptomatik des Mittels natürlich nur unvollständig wiedergegeben. Zu sagen ist noch, dass der Prüfer sehr gut in körperlichen Bereich prüft.

An psychischen Symptomen sind auch in den bisherigen Prüfungen nur Reizbarkeit, Euphorie usw, nicht aber Traurigkeit, Depression usw. aufgetreten.


Krankheit: Befallt Tiere (Hund) schwach/Katarrh/Husten;

Canine distemper is a contagious, incurable, often fatal, multisystemic viral disease that affects the respiratory system/gastrointestinal tract/CNS system.

Distemper is caused by the canine distemper virus (CDV).

Macrophages (cells that ingest foreign disease-carrying organisms, like viruses and bacteria) carry the inhaled virus to nearby lymph nodes where it begins replicating (reproducing). It spreads rapidly through the lymphatic tissue and infects the lymphoid organs in 2 - 5 days. By days 6 - 9, the virus spreads to the blood (viremia). It then spreads to the surface epithelium (lining) of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital systems and CNS, where it begins doing the damage that causes the symptoms.

Early symptoms incl. fever/loss of appetite/mild eye inflammation may only last a day or two. Symptoms become more serious/noticeable tremors and seizures as the disease progresses.

It can make other diseases complicated and make jerky kinds of movements in the muscles. People have a somewhat edgy temper when provoked.

The initial symptom is fever (103°F to 106°F), which usually peaks 3 - 6 days after infection. The fever often goes unnoticed and may peak again a few days later. Dogs may experience eye and nose discharge, depression, and loss of appetite (anorexia). After the fever, symptoms vary considerably, depending on the strain of the virus and the dog's immunity.

Many dogs experience gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms, such as:

    * Conjunctivitis (discharge from the eye)

    * Diarrhea

    * Fever (usually present but unnoticed)

    * Pneumonia (cough, labored breathing)

    * Rhinitis (runny nose)

    * Vomiting



Vorwort/Suchen  Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum