Gulf War.


Vergleich: Siehe: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Syndrome (= GWS)/Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene. MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was

an unapproved ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War Veterans.

The Department of Defence made every attempt to deny that squalene was indeed an added contaminant in the anthrax vaccine administered to Persian Gulf War military

personnel -deployed and non-deployed- as well as participants in the more recent Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP).

Homeopathic Remedies for GWI/GWS

Sarin a deadly nerve agent (used in the Tokyo subway attacks).

Mustard gas, a blistering agent that can burn flesh and lungs.

Fallout of biological agents released during and after allied bombings of Iraqi chemical warfare munitions facilities.

Anthrax and Botulinum toxoid vaccines and several other experimental vaccines, all forcibly administered to US troops as guinea pigs.

Veterans were also exposed to at least 21 potential reproductive toxicants possibly harmful to them and their future children.

Pyridostigmine bromide, an anti-nerve agent pre-treatment drug forcibly administered to the US soldiers; it's use in conjunction with Deet insecticide repellant may have

been noxious.

15 Germ Warfare Agents such as mycoplasma fermentans and incognitus which infects human cells and damages them. Last but not least, and this one has remained mostly

hidden from public knowledge: Depleted Uranium (DU) in the American and British weapons and armor used in the Gulf War. Troops and the civilian population were exposed

to weapons made from radioactive depleted uranium. DU is the most deadly cause of GWS. It consists of deadly radioactive nuclear waste and it is capable of causing almost

all of the symptoms of the Gulf War illnesses.

DU (= Depleted uranium) was used in warfare for the first time in Operation Desert Storm. It was the Pentagon's first live field test of armor-piercing bullets, tank shells, and

tank armor made of this deadly radioactive nuclear waste. Because of DU's ability to penetrate steel, it has become a popular weapon with the brass. When fired, a DU shell

combusts on impact, and as much as 70% of the material is released and turns into an aerosol of radioactive uranium particles. It becomes an irradiating powder in the air.

It travels in the wind or becomes mixed with dust and dirt. It can be inhaled and ingested and it can be trapped in the lungs or kidneys.

'Depleted' Uranium is a cleverly deceptive term for the radioactive by-product of the uranium enrichment process. 'Depleted' does not mean non-radioactive. Depleted uranium

is radioactive, with a half life of 4.4 billion years. It now contaminates battlefields, military bases, proving grounds, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who handled it, and

the innocent victims of war. DU remains imbedded in soil, water, and bodily fluids long after its use, where millions can come into contact with it. When these highly toxic

uranium particles enter the body, they become lodged in major organs or bones, affecting the bone marrow and producing DNA damage.

The causes of GWS, when they are viewed objectively instead of through the haze of diversion and disinformation that are served up by the government and the corporate media,

prove that the Pentagon's brass knowingly used their own soldiers as disposable guinea pigs and cannon fodder, and they should be liable for such behavior.

(Documention can be found in many press articles and on the Internet.)

How the combination of these toxic and radioactive materials affect the immune system is not yet known, but the symptoms tell a lot.


The many illnesses, symptoms and disorders of GWS

These include many autoimmune symptoms and disorders; severe and chronic fatigue; chronic vomiting and diarrhea and other gastrointestinal illnesses; chronic fevers; skin sores and rashes including ones that look like giant ring worm; muscle and joint pain; severe weight loss (a wasting away); immuno-suppressant disorders similar to AIDS; heart problems, irregular heart beat; shortness of breath; headaches; bleeding and hemorrhaging; nasal congestion; twitching; oral ulcerations, blisters on the lips; swollen lymph nodes; multiple chemical sensitivities; severe muscle and joint pain and aches; chronic and severe headaches; hemorrhaging from any orifice; urinary tract infections, urinary urgency, incontinence, and other urinary and bladder and kidney disorders; nerve damage; numbness and tingling; partial paralysis; swollen lymph nodes; drooling; excessive sweating; cramping; diverticulitis; convulsions, loss of consciousness and coma; bizarre tumors and often brain stem tumors, and various radiation-caused cancers; lymphomas; leukemia; cervical cancer; severe sleep disorders (insomnia for days at a time), night sweats; respiratory infections; an inability to function physically and mentally; neurologic and neuropsychological symptoms; Hodgkin's Disease; lymphomas; leukemia; tumors and various radiation caused cancers; Graves' Disease of the thyroid; microorganism infections; strange sensations that a body part is missing or as splashed with hot water or in ice; Multiple Sclerosis; Lou Gehrig's Disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and Guillain-Barr Syndrome-like symptoms. The female partners of affected G.I.'s and female G.I.'s are also developing ovarian cysts and tumors, cervical cancer, herpes, chlamydia; and a great number of other symptoms. Anxiety or nervousness are common, as are severe depression, deep sadness, memory loss, confusion, difficult concentration, personality changes, mood swings, irritability, violent angry rages, the need to calm down by self medicating with alcohol or drugs; and many are suicidal.


[Erika Price]

Homeopathic Self-Sufficiency

Homeopathic Remedies for GWI/GWS: Anthrac. Apis. Ars. Aur-met. Botulinum Cadm-s. Canth. Caust. Led. Phos. Pyrog. Rad-br. Sulph. Thuj. Uran-n.


Including fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems, rashes and diarrhea. Approximately 250.000 of the 697.000 U.S. veterans who served in the 1991 Gulf War are afflicted with enduring chronic multi-symptom illness, a condition with serious consequences. From 1995 to 2005, the health of combat veterans worsened in comparison with nondeployed veterans, with the onset of more new chronic diseases, functional impairment, repeated clinic visits and hospitalizations, chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness, posttraumatic stress disorder, and greater persistence of adverse health incidents.

According to a report by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan may also suffer from the syndrome.

Suggested causes have included depleted uranium, sarin gas, smoke from burning oil wells, vaccinations, combat stress and psychological factors

Self-treatment with carefully chosen remedies which are taken properly can help those with GWI/GWS.  But GWI/GWS is very complex and should be treated professionally.

GWS causes many illnesses which are real and terrifying. It can be both lethal and moderately contagious. It can be communicable through casual and intimate contact of bodily fluids from sexual exchange and by airborne contact by coughing and perspiration, making for secondary infections. GWS is not imagined as the U.S. Dept of Defence has alleged for the past 5 years while refusing proper medical care and benefits to the vets and their families. To date GWS affects well over 160.000 of the Gulf War veterans. This ever-growing statistic does not include the secondary infectees: wives, children, other family members, friends or associates who are sick, disabled, dying or dead.

Whole families are now ill. Babies are being born with severe congenital defects and deformities [one or more missing organs (limbs/an eye/an ear)/blood disorders].

67% of babies born to Gulf War vets are affected, and over half of all babies born in Iraq since the war are affected (pets are coming down with the GWS illnesses and dying).

Iraq is also reporting alarmingly high increases in rare and unknown diseases (children). Kuwait is also affected, as are the British veterans of the Gulf War.

At the end of the Gulf War, in March of 1991, the Pentagon hailed the war as a virtually bloodless victory - for the U.S. But it may take decades and generations before the true casualty count is known.

Symptoms began immediately in some cases, but mostly they have appeared 6 months to 6 years after of exposure. They can get progressively worse until the victim is partially or completely disabled.

Warning on Vaccine Adjuvant

An adjuvant called Squalene which was associated with Gulf War syndrome in American soldiers who were given vaccines containing it, is now an ingredient of Fluad,

a vaccine for senior citizens.

[Erika Price]

MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases

suffered by countless Gulf War veterans. The Department of Defense made every attempt to deny that squalene was indeed an added contaminant in the anthrax vaccine administered to Persian Gulf War military personnel -deployed and non-deployed- as well as participants in the more recent Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP).

 [Erika Price]

Depression caused by Gulf War Syndrome (= GWS)

Aurum is wonderful to avoid or carefully replace anti-depressant drugs when the disposition fits. Many Anti-depressants such as Prozac and Zoloft are being prescribed by

M.D.'s for the depression, grief and desperation which affects most sufferers of GWS because their lives are in ruin. They are very ill and being told it's all in their heads.

Many can no longer function or work. Death and suicide is high among these veterans, and the numbers are part of the cover-up. Depression, sadness, grief, and the trauma

of all of the losses incured lead to suicidal tendencies, which are pain, and impotency. They feel surrounded by a dark black cloud and alone, a failure and forsaken, having

fallen from grace because of their losses.

Self-condemnation and self-reproach about what has not been achieved and a sense of worthlessness, followed by self-destructive attitudes. Ailments from violence.

MS and spinal degeneration. Alcoholism. General weakness. Paralysis with madness. Insomnia.

Eye: extreme photophobia; hemiopia with horizontal vision loss, the upper or lower half of objects are invisible; glaucoma; everything looks blue; double vision.

Halitosis: horrible odor from the mouth and nose; odor of old cheese; taste foul, bitter, putrid, sweetish or milky; excessive salivation; and gingivitis of girls at puberty who

are gloomy or depressed.

Insomnia: tired but cannot sleep from chronic depression and mental activity which prevents sleep; sleep disturbed by sexual excitement; restless sleep with anxious or frightful

dreams, wakes screaming and frightened; sobbing loudly in sleep; frequent waking and restless sleep.

Nose: chronic inflammation of nasal bones; necrosis decay with fetid discharge of pus, blood and horrible odor; ulcerated, painful, swollen, obstructed; boring pain <: at night;

cancer of antrum (sinus cavity); sensitive smells; red knobby tip of nose.

Testicle Disorders: pain, neuralgia, swelling, and hardening; chronic induration; enlargment of the right testicle; pressing pain of right testes; soreness in evening 15 - 23 h.;

tension of testes; atrophy and undeveloped in boys; hydrocele of children; flow of prostatic fluid with flaccidity of the penis.

Vertigo: as if spinning in a circle when stooping, or rising after stooping but then better; staggering as if drunk when walking in open air, feels as if one would fall to the left

or is swaying to the left and must lie down; sensation as if a currant of air is rushing through the head when cold; head feels full, giddy and hot; with headache; from motion.

<: Emotions; failure; night; waking; right-side; cold weather, cloudy, winter; getting cold; from sunset to sunrise, night; noise;

>: Heat, warmth, cool open air, cool bathing; walking in open air; evenings; music; moonlight;


Sadness, depression, despair, despondency and disappointment is their plague. A heavy weight (like gold metal) is carried within their psyche. When depressed they feel

surrounded by a dark black cloud with a deep sense of hopelessness. They are prone to seasonal depressions which are <: in the darkness of winter and when the sun doesn't shine.

They have a deep feeling of having "fallen from grace", as a result of their unrealized aspirations and there are losses and failures. When depressed, thay are inflexible and

can't see any possibility for changing their life. They want to die, and may talk and think cheerfully of death and suicide as a way out. Death as the solution to their suffering

is very appealing and freeing to them. Financial loss or a business failure is a loss of their "golden touch: and can overwhelm their sense of self-worth.

Right-sided symptoms. Chilly.].

Causes * lllnesses, Symptoms and Disorders

Homeopathic Remedies for GWI/GWS:

Anthrac. Apis. Ars. Aur-met. Botulinum Cadm-s. Canth. Caust. Led. Phos. Pyrog. Rad-br. Sulph. Thuj. Uran-n.

GWS causes many illnesses which are real and terrifying. It can be both lethal and moderately contagious. It can be communicable through casual and intimate contact of

bodily fluids from sexual exchange and by airborne contact by coughing and perspiration, making for secondary infectees. GWS is not imagined as the U.S. Dept of

Defence has alleged for the past 5 years while refusing proper medical care and benefits to the vets and their families. To date GWS affects well over 160,000 of the Gulf War

veterans. This ever-growing statistic does not include the secondary infectees: the wives, children, other family members, friends or associates who are sick, disabled, dying

or dead.

Whole families are now ill. Their babies are being born with severe congenital defects and deformities, including being born with one or more missing limbs, missing an eye

or ear or organs, and blood disorders. 67% of babies born to Gulf War vets are affected, and over half of all babies born in Iraq since the war are affected. Even their pets

are coming down with the GWS illnesses and dying. Iraq is reporting alarmingly high increases in rare and unknown diseases, primarily in their children.

Kuwait is also affected, as are the British veterans of the Gulf War.

At the end of the Gulf War, in March of 1991, the Pentagon hailed the war as a virtually bloodless victory-- for the U.S. But it may take decades and generations before the

true casualty count to known. Symptoms began immediately in some cases, but mostly they have appeared 6 months to 6 years after the time of exposure.

They can get progressively worse until the victim is partially or completely disabled. Causes, as known thus far:



Vorwort/Suchen.                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                    Impressum.