Lachesis mutans Anhängsel


[JJ Kleber]

Alle typischen Schlangencharakteristka sind in Lachesis vereint (da am besten geprüft) und ist von allen Schlangen am deutlichsten extrovertiert/erregbar/eifersüchtig, „die bombastische,

überhebliche und bestimmende Art“  der Schlangen mit überbordenden Narzissmus; „Argwohn, Eifersucht, Falschheit und Verletzungen … gespeist aus einem sozialen Defizit“,

Schicksalsmäßige Verstrickung mit dem jeweiligen Streitgegnern


Lach hat/will die beherrschende Position (führender Boss/diktatorischer Partner), dies wird (neidisch + extravagant) verteidigt mit hinterhältiger Raffinesse (Intrige/Verleumdung);

Eifersucht  (besitzen wollen) und beim Gefühl zu scheitern eine sehr destruktive, auch selbstzerstörerische Haltung; am Ende Verlassenheitsgefühl und eventuell selbstkritische Gewissenbisse,

die niemanden die Autorität des Trostes erlauben (Lach kämpft dann mit sich selbst, zuvor mit den die beherrschende Position bedrohenden Personen)


Beeindruckenstes Schlangenmittel (Charisma) mit geschwätziger Selbstdarstellung; verträgt am wenigsten Einengung/Restriktion (gesellschaftliche Regeln/Vorschriften), Gefangenschaft.

destruktiv syphilitsches Mittel; Konkurrenz; typische Lachen und Geschwätzigkeit von Thema zu Thema wechselnd; gestaute Wut kommt raus als Bösartigkeit und Geschwätz.

Einseitige Beschwerden (l.); < Schlaf/jeder Wechsel (Aufwachen/Wetter/Menopause/Jahreszeit); < bei Sonne/Einengung (alle Schlangen); > Absonderungen (Reden).

Destruktive, septische Prozesse (blauviolett, geschwollen, ulcerös, Blutungen), Hals, Lunge, Gebärmutter, Eierstöcke, Hoden, Alkoholismus


[Otto Leeser]

The sudden stabbing pain at the site of the bite may extend from the limb to the trunk and become intense, even intolerable, the bitten region becomes edematous and discolored from ecchymoses, and may be covered with blisters; necrosis and even gangrene may set in. A dark oozing hemorrhage is often striking. The lack of purulent discharge shows the low level of defensive reactions in the tissues. The venom spreads so rapidly that general symptoms appear almost immediately. Extreme prostration, cold perspiration, a quickened, weak pulse, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea lead to repeated collapse and eventually death.

This rapid sequence of events after the bite of Lach. manifests only the general trend of the toxic action. The organism has little opportunity to develop its defensive reactivity, the lesions are irreversible.

Even the gross signs near the point of entry of the venom supply valuable clues for Lach. Wounds and ulcers are characterized by poor healing tendency, no proper suppuration develops, the damaged

tissues are not well demarcated (= abgegrenzt), margins discolored (blue-red). Inflamed regions of skin or mucosa often dark blue or purple and somewhat swollen by edema. Thin fetid discharges

indicate the necrotic and even gangrenous tendency. Ulcers are sensitive to touch; the often considerable pains > warmth (severe cases of varicose ulcers). The mucous membranes of the throat, and in particular the tonsils, are a favorite site for necrotic inflammation which exhibits the characteristics of Lach (dark blue-red discoloration/offensive breath; Apis has pale red acute edema).

Sensations of constriction, difficulties in swallowing and a feeling of suffocation are only what one would expect in such a case; common to several snake venoms also in non-infectious conditions, they appear accentuated with Lach. The high sensitivity to superficial touch, but not so much to pressure, is a characteristic of Lach. and may lie behind the symptom: swallowing of liquids is more difficult than of solids.

The malignant, "septic" character of infectious Lach.: tongue dry and a shiny red, cracked at the tip, in more severe cases black at the center and red at the tip, swollen, "heavy" and stiff. Protruded with difficulty, remains attached to the teeth and trembles. Fever is adynamic. The discharges are offensive (stool).

On the skin blood extravasations may occur in the form of ecchymoses, purpura or petechiae. Low fever: cold shivers # spells of dry heat; skin and mouth are dry; >> sweat. > beginningof  discharges

(onset of the menses).

Cardiovascular disturbances, with their repercussions on respiration and on the sensorium, it appears futile to trace one part to peripheral, another to central origins. For they are interlocked in one

functional cycle. What we call "venosity" in the syndrome of Lach. may be partly due to damaged red blood cells, to a relaxation of the veins from lesions of the intima, venous stasis and thrombotic occurrences (impaired metabolic functions with incomplete end-oxidation/involvement of the r. auricle and ventricle); but either indirectly or primarily the autonomous nerve centers, cardiovascular, respiratory, parasympathetic and sympathetic, will be implicated. That is why we may frequently find muscular spasms and sensations of constriction associated with the vasomotor disorders of Lach.

Tends to faint from sudden change of position, pallor of the face, some nausea and precordial pain point in this direction. These is also a hypotensive kind of dizziness with a pale face < after walking in open air, which contrasts with the modality more frequently encountered in Lach. cases, (congestive headache in climacteric: > in the open air). The congestive headaches, often in the form of heat and pulsating on the crown of the head < in the sun (Glon.). Shivers # heat flushes are frequent vasomotor symptoms of Lach. without connection with feverish states (climacteric). Palpitations and pulsations, a restless anxiety, oppression around the heart, a feeling of constriction in the throat and even suffocation may further mark the spells due to vasomotor imbalance.

< change from waking to sleeping and v.v. symptoms. Falling asleep, breathing stops and this causes a sudden start with feeling of suffocation; or an oppression in the precordial region with a fast, weak and arrhythmic pulse may hinder the smooth transition into sleep. The peculiar constriction in the throat („As if a tight collar around the throat“) may come in. << most symptoms on awakening from sleep; "the patient sleeps into aggravation". [same modality found with the venoms of other snakes and other animals (Apis./Bufo.)]. In some cases this starts when falling asleep (Dig.) may be early signs of insufficiency from anoxemia or even structural lesions of the heart muscle.

Skin sensitiv to touch (tight clothes and pressure of the bed-clothes on the abdomen is ill tolerated and avoided) and the spasmodic tendencies. (throat and larynx respond with sensations of constriction).

The feeling of constriction is also noted in the stomach region and around the abdomen which may be distended from portal stagnation. On the whole the old assertion that Lach. is one of the l.-sided remedies can be upheld.

Motor sphere: tremulous weakness and a certain lameness of the l. side are not particularly characteristic. If in paralyses from apoplectic insults Lach. be called for, it is on the strength of peculiar symptoms and modalities (epileptic conditions). In the early days already Hering and Gross reported good results in clear cases of epilepsy, and the present writer remembers having seen benefit from Lach. in a few cases ("petit mal"). The fits of vertigo show epileptoid traits: staggering, threatening to fall to the floor, „As if to lose consciousness“; marked failure of memory (not remembering what is told just before/loses the connection in speaking/makes mistakes in writing), sense of time is deranged. It is in these cerebral disorders that the often repeated, but scarcely verified modality "complaints recur in spring" may find some justification; it might be related to the better substantiated modality, mainly for congestive symptoms of the head, "< from exposure to sun". A similar recurrence and increase of fits is known in the brain-injured, and here, too, the first piercing rays  of the sun may be held responsible for the aggravation.

Psychic symptoms: Two trends:

1.      the cyclothymic (= bipolar)

2.      the schizothymic (= schizophren), are well represented in the symptomatology of Lach. A submanic state was experienced by Hering himself while triturating the venom. The mental activities (imagination), were stirred up to a kind of ecstasy. Loquacity, a good characteristic of Lach., goes to the brink of incoherence and "flight of ideas". The contrasting depressive phase of sadness, anxiety, and fears is also brought out, but apart from the general modality that it is < after sleep and in the morning, it has no distinctive features. In the schizothymic sphere, two phases are also apparent: an emotional indifference and a paranoid state. The symptoms of the latter, suspicion, jealousy and a certain supercilious and quarrelsome behavior, have proved the more characteristic and useful clues to Lach. It is said that grief, disappointment and mental anguish are at the root of the psychic symptoms of Lach., but that is too common to be of distinctive value. If the psychic abnormalities develop in the climacteric, it is one more reason to consider Lach. as the remedy.



Inflammations and ulcers on skin or mucosa discolored dark blue and purple; wounds and ulcers with blue-red margins.

Impaired reactivity and demarcation (Leukopenia and agranulocytosis).

Affected parts highly sensitive to touch.

Thrombosis, embolism, thrombophlebitis.

Necrotic-gangrenous tendency.

Blood disintegrates easily, is fluid, dark, does not coagulate properly.

Yellowish skin and sclerae, hematogenic icterus.

Ecchymoses, purpura, petechiae.

In infectious conditions: adynamic fever, tongue dry, shiny red, trembling, protruded only with difficulty; dry skin, perspiration relieving.

Secretions offensive; decomposed, fetid stools.

Anoxemia of parts and venous stasis, "venosity".

Better from onset of discharges and hemorrhages, e.g., menses.


Hypotension, dizziness with pale face, tendency to faint.

Congestive headaches, relieved in open air, aggravated in the sun, cold extremities with head hot, cold shivers alternate with flushes of heat (climacteric!). Palpitations with anxiety and oppression.

Heat, pulsating, pressure especially on top of head, < from sun. Spasmodic oppression in precordial region, pulse fast, weak, sometimes irregular.

On going to sleep, breathing stops, sudden start, with feeling of suffocation.

Sleeps into aggravation.

Dry throat, feeling of suffocation especially if throat is touched externally.

Swallowing of liquids more difficult than of solid food; constraint to empty swallowing.

Strong feeling of constriction in the throat; collar-sensation.

Very sensitive to the touch of clothes, especially neck and abdomen; tight band also ill tolerated. Distended abdomen.

L. side more susceptible, (l. ovary).


Hyperesthesia and hyperreflexia, slight touch provokes spasms.

Trembling weakness bordering on paresis (l. side preferably).

Epileptoid: vertigo, cannot recall recent happenings, loses connection when talking, makes mistakes in writing, deranged sense of time.

Submanic state: ecstasy, loquacity, "flight of ideas".

Depressive phase: sadness, anxiety, fears < after sleep, in the morning.

Paranoid state: suspicious, jealous, supercilious, quarrelsome.

Emotional indifference (in another phase).


< after sleep.

Surface-sensitivity to touch, provoking spasm and constriction (especially throat, stomach, abdominal region); cannot bear anything tight there.

Congestive symptoms < from sun, better in fresh, cool air.

Relief from onset of discharges.

Predominantly l.-sided.


[Dr. Donald/Dr. Douglas Macfarlan]

Re-proving of Lachesis, in the 30th C, on a host of male and female provers. Frequent, reliable symptoms are herein recorded.

             Apprehensive irritability, lachrymose

            Trembling states. Censorious. Daytime < walking. > closing eyes

< after sleep

Palpitation of heart

Sweating (often in head area).

            Dull headache


            Limbs stiff

Belly pain.

            Sleep prevented by frontal, sharp, intermittent headache, by sneezing and by mental activity.

            >: Discharges:

      Rhinorrhoea > pressure on face.

      pain in the intestines > passage of stool

      > puffiness under eyes.

      > by vomiting.

      > headache, the cardiac palpitation, and the shoulder pain by epistaxis.

            Climacteric mimicry

      Flooding menses.

      Hypogastric cramps.

      Exhausting heat flashes.

      Severe sweats at any time.

      Thin and pale leucorrhoea.

            Frequent urination in daytime, in small or large amounts.

            Headache: at night




      < after sleep.

      Warm in the head. Face red, hot and swollen. Sweating of the head.

      Puffy (under l. eye). An amaurosis of l. eye (upper field). Imperative rubbing of the eyes. Feels full in  the ears. < in the afternoon. Throbbing ears and ear noises.

      Nocturnal rhinorrhoea (after sleep in the morning). Sneezing < in a draught. Affects the sleep at night. Epistaxis: profuse, bright red and > symptoms. Lips broken out. Sore throat l. <  swallowing. Hoarse persistent in morning. Burning in throat. A dry, tight cough nocturnal.

      Hard, thumping palpitation, < lying and prevents sleep. Sharp pain in chest l. Constriction of whole chest. Heavy in the right chest. Backache central or entire back, constant. < on motion.

A blown-up tensive feeling in the r. axilla. In shoulder soreness (also a squeezing pain). Hands stiff in the morning. Tingling in hands. Weakness of extremities (legs)/feet numb. Sciatica favours the right side. It is a sharp or dull descending leg pain with knee stiffness and ankle soreness, < pressure.

      Fever and chills. Fever, then sweat. Sweating morning, after sleep, generalized and profuse. Axillary sweats and sweats after the general heat. Chilliness generalized, nightly. Thirst < in the morning, with dry mouth and dry throat, with fever in the afternoon.

      Taste bitter morning. Belching morning. Eating > or <. Morning nausea. Craves ice- cream. Upper abdomen involved. Gall bladder tender and knife like pain in stomach or drawing pain in abdomen. < on an empty stomach. Burning in epigastrium. Diarrhoea: painful and imperative. Offensive flatus. Stool clay- coloured.

      Asthma < in the morning. > ingestion of food. Dyspnoeic on exertion. Morning weakness. < during and after exertion. > after rest. Skin rest (daytime). < touch. Itching of the skin in various areas.


[Amati Holle]

Lachesis      Buschmeisterschlange

Verfolgt ihre Angreifer. Liegt immer im Schatten. (meiden die Sonne und Hitze)

Konkurrenz und kämpfen. Sieht sich als Opfer von Intrigen, glaubt Gegenschlag als berechtigt. VerschlingerIn oder Verschlungener?

GG:  Schuldzuweisung, Machtfragen, Misstrauen, Begierde, Aggression, Redseligkeit, „sich Luft machen“.

-schnelle Auffassung mit starkem Empfinden, Redseligkeit, mit schnellem Wechsel der Gedanken.

Depressionen: Gedächtnisschwäche, Verwechselung der Zeit,

Maske, Cool, Kontrolle, Abstand, nicht fühlen lassen.

Drama in der Stimme, trotzig, machtorientiert; Streit bis zum bitteren Ende.

Intensität, schnell denken und übersehen, redselig.

Auch als Religiösität (redet über Gott und Sünden = Sex oder Antireligiösität)

Neugier, schnüffelt nach,

Eifersucht, besitzergreifend, unpünktlich

Aber auch weich, introvertiert, Minderwertigkeitsgefühl, verborgener Neid, kritische Haltung und Phobien.

Aber immer zwei Seiten.... Angriff und Weisheit

Thema: Nie wieder Ohnmächtig fühlen!!!

Folgen von: Verrat, Eifersucht, Druck, Kummer, Nabelschnur-Umschlingung bei der Geburt, Ohnmächtig fühlen, ausgesaugt werden, unterdrückte Absonderungen, unterdrückte Sexualität

Einengung und Druck, Bedrängtheit, Eifersucht, Kummer und enttäuschte Liebe , Schock durch Verletzung, Gewalterfahrung, zu kurz kommen, Tod von Angehörigen.

Sonne, Alkohol, Morphium, Opium.

Nie mehr eine Situation erleben, die sie nicht in der Hand hat,

nicht gefangen werden wollen. Feindlich gegenüb er allen Zusammenschnürungen

Instinkt ist gut ausgeprägt, hellsichtige Träume, analytisch, aufdeckende Fähigkeiten.

Verträgt keinen Druck, muss sich Luft machen mit Redelust, vom Thema abschweifend, abwechselnd mit Depressionen.

Gute RednerInnen, schlechte Zuhörende. Die Sprache als Ventil.

Intensität, sehr anwesend! Dampfdrucktopf (Merc. Phos)

Wenn sie ihre Impulse unterdrücken, entstehen Zirkulationsstörungen und Kreislaufprobleme. Spannung und Zusammenschnürungsgefühle Argwohn, Eifersucht, streitlustig, Misstrauisch. (Verwandte sie/ihn für Irre erklären lassen).

Selbstüberschätzung; Scharfer schneller Verstand und Gedankenflut. Gesteigerte geistige Fähigkeiten. Begabung im Intellektuellem, clever, 5 schritte voraus, schnell , starker Instinkt.

Kontrolle; oft Traumatisierung wenn es in der Beziehung und mit dem Sex nicht klappt. Auch wenn introvertiert, beneidet jeden , sinnloser Neid (Ign), empfindlich gegen äußere Eindrücke.

Angst: Starke Phobien, Angst vor Enge, Platzangst, Schlangen, vergiftet zu werden, verrückt zu werden (Manc. Puls. Calc. Cann-i.).

Angst vor Herzkrankheiten

Abneigung: gegen Beengung (Handschuh/Mütze/emotional).

Zeigt was sie über andere denkt (Ärzte  haben was falsch gemacht)

Wahnidee: Vergiftet zu werden, Verbrechen begangen zu haben, Schuld,

Verwirrung über die eigene Identität, oder Identität wird von außen gesteuert, denkt über die eigene Beerdigung nach, Tote (Angehörige reden mit ihm/ihr). Gewissenbisse, Schuldgefühle,

Kampf: Gefühl und Ratio, immer andere haben es getan

Misstrauen und Missachtung (schaut was wir schreiben)

Konkurrenz. Wenn sie dominiert wird, zieht sie sich zurück und wartet bis sie zuschnappen kann. Grenzüberschreitend

Täuschung; In der Persönlichkeit oder Identität.

Alle tun ihr unrecht, fühlen sich immer angegriffen.

Wird alles verdreht, Wahnidee; angegriffen zu werden.

In Beziehungen lange loyal, erst wenn Eifersucht ins Spiel kommt.

<: Morgens/erwachend; schläft in die Verschlimmerung hinein/Frühjahr/Herbst/Wechsel vom Schlafen zum Wachen/Ruhe im Wechsel zur Zirkulation/l. Seitenlage/während des Schlafs;.

Klimaktische Beschwerden,

<: Heißes Bad/Hitze/Ruhe/Alkohol/Wein/Tabak/Berührung besonders am Hals; <: Alles was den Blutkreislauf blockiert (Kleidung)/vor der Menses/unterdrückte Absonderungen;

>: Durch festen Druck/während Menses/eintreten der Absonderungen/alles was „Luft“ macht,

Entscheidungen, Intensität kommt raus, Redet (schneller als sie denken kann)

Verlangen: Nach frischer Luft

Modalitäten: Beginn links dann nach rechts rüber

Beginnt bei hormonellen und Kreislaufumstellung

Alkohol und Drogenabhängigkeit

Kopf: Kopfschmerz:

Pulsieren, Druckschmerz, brennen am Scheitel  (Sulf), besonders links. Empfindungen“ als ob die Augen nach außen gedrückt würden“ nach Sonnenbestrahlung (Glon, Nat-m), in der Menopause. Schläft in die Verschlimmerung hinein und < erwachend.

>: Nasenbluten oder Absonderungen/vor Menses/durch Hitze;

Haarausfall, besonders in der Schwangerschaft/im Klimakterium


Mund: oft dünne Lippen

Zahnfleisch schwammig, blutig ( folgt gut auf Mercur)

Zunge: zittert beim herausstrecken

Leckt sich die Lippen (Puls, Sulf) Zeigt ihre Zunge

Augen: geschwollen, Retinabluten ( hoher Blutdruck, Dampfdrucktopf)

Ohren: linksseitige Mittelohrentzündung

Halsenge verschlechtert, empfindlich gegen Berührung, Kloß im Hals, Schlucken von Speichel schwierig ( Ign)

Linksseitige Mandelentzündungen oder  Pharyngitis,

Diphterie und Mandelentzündungen besonders links

Verschlechterung durch Schlaf, Flüssigkeiten, Speichel, Leerschlucken,

Abdomen: Empfindlich gegen Druck, Kleiderdruck <

Menstruation: PMS, Beschwerden vor Eintritt der Blutungen. Verbesserung durch Eintritt der Blutungen.

Alles Symprome während der Menses verbessert,

Genitalien: Ovarial Zysten mit Schmerzen, Eierstocksentzündung links, (Podo) Gebärmutterbluten,- dunkel und schwarzes Blut,

Ovarial Tumore, Beschwerden durch unterdrückte Sexuelles Verlangen

Haut: Jucken nach Baden, Kratzen verschlimmert

Purpurne Verfärbung. Auch der Schleimhäute - bläulich zyanotisch

Brust: Erstickungsgefühle beim Einschlafen, oder durch Husten.

Der Atem stockt beim Einschlafen,

Verschlechterung durch liegen auf der Linken Seite

Asthma  Verschlechtert :aus Eifersucht, im Liegen, im Schlaf,

beim morgentlichem Erwachen

> (nach vorn gebeugt) sitzend; ( Kali-c, Ars.)

Herzbeschwerden durch Eifersucht, Angina Pectoris.

Schon in frühen Jahren Herzbeschwerden.


Schlaf: Auffahren aus dem Schlaf mit Erstickungsgefühlen

Lage: L. Seitenlage - abgeneigt/< Herzklopfen

Träume: Angstvoll, von Schlangen,

Extremitäten: Rechtsseitige Ischias (auch links), in der Schwangerschaft, mit Hyperästhesie der Beine, Berührung unerträglich.

Eiskalte Glieder, strecken der Füße au dem Bett

Krampfaderneigung, kräftig rosa oder schwärzliche Verfärbungen. Beingeschwüre.

Melanom, schwarze und purpurne Hauterscheinungen.

Rücken: Gürtelrose auf linker Brust oder Rückenseite,

Nieren: Nierenleiden, Nierenkoliken . besonders Links. Nierensteine, links.

Allgemeines: Frieren  im Wechsel mit Schwitzen

Hitzewallungen, Klimakterium, Wallungen, unterdrückte Menses, Ohnmachten, Schwindel, Letztes Stadium der TB, Herpes Zoster, Hoher Blutdruck (Hauptmittel) Kreislaufbezug, Krampfadern, Hämorrhoiden.

Kinder: Folge von Geschwistergeburten ( Hyos. Verat. Stram. Calc-s.) wegen Eifersucht. Asthma, Blutungsneidung.

Frühreife Kinder. Mit Weisheit geboren.

Finden den wunden Punkt und sprechen ihn aus.

Duldet keine Einschränkung und Autorität. Wutanfälle (nicht kompensiert wie bei Erwachsenen), kann bösartig und aggressiv werden.

Reden und reden. Probleme mit Abnabelung..

Nabelschnur um den Hals gehabt.

Seitenbeziehung: alles links,

Miasma: Syphilitisch


[Lori Foley]

Most psychic snake, South American Jungle Snake

A Magnetic State/clairvoyant piece/mediumistic/surrounded by enemies of a psychic nature

Like being in a haunted house

Dangers everywhere. “We’re not going over this hill”

Intense violent anger at small causes (but not always)

Usually abuse history

Trying to find some way out of that fear

Can be Goth, Spiked Hair, dark side, satanic books

Retaliation, Revenge

Horrible dreams

Fears of ghosts, spirits, voices

• The issue needs to be about supernatural

• See people who aren’t there

• Drawn to games of supernatural nature

• This is where they are screwed up

• Most drawn to shamanic things

• they are quite mild until very threatened and then patterns changes

• Can be pushy at home but outside – might be sweet and not want to talk to you


That people around them stop them from being what they can be

I would like to have my own place and be acknowledged. I’d like to do something in this world” – the matter is that other people impede this

More grounded

Real suspicious (the person spitting outside my shop will prevent people from coming in)

I cannot even trust my father and mother. The suspiciousness is more SPREAD OUT (super-natural)

You have to look, control and observe carefully because you never know what meaning could be behind the behavior of this person


Betrayal is often at home

Having to do with the magical world, being able to see the future, being kind of magnetic is fundamental

If they are not in contact with this part—they do not know how to defend

This DARK side can harm them

People spitting outside the office, looking in eyes the same way…

Tendency to have relationships based on QUARRELS

If I behave so ugly and he still loves me, I must be important!

Rheumatic disease (spine)

Aggressive burning urticaria (itching/hives/nettle like rash)

As Kids: Their magical world Not able to trust the friends around them. Over-demanding

Constantly seeking for something in the family, never satisfied


Has same feeling surrounded by enemies

As if enemies of almost a psychic nature

Like being in a haunted house

Most psychic snake

Can have huge rage (but not always seen)

Dangers everywhere

“We’re not going over this hill”

Get into dark side, satanic books

All based on this fear

Usually abuse history

Trying to find some way out of that fear

Like a psychic attack

25. Big hepatitis, jaundice (major impact on the liver)

26. Kidney stones, nephritis with dark or black urine

27. Asthma, worse from emotions, worse at night, they sleep into an aggravation, typically worse from heat and humidity and better from cold

(uncommon) better bent forward, like have to rip their shirt off

28. Heart big, angina, congestive heart failure, prone to heart attack, with constriction in chest

29. Worse lying on left side; Worse from sleep (unusual)

30. Important sleep apnea remedy; start out of sleep as if suffocating; horrible nightmares

31. (SRP) will lay their fingers out, like they can’t stand to have their fingers touching

32. Sciatic problem (just right) perhaps just pre-menstrual, just during pregnancy

33. Tend towards ulceration

34. Lots of different kinds of cancer, particularly, melanoma


Of snakes, Of being poisoned

Of heart disease, That someone is behind them

Intense, Clever, seductive energy

The only Vipera, to lay eggs

Dominating quality = Key in Lachesis

The snake that actually pursues intruders

Every other snake only strikes when threatened

This one will go after you if you are in their territory

You really do want to see that dominate quality

A mom will seldom create a Lach. state

The mom gives room – kid takes it

Coldness, calculated and violence

And relieved with period flow

And will have remorse

Sepia and Lach share many characteristics

If I need you I’ll talk to you

I’ve been hurt so many times, I won’t let you get close to me

Snaps me out of it when I hit the kids too hard

Parents like younger sister better – jealousy

Hits the kids then hugs and kisses them

(LD) Need to see that hemorrhages –bleeding

The venom is very toxic, but people seldom get bitten

Lasciviousness isn’t as seen as other snake remedies


Lust/seduction extravagant / fame / erotic

Injuries / shock / fright

Theme of care and sympathy

Very prominent jealousy

Happiness versus grief

• Symptoms from jealousy and disappointed love

• Problem with alcohol - over drinking

• Insanity

• Cheerfulness, hilarity versus dejection and melancholy

• Egotism

• Suddenness of perception

• Seeking for pleasure

• Extreme sensitivity

• Confusion of identity

• Superhuman control

• Criminal—no remorse

• Dark side expressed / BOTH sides together

• Desires to be alone

• Love of power and social position

• Extreme sensitivity and irritability

• Symptoms after abuse

• Position of God

• Gossiping and trying to make people quarrel with each other

Bothrops will try to impress you, pretend

Lachesis is more direct, doesn't pretend as much

You can feel the seduction, but they are more secretive “When we get around the corner, I’ll kick you”

Desire for power stronger than in Bothrops, but Bothrops is less sophisticated

Lach can reach where he wants to be

Lach knows the most successful strategy to his point

For Lach the problem is when they are not able to show their smart brightness and control others

When there is a threat, they look to eliminate

They can also ignore their enemy

Usually just one enemy (vs. Bothrops where there are usually several)

Lach is not as paranoid as Bothrops or Crotalus-c.

The paranoia usually comes from someone is a weaker position

Lach is usually IN COMMAND

In the end, Lach is very critical of themselves (more so then whether they got recognized)

“Did I really achieve this high position like I wanted?”

Lach. is a strong cruel judge of herself

Massimo sees them as very extreme and kind of “plastic”

They know how to handle seduction, good politician and diplomaty

They can ignore their children (after children are grown up) - if children don’t continue with their ideas and ambitions...this is failure

Children aren’t another person, this is just someone who is extension of me!

I’m not acknowledge enough!

Lach children: When a sibling arrives.

Very clear with DUALITY

They can appear extravagant, is world is conservative they will be a hippy; if world is happy they will be serious

They need to be seen

They are able to change (plastic) their strategy to be most effective

Rules are seen as restrictive, rule smean they have to be like everyone else

Whatever is against the rule sis very seductive for Lach to pursue

They play the duality—because they want to be seen

Lachesis is common as a healer, they can stay objective, at worse cold (Both most common as businessman)

Matter of knowledge and matter of congestion are related

They must swallow as much as possible for them to grow - the amount of knowledge they can integrate is a serious issue

Eroticism of feelings

The concept of pleasure is strong and self-referring

Sex is involved in the erotic pleasure, kind of masturbation

Done with a lot of passion

Destructive side—like Aurum, if can not reach their goal

“I am my own worst enemy”

Forsakenness is that you are not acknowledged and recognized

Jealousy is about possession, my possession was lost

“You betrayed me and got pregnant, now I have sex with a man, you can’t even compete with that”

If man leaves them, How can a man leave me? I’m so good he has left me! - sever blow to ego

Mental State

(Clever) seductive energy, combined with sort of wisdom

Divorce lawyer (fits quite well) awareness of injustice in relationships

Miasm, Sycotic and Syphilitic (fringe, not really either)

Untransformed energy

Yet capable of transformation (duality sort of thing)

On the surface, we’re all nice

But underneath, lurking in the depths is this reptile thing “ksssck”(snapping)

The Reptilian brain

This is the part of your brain that is involved with aggression, terror, sex drive

“To kill in cold blood”

Very revengeful (venom vs. poison), venom is revengeful

If someone wrongs them, they will try to get back at them

Can present; passive, if revenge, might be passive aggressive (usually directed at someone)

They might go off and flirt

Not really loyal

Having a relationship breakup, cheating on them, brings on pathology

Knowledge and intelligence, sharp mindedness

Strong quick mind

Loquacious, with cleverness cut people off, finish your sentences

Jump from topic to topic (sometimes no coherence)

They might go on forever

Intense talking, tongue darting, saliva

Terrific tension between these two poles (a split)


Snake remedies (in general)

Strong sexual aggressive nature

Strong conscious mind, often in a spiritual nature

This initial state of happiness, doomed to failure

Terrific feeling of vulnerability

Persecution, (feeling, something is out to get them)

Defence: Becomes all about your mouth **


To bite (with words) “you mess with me, you’ll get it”

The reaction is out of proportion Not much of a graded response

Violent response, that’s easily provoked

No second chance

“You better not say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing” a non-verbal energy

Can be violent, though not always

Capable of terrific anger, sexual abuse, rape

Sneaky/they can’t out run their prey, they have to be sneaky,

they have to sit there and wait for prey

There is a subtly to snakes

High sexual energy Quite a sexual feeling (heavy, not flirtatious)

Animal has high sexual energy

Prone to masturbation at a young age

Precocious mentally, an understanding of sex at an unusual young age

Delusion: he’s committed rape (he’s already committed a sexual crime)

Something he’s already been thinking about a lot


A certain inappropriateness

As an adult, may often form unusual sexual relationships

Like an huge age difference

Coil themselves around people

Get obsessed with this person

“If I am not coiled around them, they will cheat on me”


More extroverted, More flamboyant

Very sensual

Most cutting critical remedies

Cutting a person to shreds w/words

Unlikely long term stable marriages

Sarcastic, biting, critical

See your weaknesses in half a second, and very observant

“Why do you always look away when I’m trying to answer?”

Always feel this tension

Extreme Sides of a single coin

Lower end; might be promiscuous, binge drinking,

speech defects, lisp, thick tongue

At other end: might suppress sexual energy, tend to be really loquacious, all their energy goes into their mental sphere, going on and on about things

Might have extreme insomnia, might abuse coffee, uppers, drugs

Might be religious, disgust about sex, etc.

Can alternate between these extremes

Someone who is really mentally intense, a writer, intense and then go on a binge drinking and then get themselves back in shape

“I’m not good enough”

Better car, more attractive clothes

They are not attractive enough

Not good enough to keep partner attracted to them

Worry other person is going to run off and have sex with someone else

(because they think about it all the time)

A really chronic feeling to it (border of syphilitic)

Terrifically jealous

If they experience jealousy, that’s when their symptoms start

Always have sense partner is going to cheat on them

They try to heighten their attractiveness, wear sexy clothes

Could throw a fit right in the middle of a party, really nothing was going on

The partner feels suffocated

Typically, their partners will take off


“Chronic, something is really wrong with me”

Can be unfaithful


Of snakes, Of being poisoned

Of heart disease, That someone is behind them

Control freak remedy

Typically; just depression

Their affections are unrequited

Typically; they want more sex than

their partner, so projecting motives

• KEYNOTES (from Eric)

• Generals

• Theme: polarity

• > Anything that hypes up their conscious mind.

• < Anything that strengthens their sub-conscious.

• > Coffee, bracing weather, talking, writing, expressing all this mental energy.

• Sleep < anything that relaxes their system

• Left-sided remedy – the sub-conscious side

• Tension: Head vs. Sex – heart is in middle, battle ground

• The Circulatory system is the battle ground

• Venous side (sex) vs. arterial (head)

• Relaxed blood vessels; haemorrhages

• Also arterial, pumped up with blood, congestion

• >: discharges (immediately)/menstrual; first drop of blood/bleeding

• Nosebleed instead of menstrual cycle (KN) (SRP)

• Big for hemorrhages (retinal)

• Hyper-tension, strokes

• Flushes of heat

• Mottled skin; looks purple, it’s a combination of red and blue a combination of veins and arteries involved (Key)

• Varicose veins all over the place

• Rashes, boils, all kinds of skin problems with this mottled look (key red and blue combined – partly mixed)

• Septic infections (infections in the circulatory system) typhoid is one (affects the blood)

• (differ Bell vs. Lach) Mottled vs. Red, Bell. is very arterial, Lach is venous as well

• < sleep and on waking (**)

• Hormonal remedy (< menopause, pregnancy, premenses), > after flow

• <: discharges suppressed (think of a discharge as releasing toxins)/spring and in fall/having to suppress their sex drive;

• Hot-blooded remedy, except often has cold feet (some exceptions); < heat

• Adverse to touch, strange symptoms that come up from touch (SRP) (cough when stick q-tip in ear)

• Head

• Very vulnerable around their throat area (*)

• Fear of suffocation, likes loose collars

• Big migraine remedy, bursting headaches, hyper tension feeling (better from pressure), owrse hormonally, better with flow

• Left-sided ear infections; worse at night, sleep into aggravation, severe pain (more than average)

• Strep throat, especially left-sided (caution, see provings with Lachesis), Tonsilitis

• Terrific sore throat, radiates to ears on swallowing

• Better swallowing solid food, with sore throat

• Prone to choking on things

• Worse from warm, better cold, but gets confusing ...

• Stomach

• Crave pasta, starch, like oysters, pungent foods, and alcohol (especially red wine)

• Can’t stand constriction, around throat and abdomen

• A lot of symptoms in digestive tract; colitis w/relief during diarrhea; diarrhea before menses

• Urinary

• Hemorrhoids, purple, strangulated

• Big hepatitis, jaundice (major impact on the liver)

• Kidney stones, nephritis with dark or black urine

• Reproductive

• Ovarian tumors or cysts, worse on left side, PMS pain can’t stand the clothing

• Respiratory

• Asthma, worse form emotions, worse at night, some how they sleep into an aggravation, typically worse form heat and humidity and better from cold (which is uncommon) better

bent forward (like Kali-Carb or Ars) feel like they have to rip their shirt off with the asthma

• Circulatory

• Heart big, angina, congestive heart failure, prone to heart attack, with constriction in chest

• Worse lying on left side, Worse from sleep (unusual)

• Sleep

• Tend to sleep on right side

• Can start out of sleep as if suffocating

• Important sleep apnea remedy

• Common to have horrible nightmares

• Extremities/Skin

• (SRP) will lay their fingers out, like they can’t stand to have their fingers touching

• Sciatic problem (just right) perhaps just pre-menstrual, just during pregnancy

• Cold nose; ice cold extremities

• Tend towards ulceration

• Lots of different kinds of cancer, particularly, melanoma

At top of snake pile, Nobility (It stands up)

Without Aggression of other snakes

Division of will (Anac)

Should I do the right thing? Retaliate or Take it?

If they do nail someone, they are going to beat themselves up

Very conscientious

Conflict between DUTY and MALICE

Really want to do the right thing

Delusion; neglects duty (Aurum, but less Syph)

Yet has the feeling no one around them treats them fairly

Helplessness, Feels neglected, starved, trapped, no self-confidence

The people around them are vicious

Cobra and Elaps don’t turn on you

They are Nobel, they are the KING of snakes, less need to impress (Lach will impress)

They WARN you, (Fan the hood), they don’t want to attack

DD.: Naja: very like Staph, how dare you treat me that way, I’m noble that way, how could you treat me that way

Does not like to be seen in public (Elaps) but wants a special position

Aggressive in his dreams, but in reality he is not

Not so competitive, as other snakes

Look shy, timid, reluctant, unable to move (Paralysis)

Sil.: Might look like SILICA, don’t like to speak in public, perspiration, seem shy

They look like they dance with you, but it’s the movement of the stick, it confuses them, they are so insecure

They don’t know where to bite you, so they follow you

A Sense of DUTY

Aurum: duty to give more to the kingdom

Naja: his duty is self-referring, the goal of existence is just “me”

Can work a lot, work-aholics

Whenever have to perform something, it is never perfect enough or well done enough

Ambivalence in their mind

Stuck unable to decide what is the best possible solution

Shuns the idea of going to sleep, resting or lying down, because they are pushed by a stronger inner sense of duty

SUDDEN symptoms: something suddenly that they can not control (Elapidae)

At start of the day, insecurity of not having enough confidence

If they stay in bed, they are not doing their duty, not working, not growing

At the moment of going to sleep—I then have to think only of myself

On going to sleep—the DARK SIDE comes out

Issues of anticipation

A serious moment of de-compensation when they have to struggle to do something new, get married, new job

“I feel broken in two for what I must do to give the best of myself and yet with the company I feel suffocated”

Has BIG sense of responsibility

“If I don’t do my duty properly, this is a problem for ME” (different than Aurum)

Can not stand any kind of reproach (sensitive to criticism)



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