Wurmgruppe Kind


[W.A. Dewey]

Threadworms in melancholy children, with intense pain in the umbilical region, also convulsions from worms;

[Dr. Grace Bamon]

Keep children away from pets and faeces.

The prevalence of worm infestation is more prevalent in children under the age of 13 years. Homoeopathy can correct episodes of worm infestation by the administration

of a well indicated remedy or a constitutional medicine. Homoeopathic medicines help in the expulsion of worms from the body and better absorption of nutrients from

the intestines in the days to follow.




RECTUM – WORM, – ascarides: BAR-C. NAT-M.. SABAD. TER.


RECTUM – WORM, – taeniae: CALC


INTESTINES – WORMS, parasites, general – ascarides: BAR-C.. NAT-M.  SABAD. TER.

INTESTINES – WORMS, parasites, general – lumbricoides: CINA. SPIG. SULPH.

INTESTINES – WORMS, parasites, general – children, in: CALC.  CINA  NAT-P. SPIG.

Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics And Repertory (B.B.C.R.)

             STOOL – lumbricoides, with: CHAM.. CIC. CINA.NAT-M. RHUS-T. SABAD. SPIG. SULPH

             STOOL – pinworms: ACON. CALC. CHIN. CINA . FERR-met. GRAP  SULPH. TEUCR.

             STOOL – tapeworm, with: CALC. PHOS. PLAT-met. PULS. SABAD. SIL. STANN-met. SULPH


RECTUM – WORM, ascarides, oxyuris vermicularis, pinworms: BAR-C.  NAT-M.  TER.

RECTUM – WORM, - lumbricoides, roundworms: CINA. SPIG. SULPH

RECTUM – WORM, taeniae, tapeworms: CALC

RECTUM – WORM, complaints – children, in: CINA. SPIG.


Keywords            Psoric            Sycotic            Syphilitic            Tubercular

WORMS            Worms symptoms are generally tuberculo-psoric, but when associated with irritation, grinding of teeth, crawling, creeping and itching of the nose and

rectum then the manifestation is purely psoric

Thread worms

Wormy symptoms with severe abdominal colic hyperactive restlessness; excessive dribbling of saliva and twitching of the muscles are indicative if in coordination

and syco-psoric in origin           

Convulsions from worms are a syphilitic manifestation

All varieties of wormy manifestations are generally recurrent which is characteristics of the tubercular miasm

They may also be associated with allergic manifestations (dermatitis)





    Filix mas-aspidium – for tape worm symptoms (+ constipation). Worm colic, with itching of nose, pale face, blue rings around the eyes. Vomiting. <: eating sweets;

    Nat-p.: Colic with symptoms of worms. Itching of nose

    Calc.: Worms, tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms. Crawling and constriction in the rectum. Twisting and cramps about the umbilical region

    Sulph.: Itching in anus and rectum during stool. Tapeworm discharged with a hard stool. “As if pins in the rectum”. “As if movements of something alive in the abdomen”. Redness around the anus with itching


    Cina.: Itching of the anus. Digging in the pit of the stomach with a feeling of crawling of worms. Vomiting of lumbrici and ascarides.

    Spig.: Itching, tickling and crawling in anus and rectum. Nausea with a sensation of worms rising in the throat. Child refers to the navel as the most painful part.

    Sabad.: Itching and crawling in rectum and anus as from ascarides # itching in the nose or ears. “As if a ball of thread were moving and turning rapidly through abdomen”. Twitching, convulsive trembling or catalepsy from worms. Vomiting of roundworms or nausea and retching with a sensation of worms on the pharynx

    Lyc.: itching and tension at anus. Chilliness in the rectum after stool. Biting and burning in the rectum during and after stool. “As if something were moving up and

down in the stomach”.


    Indigo.: for threadworm in a melancholic child with intense pain in the umbilical region .Convulsion from worms

    Teucr.: Itching of anus ,constant irritation in the evening in bed .Worms + restless at night .Crawling in the rectum after stool. Terrible itching in anus from pinworms

    Calad.: Itching from pinworms. Itching of vulva and vagina .Worms in little girls.

    Ars.: Burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus .Itching and eczematous eruptions around the anus. Anus red and sore


Symptoms of parasites in humans. Intestinal and stomach worms in humans like tapeworm, roundworm, pin worms and their natural homeopathy treatment.

Human intestinal parasites are usually intestinal worms that live in the small or large intestine and use the stool or blood from intestinal wall as a source of food.

Worms are intestinal parasites, which infest human beings as well as animals like cats, dogs etc. The common ones are roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm, hookworm etc.

Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites in Humans Adults & Children


Tapeworm - human parasite


Roundworms - parasites in human intestines

Fatigue, Symptoms include tiredness, flue-like symptoms, apathy, depression and a lack of concentration.

Gas and Stomach Bloating, Some parasites live in the upper intestine, which can cause both gas and stomach bloating.

Immune Dysfunction, Worms in Humans depress the immune system by decreasing immunoglobulin A.

Nervousness, The waste products from parasites irritate the nervous system, resulting in anxiety and restlessness.


Other Signs & Symptom of Worms & Parasites in Children

Pinworms - parasites in human stomach and intestines



Blisters can appear on the inside of the lower lip, wiping of the nose, restlessness and grinding of the teeth at night, dark circles under the eyes, hyperactive, bed wetting, headaches, sensitive to light, twitching eyelid, gum, rectum or nose bleeding are signs they may have worms & parasites.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Worms & Intestinal Parasites in Humans

Cina [Cina]

Produces a perfect picture of the wormy child. The patient is cross, irritable, has a sickly pale face with rings about the eyes, grates the teeth at night and has a tendency

to convulsions; there is canine hunger or variable appetite; the child picks at its nose and cries out in its sleep; there is jerking of the hands and feet and a milky urine.

It does not correspond well to pin-worms and a noticeable symptoms is a bluish color about the mouth.

Santonine. [Sant]

The alkaloid of Cina is also a remedy for round worms. It is not a safe remedy as Cina and no more efficacious. The writer has observed convulsions produced by its use

in too low potencies.

Caladium. [Calad]

Useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in little girls, with tendency to excite masturbation.

Teucrium. [Teucr]

The remedy for ascarides or pin-worms; there is much irritation caused by them in the rectum. Hughes prefers the tincture or lower dilutions, saying that it rarely fails in this condition. Another remedy for pin-worms is Sinapis nigra.

Cina and Cicuta are often indicated in convulsions from worms.

Spigelia. [Spig]

Strabismus, jerking with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, faint, nauseated feeling with colic about the navel caused by the presence of worms, will indicate Spigelia. It has stools consisting of mucus, faces and worms. The tincture on a handkerchief and inhaled will frequently arrest convulsions from worms.

Ignatia [Ign]

Is useful where the child is much excited and has tickling and creeping at the anus.

Ind. [Indg]

Is a remedy for ascarides or thread-worms in melancholy children, with intense pain in the umbilical region, also convulsions from worms.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

Has worm symptoms with nausea, vomiting and colic.

Stannum. [Stann-met.]

According to Hahnemann, Stannum so stupefies the worms that they are easily dislodged by purgatives. It has many worms symptoms; thus pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings, Sluggish disposition, general torpor, foetor of breath and passive fever. Patient prefers to lie on stomach.

Calcarea [Calc] a valuable remedy to eradicate the disposition to worms.


Hookworm a parasite found in human intestine


[Dr. Zopfy]

Cuprum oxydatum nigrum. [Cupr-o-n.]

In his sixty years’ practice asserts that this remedy will remove all kinds of worms, cure trichinosis, and even tapeworm. He gives it in small doses, about the 1X,

in alternation with Nux vomica 4 or 5x daily for 4 to 6 weeks, which always suffices to cure tapeworm without causing the patient any inconvenience.

[M.E. Douglass, M.D.]

Abrot.: indicated for the child who is cross and depressed and has marasmus or worms.



Parasiten im Dickdarm: Was machen, wenn mein Kind Madenwürmer hat?

Aktualisiert am 14. Juli 2020, 10:16 Uhr

Sie stecken im Sand oder leben an schlecht gesäuberten Salatblättern: Wenn Madenwürmer in den Körper gelangen, werden sie zum Problem. Vor allem kleine Kinder

sind anfällig.

Bemerkt man, dass das kleine Kind sich nachts im Intimbereich juckt und kratzt, könnte ein Madenwürmer-Befall dahinterstecken. Dieser bleibt oft längere Zeit unbemerkt. Madenwürmer beim Kind: Wie macht man den Parasitenbefall ausfindig?

Da sich die Parasiten im Dickdarm einnisten, bleibt der Befall oft längere Zeit unbemerkt, erklärt die Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen. Doch sobald die Weibchen nachts

zum After wandern und dort in den Hautfalten ihre Eier ablegen, kommt der Juckreiz.

Um herauszufinden, ob es einen Parasitenbefall gibt, sollten Eltern genau hinschauen, ob sich eventuell kleine Würmer in der Windel oder der Unterhose befinden - und

einen Klebestreifen-Test machen. Dabei drücken sie einen gewöhnlichen Klebestreifen kurz auf den Bereich rund um den After, packen ihn in eine Tüte oder ein verschlossenes Glas hinein und nehmen ihn mit in die Kinderarztpraxis, rät die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA). Unterm Mikroskop können die Mediziner dann die Eier sehen.

Parasitenbefall kann zu Entzündung führen

Der Befall kann zwar unangenehm sein, ist in der Regel jedoch harmlos. Bei Mädchen kann es zu Entzündungen im Genitalbereich kommen. Durchfälle, Bauchschmerzen

und Übelkeit sind bei sehr starkem Befall möglich, vereinzelt kommt es zu Entzündungen in der Darmwand.

Nach Angaben der BZgA verschwinden die Parasiten bei einer Behandlung mit einem Entwurmungsmittel nach kurzer Zeit. Die Familie, die mit im Haushalt wohnt, und weitere enge Kontaktpersonen sollten sich in der Regel ebenfalls behandeln lassen – weil das Risiko, dass sie sich angesteckt haben, groß ist.

Diese Hygieneregeln sollte man beachten

Die Eier der Würmer bleiben nach Angaben der Apothekerkammer bei kühlen und feuchten Bedingungen bis zu drei Wochen infektiös. Von den Händen der Kinder

gelangen sie an Türklinken, Spielzeug oder Handtücher.

Darum gilt es, Kuscheltiere, Bettzeug, Kleidung und andere Textilien bei 60° C waschen, und Kinderzimmer sowie Toilette, Waschbecken, Armaturen, Türklinken und Plastikspielzeug gründlich zu reinigen. Dieselben Regeln gelten auch bei Kopflaus-Befall.

Die Kinder sollten ihre Hände regelmäßig gründlich waschen und die Fingernägel kurz geschnitten haben. Trägt der Nachwuchs noch Windel, sollte man ihn möglichst eng wickeln, damit er sich nicht während des Schlafes wieder im Intimbereich kratzt und die Wurmeier wieder an die Hände gelangen. Denn es kommt häufig vor, dass sich Kinder erneut anstecken, wenn sie sich die Hände danach in den Mund stecken.

Generell gelangen Madenwürmer oft über Spuren von infiziertem Kot, die sich zum Beispiel in der Erde oder im Sand oder an Gegenständen verstecken, in den Körper der Kleinen. Eine Infektion ist auch über Kotreste möglich, die an schlecht gesäuberten Salatblättern hängen.

Die Infektion mit den 3 - 12 Millimeter kleinen Madenwürmern ist laut BZgA hierzulande die häufigste Wurmerkrankung.


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