Harnröhre (Urethra)


Vergleich: Siehe: Organen + Krankheiten


[Robert Medhurst]

Urinary tract infections or UTIs are one of the more common conditions we see in clinical practice. The lifetime incidence rate for this illness for women is 50%, and 5% for men. Babies and the elderly form two of the high risk groups for UTIs. The more specific groups at higher risk of developing this disorder are sexually active women, diabetics, men with pre-existing prostate disease, those with urinary catheters, and babies born with anatomical disorders of the urinary tract that result in vesico-ureteric reflux.

UTI is a general term encompassing urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. The disease is usually associated with a bacterial infection (E.coli), although infection with mycoplasma or Chlamydia

<: cases of urethritis, may be involved. The symptoms commonly include chills, fever, dysuria, haematuria, urinary frequency, a feeling of fullness in the bladder after voiding urine and suprapubic, back or loin pain.

Failure to successfully manage UTIs may result in the progression to a more severe infection, and the development of hypertension as well as kidney failure. Medically,

UTIs are frequently treated with antibiotics, but the rates of resistance to these drugs, particularly the older antibiotics, are rising significantly, leading to increased levels of UTI recurrence that become harder and harder to manage. From a naturopathic perspective, berberine-containing herbs, Cranberry, Buchul and Olive leaf are often helpful,

but patient compliance with regimes employing these herbs can often be problematic. Prevention using things such as super-hydration (while avoiding electrolyte deficiency), Cranberry and probiotics can be successful, but often fail to halt an active UTI.

In my experience and that of several noted authorities in this area1-9, there are a number of homeopathic medicines that have been found to be very effective in the management of urinary tract infections. Brief discussions on these medicines follow, and it should be noted that these appear here for educational purposes only, and are not intended to replace the advice of a competent and qualified healthcare practitioner.



One of the most commonly used homeopathic medicines in UTIs. The primary symptom is intense scalding or burning pain, either with or without urination. Urine is passed

by drops and each drop of urine passed is often described as being like passing burning acid. There may also be anxiety, restlessness, urinary tenesmus, haematuria, the urine may appear jelly like or contain substances with the appearance of scales. Severe urging to urinate and cramping around the urinary bladder may be reported.

<: drinking coffee/drinking or hearing running water; >: cold applications/rubbing/ completely voided the bladder;



Burning pain. The sufferer may appear thirsty, anxious and restless. There’s often frequent urging that produces very little urine, and the urine that is produced may be scanty, burning and albuminous. White cells, red cells, and epithelial cells may be present in the urine. Other indicators are diarrhoea, chilliness, as well as weakness or exhaustion.

<: after midnight/cold (drinks); >: heat/warm drinks;



History of urinary and faecal incontinence with dull pain in the area of the bladder or right-sided lumbar pain, and a feeling of fullness or incomplete emptying of the bladder that is not relieved by urination. The urine is normally albuminous and is only produced drop by drop. There is often frequent urging to urinate with strong burning urethral pain (end of urination). The UTI may coincide with pregnancy or may occur post-partum. <: r./motion/sitting/pressure; >: afternoon/lying down;



The common guides are the colour and smell of their urine (dark brown/a strong and offensive ammoniacal odour). History of depression, asthma, enuresis, cystitis, gout, cracking joints and renal insufficiency. Sufferers may also have an odour about them like urine. <: cold/motion; >: heat/profuse urination;



Often weakness, depression, nocturnal enuresis or enuresis from coughing or sneezing, excessive perspiration, a yellowish skin and a history of recurrent cystitis. The urine may appear thick and offensive and there may be haematuria. Fine gravel may be present in the urine. Urination may be slow + a suprapubic bearing down sensation and may be preceded by a cutting sensation in the bladder. <: afternoon/evening/coitus/before a thunderstorm and after sweating. >: exercise/warmth/drawing the limbs up/after sleep;



Nephritis and urethritis (with haematuria). The urine may have a characteristic odour of violets, it may be scanty or suppressed and have a muddy sediment if allowed to settle. Tenesmus and strangury may be reported here with location of the pain bladder # umbilicus. <: pressure; >: motion (walking);



Consider with renal colic and produces urine in a thin weak stream of bloody urine. A descending burning pain in the region of the right kidney may be reported. Severe pain may be felt (meatus), before and while urinating, but more commonly when passing the last few drops. There may be a slight dribbling enuresis while sitting. Urinary tenesmus may be present and a chill may spread from the bladder when urinating. <: cold/motion/pressure/sitting; >: warmth/standing;



Constant urging to urinate and an intense burning sensation on urination followed by perspiration. Haematuria, urinary tenesmus, diarrhoea and general irritation of most mucus membranes may also guide this prescription. There may be a stabbing pain ascending up the urethra into the bladder. The urine is characteristically albuminous, cloudy and bloody, scanty, hot and burning and is passed drop by drop. A greenish urethral discharge may also be noted. <: t night; >: rest;



Sensitive, nervous and irritable and have a history of recurring cystitis or prostatitis, and often it’s triggered by internalised anger, emotional upset or while convalescing.

There may be urinary urgency, frequent but ineffectual urging to urinate, a feeling of pressure in the bladder as well “As if feeling as if a drop of urine is rolling continuously along the urethra”. The pain in this instance may be burning in character and occur during or long after urination has ceased. Commonly develop after sexual intercourse, giving rise to what’s often referred to as honeymoon cystitis. Foreign bodies such as catheters, cystoscopes and surgical procedures may also be implicated as the cause of the infection. <: anger/touching affected parts/sexual excess; >: warmth/rest at night/lying curled up on the side;



Often come on very suddenly (exposure to dry cold weather or very hot weather, and may + fever. Fear and anxiety, as well as physical and mental restlessness may be observed. The urine may be scanty and blood stained and the sufferer may complain of sensitivity in the kidney areas, urinary tenesmus and severe burning pain on urination. Urinary retention may cause severe pain and increased restlessness. <: r./pressure/lying on the affected side/evening/night; >: rest;



This can be particularly useful in cases where the UTI is associated with prostatitis. There may be urinary urgency inhibited by a restriction to urine flow, requiring straining to pass the urine, as well as burning on urination. The urine in this instance is often scanty and cloudy and contains a stringy mucoid sediment. The sufferer may complain of swelling of the prostate, as if he’s sitting on a ball. Symptoms are worse on the left side, from sitting on a cold surface and during cold, damp weather, and > walking.



Chronic recurrent UTIs (associated with hormonal changes related to pregnancy, menopause or menses). Weepiness, a clingy disposition, a lack of thirst and appetite for food as well as a dislike of warm, stuffy rooms may be noted, These features, along with a paroxysmal burning dysuria, urgency worse on lying down and urinary incontinence, particularly  from coughing or sneezing, often guide the prescriber to the remedy. <: before menses/lying on the back/walking/cold, wet weather/getting the feet wet)

>:  in open air/consolation.



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